人教版(新起点)三下Unit 6 My Home-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:848da).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_三年级下册(2014年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 My Home_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)__(编号:848da)
    • Unit 6 My home.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案848da.doc--点击预览
    • 音频.mp4


Unit 6 My home BinBin BinBins cousin BinBins father BinBins mother BinBins aunt Where is grandmother? She is in the _ . bedroom water the plants bedroom Amy Where is grandfather? He is in the _. living room watch TV living room sofa TV Where is mother? She is in the _. kitchen 12 3 bedroom living room kitchen Where is father? He is in the _ . study Where is sister? She is in the _ . dining room dining room Where is brother? He is in the _. bathroom bathroom 猜一猜加菲猫到哪儿去了? A: Where is B: He / She is A: Whats he/she doing? B: He is Step 1.个人独立完成题单 (3mins) Step 2.小组讨论交流.(4mins) a.互相分享答案 b.组长安排汇报(每人至少读一段) Step 3. 小组展示 人教版小学英语一年级起点三年级下册 Unit 6 My home (Lesson 1) 教材及年 级 人教版 一起三下 课时第一课时模块名称Unit 6 My home 学习内容本课以 Joy 的家为背景,学习家庭中各类房间的英文名称 bedroom, bathroom,kitchen,dinning room,living room,study.并能 用已经学过的功能句:Where is.?询问某人在哪里,并能用 He/She is in.进行回答。 教材分析本节课的授课内容为人教版一年级起点三年级下册 Unit 6 My home Lesson 1.本单元的核心话题是家庭。本节课为词汇新授 课。本课时中的功能句型 This is my.及 Where is.分别在一年 级的教材中出现。第一课时是本单元的重点部分,也为后面 的课时做好基础和铺垫。本课时有三个部分,Part A:Look,listen and chant. Part B:Look and say. Part C:Lets write. 学情分析授课对象为小学三年级学生。学生对描述自己的家还是很感 兴趣。本课时中的功能句型 This is my.及 Where is .已经在 一年级的教材中出现过,学生并不感到陌生。然而学生还不 能认读关于家庭中房间的英语名称并运用相关的英语词汇来 描绘自己的家。 教学目标知识与技能目标: 1.学生能够理解歌曲大意。 2.学生能够听懂、会说、认读关于房间的单词 bedroom,bathroom,dining room,kitchen,living room,study. 3.能够用已经学过的功能句:Where is.?询问某人在哪里,并 能够用 He/She is in.进行回答。 能力目标: 1.学生能够在适当的情景中用英语描述自己的家。 情感目标: 1.培养学生热爱自己的家的情感态度。 教学重难 点 重点:关于房间的英语名称 bedroom,bathroom,dining room,kitchen,living room,study 难点:bathroom, dining room, living room 的发音较难,涉及到 连续发音与爆破音。 教学辅助PPT、多媒体课件、卡片 教学过程 教学内容教学活动设计意图 Step1: Warm-up Activity 1 Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. Im Miss Du. Nice to meet you! Ss: Hello, Miss Du. 通过亲切的师生问 候,拉近师生间距 离,缓解紧张情绪。 Step2: Lead-in Activity 1 look and answer T: Yesterday I went to BinBins home. Lets look. Who are they ?What are they doing ? Where are they?(引出 kitchen,展示卡片 并教读) 学生观察主情境图, 讨论问题,引出本 单元的主题- home。 Step3: Presentati on Activity 1 listen and answer T: Today, we will go to Joys home.Okay, listen to the chant. And answer Who are in Joys home? Ss:grandmother,father,mother. Activity 2 listen again and answer T:Now listen again and answer Where is grandmother? 引出 bedroom.展示卡片教读后分小组读。 T:And Whats grandmother doing in bedroom? S: She is watering the plants. 同法教授新词 living room, bathroom,dining room,kitchen,及 study. 在语境中借助歌曲、 图片帮助学生理解 解歌曲的大意。 通过让学生带着问 题去听歌曲,让学 生自主捕捉歌曲中 重要信息。突出讲 解 bathroom,dining room, living room 的 发音。 Activity 3 Hide and seek T:Now, lets play a game with Garfield cat(加菲猫). Look at the home and find Where is the Garfield cat? 通过与加菲猫捉迷 藏的游戏操练本课 时的重点单词,实 现教学目标。 Step4: Consolidati on Activity 1 look and say Look at the picture of part A and ask students: Where is father?/mother/brother? Whats he/she doing? Activity 2 Pair work Students work in pairs and practice the dialogues “Where is .? He/She is .”. Then ask some to show their dialogues. Activity 3 Listen and write Students listen to the chant again and fill in the blanks. 学生看图讨论问题, 从听过渡到说的层 面上。 小组练习对话,运 用重点单词与功能 句型,拓展学生能 力,实现本课时听 和说的教学目标。 通过学生听歌谣, 填空,实现听、认、 写的教学目标。 bedroom Step5: Summary Activity 1 Sing the chant The whole class sing the chant again. 通过复习歌谣,总 结本课时的教学重 点。 Step6: Homework 1.唱 Part A 歌谣两遍。 2.设计自己的家,并用英语向爸爸妈妈 介绍自己的家。 板书设计: Unit 6 My home Where is. He/She is in . G1 G2 G3 G4 bathroom living room dining room study kitchen
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