人教版(新起点)三下Unit 3 After School Activities-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:e0a7a).zip

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Unit 2 After School Activities LessonLesson 2 2 WhatWhat timetime isis it?it? aftraftr schoolschool I I act,act, youyou guess.guess. singsing songssongs dancedanceplayplay sportssports readread booksbooksdrawdraw picturespicturesplayplay chesschess activitiesactivities Warm-up Lets chant UnitUnit 3 3 LessonLesson 2 2 WhoWho areare talking?talking? A Look, listen and repeat. Presentation WhatWhat areare theythey talkingtalking about?about? A.A. ActivitiesActivities B.B. FoodFood YaoyaoYaoyao: : Binbin,Binbin, whatwhat areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? BinbinBinbin: : ImIm goinggoing toto playplay sports.sports. I I lovelove toto playplay football.football. WhatWhat isis BinbinBinbin goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? MaybeMaybe hehe isis goinggoing toto . afterafter school.school. WhatWhat aboutabout Yaoyao?Yaoyao? WhatWhat isis sheshe goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? YaoyaoYaoyao: : CanCan I I playplay withwith you?you? BinbinBinbin: : Sure!Sure! YaoyaoYaoyao: : Look,Look, therestheres Andy!Andy! WhatsWhats hehe goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? BinbinBinbin: : HesHes goinggoing toto readread books.books. WhoWho isis coming?coming? HeHe reallyreally likeslikes reading!reading! A Look, listen and repeat. Presentation Presentation Yaoyao:Yaoyao: Binbin,Binbin, whatwhat areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? Binbin:Binbin: ImIm goinggoing toto playplay sports.sports. I I lovelove toto playplay football.football. Yaoyao:Yaoyao: CanCan I I playplay withwith you?you? Binbin:Binbin: Sure!Sure! A. Look, listen and repeat. Yaoyao:Yaoyao: Look,Look, therestheres Andy!Andy! WhatsWhats hehe goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? Binbin:Binbin: HesHes goinggoing toto readread books.books. HeHe reallyreally likeslikes reading!reading! Practice WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? ImIm goinggoing toto afterafter school.school. B B LetsLets play.play. Presentation Practice WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? I Imm goinggoing toto HeHes/Shess/Shes goinggoing toto Practice C C LetsLets write.write. What are you going to do after school? I am going to dance. Q1:Q1: WhatWhat isis BinbinBinbin goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? Q2:Q2: CanCan YaoyaoYaoyao playplay withwith Binbin?Binbin? Q3:Q3: WhatWhat isis AndyAndy goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? HeHe isis goinggoing toto playplay sports.sports. Why?Why? Why?Why? HeHe isis goinggoing toto readread books.books. Yes,Yes, sheshe can.can. BecauseBecause hehe loveloves s toto playplay football.football. BecauseBecause hehe reallyreally likelikes s reading.reading. Lets review. Summary 如何询问“你放学后打算做什么”并回答? -What are you going to do after school? -Im going to 如何询问“他/她放学后打算做什么”并回答? -Whats he/she going to do after school? -Hes/Shes going to Homework Close 1. 在四线三格中正确仿写本节课单词。 2. 运用句型“What are you going to do after school?”和朋友相互询问彼此的课 外活动安排。 3. 预习Lesson3 A Read and match.。 教学内容:教学内容: Unit 3 After School Activities Lesson 2 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 能够听懂,会说询问某人放学后打算做什么的功能 句: What are you going to do after school? Whats he/she going to do after school?及其答语:Im going to . She/He is going to .并初步学会在恰当的情境中运用。 2. 通过描摹句子来体会句子的规范书写,为抄写句子和 独立写句子打基础。 教学重难点:教学重难点:1. 清楚的理解功能句所表达的意义和时间概念。 2. 能够识别 he 和 she 的第三人称单数形式,并作出 准确的表达。 教学准备:教学准备: 课本,点读机,卡片,PPT 教学过程:教学过程: 1. Warm up & revision 1. 师生对话问侯 T: Good morning, boys and girls . Nice to see you again. Ss: Good morning, teacher. Good morning, classmates. Nice to see you, too. T: whats the weather like today? How do you feel today? Ss: today is . Its . T: what time is it?出示 4 点的钟面。 Ss: it is 4 o clock. T: yes. At 4 o clock. Where are we going? Are we at school? Ss: no. we are going to home. T: yes. We also can call .由学生说出本课的 topic after school 并板书。 Ss: After school. T: Great, after school, what can we do? Lets play a game. 2. Act and say & Lets chant. 由老师表演 lesson 1 本课新的动词短语,学生来猜,以此来复习 lesson 1 部分的内容,孩子们说唱 lesson 1 的 A 部分 chant,并由此 引出 activities T: Boys and girls, sing songs, draw pictures. what are these? These are animals? These are food? Ss: No, activities. T: yes, we can do these activities in the Chinese class? Ss: No, we can do it after school. T: En, after school, we can do many activities. Our friends also have many activities after school. Lets look, what are they going to do after school? 2. Main scene 主情景图解析。主情景图解析。 Lets look and say. 观察主情境图的的地理位置,以及时间点,和放学后他们都干什么 了。 T: Boys and girls, look at this picture. Where is it? Ss: its at school. T: What time is it? Ss: its after school. T: Wow, after school, they have many activities. They are very happy. T: Shu 嘘, someone is talking. Lets watch the video and find who are talking? (2)Lets watch and say. 看视频并说一说。他们在谈论什么呢? T: Who are talking? Ss: Yaoyao and Binbin. T: what are they talking about? Ss: .请学生自己说一说。 T: Ok, lets see and check what they are talking about. 3. Look, listen and repeat.聚焦聚焦 lesson 2 的的 A 部分。分部分。分 3 个意群教学。个意群教学。 (1) Yaoyao: Binbin, what are you going to do after school? Binbin: Im going to play sports. I love to play football. T: Who is saying? 逐句播放第一句话的录音 S1: Yaoyao. T: What is she saying?再放一遍录音,边放边请学生回答。 S2: Binbin, what are you going to do after school? T: yes, boys and girls, lets guess. What is Binbin going to do after school? You can say “ he is going to . after school.” Ss:.学生自由发言 T: Lets listen Binbin speak.播放录音 what does Binbin say? S3: Im going to play sports. T: what kind of sports is Binbin going to do? Ss:.学生自由发言,Hes going to play football. T: Why? Ss: Binbin says” I love to play football” T: After school, Binbin, he is going to play sports. What about you? What are you going to do after school? (Free talk 流程) Ss: 学生自由发言环节,请回答的学生作为发问者来问自己的同学。 Working Pairs.小组活动,操练主要功能句。采取循环的方式进行 提问和回答。 A: what are you going to do after school? B: Im going to . after school. (2) Yaoyao: Can I play with you? Binbin: Sure. T: Binbin is going to play sports. What about Yaoyao? Lets listen.让孩 子们听听 yaoyao 放学后打算干什么呢? T: what does Yaoyao say?再次播放录音并引导学生 repeat Ss: Can I play with you? T: So Yaoyao is going to . Ss: Play sports. T: Yes. Can Yaoyao play with Binbin. Lets listen.播放下一句录音。 Ss: Sure. T: Yh. Now they are going to play sports. But their friend is coming. Lets look and listen who is coming? (3) Yaoyao: Look, theres Andy! Whats he going to do after school? Binbin: Hes going to read books. He really likes reading. T: who is coming?播放第一句录音 Ss: Andy? T: what is Andy going to do after school? Does Binbin know?再次播放 第一句录音 Ss: Yes. Andy is going to read books. T: why?播放第二句录音 Ss: He really likes reading. (4) Lets practise.操练阶段。 T: after school, they have many activities. For Binbin, what is he going to do after school?板书第三人称单数的形式。What about Yaoyao and Andy? Ss: He is going to . after school. She is going to . after school. Work in pairs.小组活动。 What are you going to do after school? Im going to . after school. What is she/he going to do after school? She/He is going to . after school. 4. Lets play. 观看课本对应的 flash 动画,并进行操练。 游戏环节,开火车,后一个先说出前面一位同学放假安排,再说自 己的。 She/He is going to . after school. Im going to . after school. 5. Lets write. 观看动画中的书写,学生自己进行课本描摹,同桌互相检查。并进 行评价。 6. Homework. 用今天的功能句,问自己的好朋友放学之后的活动安排,并进行转 述,告诉同学自己和好朋友的活动安排。 Im going to . after school. My friend is . She/He is going to . after school. 板书设计 Unit 3 After School Activities Lesson 2 What she/he What are you going to do after school? Im going to . She/He is going to . 教学反思:教学反思: 1. 课堂操练环节需要降低难度,安排适合学生发展水平的活动。 2. 书写环节,需要更加关注。 3. 需要好好利用课堂评价来激发学生学习的兴趣。
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