人教版(新起点)三下Unit 3 After School Activities-Fun Time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:84f86).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_三年级下册(2014年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 After School Activities_Fun Time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)__(编号:84f86)
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Unit 3 After School Activities (Fun time) Bomb Game Guess! What is he going to do after school? He is going to _ . What is he going to do after school? He is going to _ . draw pictures What is he going to do after school? He is going to _. What is he going to do after school? He is going to _. play chess What is he going to do after school? He is going to _. What is he going to do after school? He is going to _. play football What is she going to do after school? She is going to _. What is she going to do after school? She is going to _. dance After school, we P29 : hold a flea market Flea Market 跳蚤市场(flea market)是欧美等西方国 家对旧货地摊市场的别称 。 由一个个地摊摊位组成 ,出售商品多是旧货、人 们多余的物品等,小到小 装饰物,大到完整的旧汽 车、录像机、电视机、洗 衣机,一应俱全,应有尽 有,价格低廉。 现在在大多数学校都会 举办一年一度的跳蚤市场 活动。 After school, we volunteers do volunteer work After school, we learn new things After school, we go camping Lets make. Make a poster.小组合作制作一张海报。 1. Ask: What are you going to do after school? 小组中一人负责采访:你放学后要做什么?其他组员回答。 2. Write: at least 5 activities. 小组中一人负责记录,写下至少5种活动。 After School, We are going to Word Bank do homework play the piano learn English have maths class watch TV play football play basketball swim jump rope see a movie 1. Ask: What are you going to do after school? 小组中一人负责采访:你放学后要做什么?其他组员回答。 2. Write: at least 5 activities. 小组中一人负责记录,写下至少5种活动。 Lets report. Hello, everybody! After school, we are going to After school, We are going to Thank you! Show Time Lets do more meaningful activities after school! 课后多参加有意义的活动吧! Homework 1. Listen and read P29. 听读29页。 2. Make a plan for the weekend. 制定一个周末计划。 1 教材图片:教材图片: 2 背景分析与设计理念:背景分析与设计理念: 根据新英语课程标准中“倡导任务型的教学模式,使学生在教师的指导下, 通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务目标,感受成功”的理念,利 用多媒体课件为辅助教学手段,以各国小学生课后参加的活动为核心,以制作海报的 任务为载体,以学生为中心,采用猜测、视听、模仿以及小组合作活动方式,提高课 堂学习的实效性,使学生在自主参与学习和实践活动过程中实现综合语言运用能力的 提升。 教材分析:教材分析: 三年级下册一共有六个学习单元,包含了学校和家庭两方面的话题。本课时是第 三单元课后活动 Fun Time 的内容,是对本单元学习内容的一个延伸、拓展和综合运 用。其中 A 部分以图文结合的方式,介绍了与本单元话题相关的文化知识,孩子可以 了解各国小学生放学后参加的各种活动;B 部分是学生作品范例,引导孩子根据 A 项 所学知识,进行手工制作,发散思维,画出思维导图,综合运用所学语言。 学情分析:学情分析: 1.知识能力分析: 班上大部分孩子能对课文进行初步听读预习,有用英语表达的欲望,喜欢合作学 习,特别喜爱表演。少部分孩子学习还缺乏自觉性,不能够坚持跟读英语录音,缺乏 英语语感,不能完整表达句子,课堂参与度低。 2.学习基础分析: 三年级的孩子正处于语言发展的学习积累阶段,在前面三个单元的学习中,掌握 了与学校相关的各种表达以及放学后做什么的相关表达,这对本课时的学习会有很大 的帮助。不过,本课涉及到 hold a flea market, do volunteer work, learn new thing, go camping 等生词较多,孩子学起来可能会感到困难,因此应创造真实的语言环境、调 动孩子已有的知识和经验,帮助孩子感知词义。 3 教学目标:教学目标: 1.知识目标:知识目标: 了解各国小学生放学后参加的各种活动:hold a flea market, do volunteer work, learn new thing, go camping。 2.能力目标:能力目标: (1)能够把自己放学后进行的的活动制作成海报。 (2)能够就放学后进行的活动进行汇报展示。 3.情感目标:情感目标: 培养孩子乐观向上的生活情趣,学会课后尽量参加有意义的活动。 教学重、难点:教学重、难点: 1.重点:重点: (1)了解各国小学生放学后参加的各种活动。 (2)综合运用所学知识,制作海报并汇报表演。 2.难点:难点: (1)各国小学生放学后参加活动的英文表达。 (2)在有限的时间内完成制作海报并汇报表演。 教学准备:教学准备: 电子白板、PPT、教学光盘、单词卡、记号笔、卡纸 教学流程:(包含每个环节的设计意图)教学流程:(包含每个环节的设计意图) 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 1. Greeting: say hello to the students. 1. Greeting: say hello to the teachers. 师生互相问好, 创设和谐课堂 氛围。 Warm-up 2. Guide Ss to play Bomb Game.2. Play Bomb Game. 通过炸弹游戏, 4 复习所学动词 词组。 Lead-in Guess: P1: What is he going to do? P2: What is he going to do? P3: What is he going to do? P4: What is she going to do? Guess: He is going to play chess. He is going to play football. He is going to draw pictures. She is going to dance. 通过创设信息 差,一方面引 起孩子的兴趣, 一方面引入放 学后做什么的 主题。 Presentation 1. Have Ss look at the pictures in Part A and try to read by themselves. 2. Talk about the pictures. P1: Q: Who are they? What are they doing? Present “hold a flea market”. Explain what “flea market” means with pictures. P2: Q: Who are they? Present “volunteer”. Explain what “volunteer” means with pictures. P3: Q:What are they doing? Look at the pictures in Part A and try to read by themselves. Talk about the pictures. P1: They are students. They are. Listen and repeat the phrase. Get to know the phrase. P2: They are Learn the word. Get to know the word. P3: They are learning. 初步整体感知 本课时内容。 通过对每幅图 的观察、问答、 讲解和听读过 程,帮助孩子 理解图片内容, 并在情景中掌 握语言,理解 本课的难点。 5 Present “learn new things”. Explain what “learn new things” means with pictures. P4: Q: What are they doing? Explain with pictures like this: They go out and make up a tent. They play there, eat there and live there. This is call Listen and repeat this phrase. Listen and repeat the phrase. Get to know the phrase. P4: They are. Go camping. Listen and repeat this phrase. Practice 1. Have Ss Listen and repeat. 2. Read together. 1. Listen and repeat. 2. Read together. 通过跟读和朗 读,再次熟悉 并理解课文。 Extended Activity 1. Lets make. (1) Ask: What are you going to do after school? (2) Write down at least 5 activities. 2. Lets report. Hello, everybody! After school, we are going to We are going to Thank you! 1. Work in groups to make a poster. (1) Ask each other. (2) Write down at least 5 activities. 2. Report like this: Hello, everybody! After school, we are going to We are going to Thank you! 启发学生发散 思维,提高语 言综合运用能 力。 SummaryWatch a video to see what the Watch the video and get to know 了解国外孩子 6 children in foreign countries do after school or on the weekends? what the children in foreign countries do after school or on the weekends. 的课后活动, 并进行情感教 育:课后尽量 参加有意义的 活动! Homework 1. Listen and read P29. () 2.Make a plan for the weekend.() Finish the homework after class. 分层布置家庭 作业,充分给 予孩子选择的 权利;同时鼓 励孩子综合运 用所学语言。 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 3 After School Activity (Fun time) hold a flea market 海报 小组评价 do volunteer work After School, We Learn new things go camping 1
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