人教版(新起点)二年级下册-Unit 4 Time-Story Time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:e0677).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_二年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Time_Story Time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:e0677)
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Unit4 The Rabbit and the Turtle Chengdu Mochi Academy Primary School Yang Bizhen What time is it? What time is it? Look, listen and chant.swf ride a bike 11:10 play football fly a kite 11:00 11:50 ride a bike fly a kite 11:30 11:20 play football The rabbit and the turtle.qsv ? ? ? ? 11:00 11:50 11:30 11:20 11:10 What time is it? Its 11:00. Lets start! Its 11:10. Lets play football. What time is it? Its 11:20. Lets _. What time is it? fly the kite Its 11:30. Lets _ What time is it? ride the bike. Oh,really? _ now? Its 11:50. What time is it Oh,Im late! I win! ? ? ? ? 11:00 11:50 11:30 11:20 11:10 Lets start. 11:0011:00 11:1011:10 11:2011:20 11:3011:30 11:5011:50 11:00 11:50 11:30 11:20 11:10 Pride goes before a fall.-the Bible (骄兵必败。圣经) 1 AnalysisAnalysis ofof TeachingTeaching MaterialMaterial (教材分析)(教材分析) This is the 4th period of this unit. The theme of this unit is “Time”,which belongs to the second grade English published by Peoples Education Press. The lesson focuses on talking about story-“race between the rabbit and the turtle” in which activities are closely related to students real life,and in accord with students cognitive level,aiming at letting students grasp the story plot,retell the story and then try to play roles as rabbit,turtle,dog,monkey and angel with the help of the teacher, the pictures,the video and the chant. AnalysisAnalysis ofof StudentsStudents (学情分析)(学情分析) The objects of this lesson are students in Grade 2. Students in this phase has already learned expressions of how to ask time and give corresponding answers utilising sentence pattern:What time is it?Its.Moreover,they have learnt the story of “The Race between Rabbit and Turtle” in Chinese class.Thus they must have mastered some skills of time-learning and fully prepared to learn the lesson cognitively. However,elementary school students lack the ability of systematic autonomous language learning and some students have no confidence of English learning. Therefore, it requires teachers to set up the tasks from easy to the advanced to guide them. Whats more, elementary school students tend to focus on image thinking because of the absence of the mature, abstract, and logical thinking, thus teachers should design various interesting, fun and relaxing activities to sustain students interests and attention. 2 Knowledge Aims ( (知识目标知识目标) ) 1) Students can identify and say the expressions of the story:What time is it?Its./Lets./ 2) Students can vividly pronounce modal particle:Oh! Really?/Oh!Im late./I win! Ability Aims ( (能力目标能力目标) ) 1)Ss will be able to extract the information about time, activities,story plot from reading material. 2)Be capable of retelling the story. TeachingTeaching AimsAims ( (教学目标教学目标) ) Emotional Aims ( (情感目标情感目标) ) 1)Enjoy the happiness of English reading. 2)Be active and cooperative in team work,enjoy the sense of achievement in coopeartion. 3)Be modest to others. KeyKey pointspoints ( (教学重点教学重点) ) 1)Students can identify and say the expressions of the story:What time is it?Its./Lets./ 2)Students can vividly pronounce modal particle:Oh!Really?Oh!Im late.I win! DifficultDifficult PointsPoints ( (教学难点教学难点) ) 1)The expressions of activities:Lets.&the modal particle:Oh!Really?/Oh! Im late!/I win! 2)Enable all of my Ss to retell the story smoothly and correctly. TeachingTeaching ApproachesApproaches ( (教法教法) ) The Communicative Teaching Method The Situational Teaching Method The Total Physical Response Teaching Method LearningLearning MethodsMethods ( (学法学法) ) The Cooperative Learning Method The Communicative Learning Method TeachingTeaching Aids(Aids(教具教具) ) Textbook,Flash, Video ,Pictures,Cards, Power Point,Multimedia, Blackboard 3 Teaching procedures Teaching content Teachers activities Students activities Teaching purpose Step1 Review& Warm-up Unit4 Lesson 1A 1. Show a clock, asking what time it is. 2. Sing and act the chant. 3. Game: Flash words 1.Think and answer the question. 2.Sing and act the chant. 3.Show the flash words in limited time. To review what theyve learnt before Step2 Pre-reading (Lead-in) A preset scene of the forest and the main scence 1. Lead students to observe a picture of some animals: Q: What animals can you see? 2.Show students a video clip concerning “the Rabbit and the Turtle”. 1.Observe the picture and answer the questions. . 2.Watch the video,think about what will happen between the rabbit and turtle . 1. to catch students attention and arouse their interests. 2.to liven up the lesson and lead in the topic - The Rabbit andtheTurtle in real situation. 4 Q:What will happen between the rabbit and the turtle? 3.Present the 1st picture and last picture of the story. Q1:Is the rabbit happy?(p1) Q2:Is the rabbit happy? Q3:Is the turtle happy?(P2) 4.Listen and talk:Why is the rabbit sad? 3.Think and talk about their idea. 3.to predict the story Step3 While- reading (Presentation of the story) Story plot 1.Read and match:present the main scene as a whole. 2.Show the story and play tape picture by picture. P1: The conversation between the 1.Read pictues and complete match. 2.Read the story step by step and analyse the personality and reason why the rabbit loses in the race. 1.to extract the main information. 2.to present the story interestingly in a clear clue and deepen the understandin -g of the story. 5 rabbit and the turtle:Its 11:00. Lets start. P2: The conversation between the rabbit and dog:Its 11:10. Lets play football. P3: The conversation between the rabbit and monkey. P4 : P5 The conversation between the rabbit and angel. P6: The ending of story:the turtle wins the race,the rabbit is very sad. 1.Play the tape 3.Listen to the tape and try to imitate the intonation,stress pronunciation. 4.Think and fill in the blanks. 3.Cultivate the ability of analysis. 4.Enhance the authentic Pronunciatio -.n and analyze the change of rabbits and turtles mood. 6 Step4 Post-reading (Practice) 1.Practice1: Listen and match. 2.Practice2: Listen and point. 3.Practice3: Read and say./Act and guess and tell the rules of time map. 2.Lead students to imitate the pronunciation, stress,intonation. 3.Present picture about activity expressions and modal particle, then act them telling Ss to guess. 1.Listen and complete time map. 2.Listen and point. 3.Read the pictures and say expressions loudly. Look at teacher and guess the meaning of action. Consolidate key points . Step5 Production &Assignmen t Story-retelling Role-play Summary 1. Draw a route of rabbits experience in the story and retell together with Ss. 2.Make students form a group of 5,encourage Ss to show. 3.Activate Ss to share what they have learnt from the story. 4.Assign homework. 1.Retell the story according to picture route. 2.Retell the story while acting the story in groups. 3.Talk about what they have learnt from the story. 4.Role play as turtle,rabbit,dog to examine Ss ability of transforming the input through listening and reading into output by speaking. 7 ,monkey,Angel in groups. Blackboard design Main Scene Assessment 8 Time Map Teaching reflection Based on Cultivation of the English key competence:Language Competence(语言能力)、Thinking Quality(思维品质)、Learning Competence(学习能力) and American educator Dewery(杜威) s natural learning ideas,my teaching design has adopted following teaching theory: learning in doing,learning for using. First,I helped Ss to realize teaching objectives:1)Students can identify and say the expressions of the story:What time is it?Its./Lets.2)Students can vividly pronounce modal particle:Oh!Really?Oh!Im late.I win!After class,my Ss can identify and speak the target words&expressions about how to ask time , give corresponding answer and connect it with daily activities.Most of my Ss can retell the whole story vividly according to the “Time Map”. Second,in the learning process,my Ss enjoyed the Situational learning atmosphere to taste the happiness of English reading, enjoyed the sense of achievement in cooperation and connected the story with their actual learning and life, which can enhance their understanding 9 of the story more deeply:1.Pride goes before a fall.(骄兵必败。)2.Be modest to others instead of be proud.3.Dont look down upon others shortcomings.etc.During the teaching procedure, the task design has embodied the English learning key competence. Third, I have built ladders for my students step by step, Besides, I have taken a formative assessment as rabbit and the turtle. But how to strengthen all of Ss confidence still needs exploring and studying. 第 1 页 共 4 页 “The Rabbit and the Turtle” -The 4th Period of Unit4( Story Time) DistinguishedDistinguished judges,myjudges,my fellow,collegues:fellow,collegues:(P1-P2P1-P2) GoodGood Morning!Morning! Its honorable for me to share my teaching idea in front of you.Today my topic is “Welcome to our party,Lead-in:How to give advice on going to a party”. First of all,Id like to share some of my teaching thoughts. Based on English teaching feature : instrumentality(工具性) , humanity(人文 性)and American educator Dewery(杜威) s natural learning ideas,my teaching design has adopted following theory:transcultural communication,learning in doing,doing in learning. According to the teaching thoughts Ill present my teaching design into the following 6 parts: Analysis of Teaching Materials; Analysis of Students; Teaching methods and Learning Strategies; Teaching Aids,Teaching Procedures; and Teaching Reflections. 一、一、AnalysisAnalysis ofof TeachingTeaching MaterialsMaterials(P3-P4P3-P4) Firstly, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my first part in Analysis of Teaching Materials. This class is taken from Unit 4 of Basic Module 1, published by Higher Education Press. It emphasizes tasks, leaning by doing and leaning for using. And Unit 4 talks about party and contains six parts. The class Im teaching is the first period focusing on listening and speaking about giving advice on going to a party. 二、二、AnalysisAnalysis ofof StudentsStudents(P5-P9P5-P9) Then we move to the second part: My Ss are in senior one, majoring in Finance&accounting. Before class,I did research about how many words about weather Ss have known and the interests about foreign culture.Some Ss have masted some words about weather.Their personalities are active,creative,energetic,some students show us good cooperative awareness and great intesests in foreign culture,while shortcomings are also apparent,such as lack of vocabulary about party,basic advice language,even no less than 50% of students are lacking in self- confidence during total English communicating with others.However,there will be so many chances for them to chat with foreigners about culture and customs. So according to the teaching contents and the situations of my students, I set the following teaching objectives and points. (P10-P14) Knowledge objectives: 第 2 页 共 4 页 1.Ss will be able to identify and speak the target words& expressions accurately. 2.Ss will be able to give advice on party with correct sentence pattern. Ability objective: The Ss can use the sentence patterns to give adivice on going to a party communicatively. Moral objectives: 1.Arouse the Ss interests in English communication. 2. Cultivate Ss transcultural awareness through foreign party culture learning. 3. Develop the Ss sense of cooperation. Key Points Teaching Difficulties: The important points of this lesson should be target words and expressions as well as useful sentence patterns to give advice on going to a party. Such as “What shall I bring for Christmas party? Its Youd better” Among all these important points, enable all the Ss to give advice on going to a party communicatively can be the special difficulty. 三、三、TeachingTeaching andand LearningLearning StrategiesStrategies(P15-P16P15-P16) Next let me share my Teaching Method and Learning Strategies. As Ive planned the teaching idea of learning by doing and teaching by doing to my class, I choose the following teaching methods: The 3P Teaching Method,The Communicative Teaching Method,The Situational Teaching Method. And learning strategies are as useful as teaching methods. Here according to the understanding of my students I choose The Cooperative Learning,The Communicative Learning strategies. To make my class more interesting and efficient, I also make use of some modern technologies, such as Authorware, Network ,multimedia as well as traditional means. 四、四、TeachingTeaching Procedures(P21-P26)Procedures(P21-P26) Now here we come to the details in my teaching procedures. I have three parts here: Preview before class, Practice in class and Expand after class. Before class This is a popoular English learning website:Keke English learning online, my Ss can preview some materials about party phrases and party culture , such as the Talk Show named “party language”. In this way I can help my Ss preview the teaching content online. In-class Design: Lead-in( 3min ) ( P23 ) 1.1. Now welcome to my class. In my class I carefully designed five steps and my 第 3 页 共 4 页 teaching time is as follows. First Ill introduce my American English teacher Emily & Cam and background about welcome party,2words about weather and bringing object:rainy,umbrella with the question:Can you guess the weather on that day?What should be brought? 2. Then Ill let my Ss know our task today is: to give advice on going to a party for their friends to arouse the interest of my Ss. Presentation: ( 11min )(P24) 1.Having my Ss know todays task Ill help get my Ss go on to identify target language including partys types,expressions of weather and bringing ojects. First Ill help my Ss learn the phrases of party by picture identification and situations setting. 2.The target words and expressions are rainy ,umbrella,Birthday party,Garden party,sunny,sunglasses,snowy,coat,windy and jacket. In this way I can help my Ss learn by using. Practice: Words&Conversation Drill: ( 10min )(P25) 1. Having my Ss master all these target phrases, Ill help my Ss consolidate words about party,weather and bringing objects by 3-level practice from easy to difficult. Then I will show a listening conversation about giving advice on going to a party in the form of “Listen and match”, “Listen and complete”, “Ask and give advice” to practice as advice seeker and advisor. For example “What shall I bring for the Chirstmas party?Its snowy.Youd better wear your coat.”By doing this I can build a ladder for my Ss from word to sentences. Production(Task Performing): ( 15min )(P26) The last but most important task is dialogue presentation.The 3-star task stands for the challenging level while 2-star and 1-star for gradual easy. The challenging level with no hints but pictures for each weather and bringing object while the 2-star task with structure and 1-star task with both pictures and hints of sentence patterns. (P29-P31) In this way, I can get my Ss to choose their task levels according to the real situation and demands, which overcomes the limitation of traditional one. Evaluation and Homework: ( 5min ) (P27-P31) 1.
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