人教版(新起点)三下Unit 4 My Family-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:300f6).doc

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1、d dUnitUnit 4 4 Lesson3Lesson3 教学设计教学设计 TeachingTeaching aimsaims: 1.能够读懂关于寻找物品主人的对话,并能根据对话中的信息完成任务。 2.能够根据对话信息,补全短文中主要信息,完成对话转述任务。 TeachingTeaching keyskeys andand difficultiesdifficulties 重点:能够读懂关于寻找物品主人的对话。 难点:(1)词汇 lost 的发音以及意思。 (2)完成对话转述任务。 TeachingTeaching proceduresprocedures 一一Step1.Warming-

2、upStep1.Warming-upandand revisionrevision T:Good morning ,boys and girls. Nice to meet you. In this class ,I divide our class into two groups,A and B . Group A , She is your group leader .She has big eyes and long hair. She is beautiful and short.Can you guess who she is? Ss 猜测。Group B ,He is your g

3、roup leader .He has small eyes and short hair. He is handsome and tall.Can you guess who he is? Ss 猜测。 Boys and girls,If your group get more stars, you will be the winners. 设计意图:把学生分成 A、B 两组,设立组长,通过描述组长的外 貌,让学生猜测谁是组长,一方面激发了学生的竞争意识与兴趣,另一 方面通过教师的描述,学生能回忆描述人的外貌的语句,为新课教学做好 铺垫。 (1)T:Now lets begin our cl

4、ass,today we will learn Unit4 My Family Lesson3. 出 示 Bill 图 片 ,Bill wants to invite us to chant ,are you ready?师生共说 Unit4Lesson1 歌谣。 设计意图:通过 chant 学生能把注意力投入到学习中,在课堂上 能处于兴奋、积极和活跃的学习的状态中。 (2)Just now, we have seen Bills family. Do you remember who they are? T 出示 Bill 家庭成员图片, Who are they? Ss review th

5、e words about family members. 教师举例描述 Bills grandfather 的样子, T:This is Bills uncle, what does he look like?Ss 回答。This is Bills father, what does he look like? Ss 回答。Bills uncle and Bills father, who is handsome?Ss 回答。T: This is Bills mother, what does she look like?Ss 回答。T:This is Bills aunt, what do

6、es she look like? Ss 回答。Bills mother and Bills aunt , who is beautiful? 设计意图:通过家谱树复习 Unit4Lesson1 家庭成员单词,学生通 过图片描述爸爸,叔叔等的样子,为新知教学做好铺垫。 Step2.Step2. PresentationPresentationandand practicepractice T: Bill is a good boy in their family. He is also a good boy in the school. Lets have a look together. (

7、1)T 设计情境出示图书馆图片 Now where is he?Ss 回答。 继续 出示水瓶图片 What does he find? Ss 回答。Who lost the water bottle? 教师解释 lost 的词义,帮助学生理解题目意思。Do you want to know who lost the water bottle? 设计意图:通过图片和提问,引出 Bill 在图书馆,发现了水瓶, 最后引出本课主题 Who lost the water bottle?环环相扣,激发学生的 学习欲望,找到丢失水瓶的同学。 (2)播放对话录音,让学生认真听录音,边听边指认文字,找出丢 水

8、瓶的同学名字。T: Now,listen to the tape and try to find who lost the water bottle?Ss 回答问题。 设计意图:第一遍听音找到丢失水瓶的同学的名字。 (3)让学生再次听对话,画出描述男孩外貌衣着的语句。What does Li Ming look like? Is he tall orshort ? Does he have big eyes or small eyes? What is he wearing ? Now,listen to the tape again and underline the sentences.

9、设计意图:第二遍听音,加大难度,画出描述 Li Ming 的句子。从 第一遍听音到第二遍听音提出的要求, 由易到难, 符合学生的认知过程。 (4)师生订正答案。打开隐藏板书 T: Look here,who is Li Ming? T and Ss describe the three boys and tick Li Ming. 设计意图:本环节教师引导学生描述隐藏板书上的 3 个男孩,最终 确定 Li Ming,促进 Ss 语言的内化,增加 Ss 练习机会。 (5) 再次播放录音, 学生模仿语音、 语调, 跟读对话内容。 Read after the tape. 设计意图:录音示范朗读,为

10、 Ss 树立朗读榜样。 (6)Encourage the students to read the dialogue with their partners .T:read the text with your partners,then read in roles.Ss 分角色朗读课文。 设计意图: 分角色朗读学生会感觉身临其境, 有利于深刻地理解文本。 (7)T :There are some difficult words and key phrases become some moles.Lets whack them ,OK? 设计意图:教师描述难词和重点短语变成了鼹鼠,设置打地鼠游

11、戏 让学生在玩中对本课的难点词汇和重点短语加深记忆与理解。 (8)选出能力强的同学到黑板前表演对话。Practice the dialogue with your partners and then lets role-play. 设计意图:Ss 能亲身体验语言是交际工具,从而培养 Ss 记忆,思 维,口语能力。 (9)T:Bill is a good boy . Can you tell Bills story in your group.Ss 尝试阅读 B 项小文段,小组内讨论,说一说应该怎么填。邀请 23 名学生根据 ppt 提示口头汇报小短文。 设计意图:口头表达为后面的书写环节做铺垫

12、。 Step3.ConsolidationStep3.Consolidation andand extensionextension (1)T:Bill is really a good boy . He becomes a star in the school. We should learn from him. Lets write down Bills story together.According to your ability, you can choose A or B. 我们 写一篇 Bill 的小故事吧,号召全校同学向他学习。请学生独立完成书写 任务。教师巡视,观察学生书写,

13、并及时帮助指导。 设计意图:设立情境,学生进行书写,写是输出环节,我设计了 AB 两项内容让每个不同层级学生都能得到锻炼。 (2)Ss 展示书写,师生共同评价 T:Who can show your writing? 设计意图: 利用白板的标注功能学生进行修改, 增加学生的参与度, 提高学习的实效性。 Step4.summaryStep4.summary andand homeworkhomework Boys and girls,not to pocket the monkey one picks up.Its our Chinese traditional virtue. We should learn from Bill. Can you do that ? Me too.Nowlets have a look which group is the winner? Group . is the winner .Congratulations.The class is over. Remember your homework: A Share Bills story with your friends. B Continue to write Bills story. You can choose one to finish.


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