人教版(新起点)三下Unit 5 Family Activities-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:00c07).docx

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1、人教版英语人教版英语一年级起点一年级起点 三年级下册三年级下册 UnitUnit 5 5FamilyFamily activitiesactivities( (第第二二课时课时) )教学方案设计教学方案设计 课题Unit 5Family activities 教材分析 本节课是人教版小学英语第五单元句型教学课。 人教版英语 (一年级起点) 这套教材以小学生的生活经验和认知水平为基本出发点,充分体现现代化教 学理念和素质教育的思想,力求做到寓教于乐,寓学于做,使学生积极尝试 体验、实践、感悟、探究等学习方式,在培养语言能力的同时发展思维能力, 创造良好的语言学习环境,使学习情感、学习能力和跨文化

2、交际意识渗透在 语言学习的过程之中。本节课是人教版小学英语第五单元 Unit 5Family activities 的第二课时,这一课时主要围绕家庭活动具体展开,所以能够听懂 会说会用 Whats he/she doing?He/She isWhat are you/they doing?I am/They are. 来询问他人正在做什么,并能正确回答他人的提问,成了本课的重难 点。 学情分析 三年级的孩子有一定的语言基础,部分孩子在课堂上能积极主动学习英 语,但有大部分孩子英语基础较差,课堂上学习主动性和自觉性差,所以两 极分化较大。但学生对每单元的单词学习和对话学习都比较感兴趣。 教学目标

3、 1、技能目标: 听:能听懂、理解本单元的 7 个重点短语和重点句型; 说:能说有关家庭活动的短语,能回答老师的提问; 读:能正确朗读语音词汇,能读本课对话; 写:能正确是书写本课家庭活动的句子,为正确抄写句子和独立写句 子打基础。 2、知识目标: 词汇: play with , in one hour 句型: What is he/she doing? He/She is . What are you/they doing? I am/They are. 3、情感、文化、策略目标 体会到英语学习的乐趣; 能在小组活动中乐于与他人合作,共同完成学习任务; 通过学习明白中西方打电话的差异。 学会

4、正确询问他人意见,学会尊重他人。 教学重点及 难点 能够听懂、会说、会用询问对方和别人在干什么的功能句 What is he/she doing?He/She is .What are they doing?They are. 教学辅助 CAI, PPT 教学方法 教学方法:情景法, 交际法, 任务型教学法 学习方式:合作学习,自主学习,任务型学习 教学过程 教学内容 教学活动 设计意图 教师活动学生活动 Step 1:Greetings Good afternoon, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Say, “ Hello” to teacher. 师生

5、问候 Step 2: Review & Lead-in 1.Lets chant. 2.Look and say. What are they doing? They are What is he/she doing? He/She is 3.Do you want to know what Andy is doing? 1.Sing the song with the video. 2.Answer Ts questions with the pictures on the PPT. 3. Yes, we do. 活跃课堂氛 围, 复习本单 元第一课时 所学家庭活 动短语, 将旧 知激活,

6、并引 入新课。 Step3: Look, listen and repeat. 1. Letslistenandfindthe answer. 2. WhatisAndysfavourite sport? 3. What is Andys sister doing? 4. Can they play now? 5. Listen and repeat. 6. Pair work. 1.Andy is watching TV. 2.Andys favourite sport is basketball. 3. Shes cleaning the room. 4. No,they cant.(Bu

7、t they can all play in one hour. ) 听音一步一 步解决问题, 了解对话意 义,会读对 话,会对话。 Step4:Lets play. 1.Watch the video to see the rules. 2. Lets play. You can also use Unit 3 phrases: playing sportsdrawing pictures playingchessdancing singingsongsreading books flying a kiteriding bike swimmingmaking a snowman making

8、 a model plane 1.Set an example. A:What are they doing? B:Im cooking dinner. C:Imlisteningto music. 2.Practise. 3.Show time. 让学生借助 动画, 初步感 知活动规则, 再请同学做 示范。 做游戏 时可借助第 三单元学习 的学校活动 课进行多方 位对话。 Step 5 Lets write 1.Lead the Ss to read out the sentences. 2.I set examples and remind them to pay attention to

9、 the first letter, punctuation, space and the correct writing of t 1.Read loudly. 2.Watch the teacher write carefully. 通过描摹体 会句子书写 规范, 为正确 抄写句子和 独立书写句 子打基础。 yTVandk . 3.Have them trace the first one or two. 4.Have them show on stage. 3.Trace on their own books. 4.Show on stage. Step6Summary and home

10、work 1. To know how to ask others ideas and respect others. 2.Todays homework. 3. Count the goals of each team to see which group is the winner . 4.Say goodbye to Ss. 1.To know how to ask othersideasand respect others. 2.Writedownthe homework. 3.Count the goals. 4.Say goodbye to T. 升华情感目 标, 让学生学 会尊重

11、他人 意见。 Classroom Assessment 把全班分成两个小组进行比赛,获胜组颁发奖品。 家庭作业:1. Read lesson 2 A to your family.(必选) 2. Trace the sentences on your books.(必选) 3.Draw a picture to introduce “What is he/she doing?/What are they doing?”(可选) 板书设计:Unit 5Family activities What is he/she doing? He/She is. What are you/they doing? I am/They are. 教学反思: 优点: 1、教学过程中重难点突出,设计了针对性的活动和任务来突破重难点; 2、充分发挥学生自己的自我学习能力和团队的合作能力; 不足: 1、课堂中提问还可以更精炼; 2、对学生的关注和鼓励还可以更多一些。


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