人教版(新起点)三下Unit 3 After School Activities-Story Time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:f0030).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_三年级下册(2014年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 After School Activities_Story Time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:f0030)
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教学内容: Unit 3 Storytime 课型: 故事课 教材分析:本课内容是第三单元第四课时,本课内容是在前三课时学习了有关课后活动的 词汇 play sports, draw pictures, play chess, dance, sing songs , play ping-pong 和句型“ What are you going to do after school? I am going to .以及询问第三人称单数 What is he going to do after school? He is going to .”基础上展开的,学生已经学习了本单元词汇句型,本节课是 在故事情节中复现,在语境中进一步运用词汇句型。 学情分析:通过前三节课的学生,大多数学生已经学会并掌握了本单元的目标词汇和询问 放学后打算去干什么的功能句,学生能容易地理解故事;在三年级上册也学习了一些活动 类词汇: ride a bike, fly a kite, swim, listen to music , play football, 这对学生完成拓展活动有帮 助。 教学目标:1.知识目标:(1)全体学生能在本故事提供的情景中认读并且自由运用下列句 型:He is going to .He is going to get his . (2) 能够认读本课出现的单词 bat,dancing shoes,coloured pens 并理解会说 Hes going to get his . 2. 能力目标:(1)能够正确运用 be going to + 动词原形 的句型描述打算要做 的事情。 (2)全体学生能够正确认读故事,部分同学自由灵活表演故事。 2. 情感态度与学习策略: (1)在表演故事的过程中获得学习英语的自信和成就感。 (2)通过学习故事,懂得合理选择并安排自己的课外学习活动,明白要健康 快乐地学习。 教学重点:能根据图片理清故事情节并用 He is going to .and he is going to get his .讲述故 事,能在老师的指导下表演故事。 教学难点:故事中第一人称 I am going to get my .在讲述故事时用 He is going to get his . 句子人称的变化 教学过程: Step 1 . Greetings and warm-up 1. Greetings. 2. Warm-up T: I am happy today. Because Ye Xinke is going to give us a big surprise. Ye Xinke ,Welcome please. S: I like singing. I am going to sing a song for you. T: She sings very well. Lets sing songs with her together. Ss sing song together. (设计意图:将本单元所学词汇和句型自编成歌曲,复习了词汇和 be going to 句型, 学生领唱全班合唱从而带动课堂气氛。 ) 3. T: You can get stars as usual, Look at the paper on your desk, if you get stars, draw stars on your paper. Try your best to get star, if you get 10 stars, youll be a superstar. (设计意图:宣布本节课的评价方式,激励学生认真听课,积极回答问题) Step2. Pre-story 1. Read the phrases 通过课堂活动小游戏激起学生热情,复习梳理所学的活动类短语,为后面教学做好 铺垫。 2. Listen and say T: Listen and tell us what he/she is going to do after school? (设计意图:听句子并转述复习 He/She is going to .) 3.Lead-in :T: Peppa pig is coming. What is he going to do after school? 播放小视频。 (设计意图:引出故事主人公 Jack,放学后超级开心的小猪佩奇和放学后的 Jack 形成 强烈对比,引导学生预测故事) T: Who can tell us what Peppa Pig is going to do ? T: Peppa Pig is very happy. This is Jack ,is he happy? T: Jack is not happy. Why? Lets learn our story.(引出课题) Step3. While-story Activity 1 Watch and answer Watch the video and answer the questions. (1) How many students in the story? (2) What are they talking about? (设计意图:认识故事中的主要人物,整体感知故事) Activity 2. Watch, match and say 1. Watch the video again,pay attention to Jacks friends. Who does Jack meet? And what is he going to do after school? T: After school, Jack meets Binbin, Binbin is going to play ping-pong. Jack is going to play ping-pong, too. After playing ping-pong, Jack meets., .is going to .and Jack is going to . (设计意图:学生再次观看故事视频,教师示范后,学生跟老师一起讲述故事,形成板 书,帮助学生初步理解故事。 ) 2. Learn together 开展学生个体自学和组长带领下同伴互学的教学活动,鼓励学生发展 并自主解决故事中生词和句子,培养学生自学能力。 教师带领学生学习词汇:bat, coloured pens, dancing shoes. 学习策略:at-cat -hat-bat 以旧引新 colour-coloured 词形转换 dance-dancing 词形转换 T: Jack is going to play ping-pong after school. What is he going to get? S: He is going to get his bat. 教师对照板书,示范说句子,进一步讲述 Jack 所要带的学具。Jack is going to play ping-pong. He is going to get his bat. 教师在示范过程中,强调人称变化。 学生上台对照板书,讲述 Jack 所需物品。 Activity 3 listen and read 1. Read by themselves. 学生独立看课本浏览故事,熟悉文字。 2. Read it together 学生能通顺、流利地朗读故事,巩固新知。 3. Listen and imitate 在正确朗读的基础上开展听音跟读故事,帮助学生更好地掌握语 音语调和语气,通过带动作读,有感情的读,为表演故事扫清障碍。 4. Read with emotion T: After playing chess with Andy, Jack is going to go home. What does he say? S:What am I going to do ? T: Watch the vidoe, What can know from the vidoe? S: Jack is tired. (设计意图: 通过看视频,学生很容易知道 Jack 很累,但是这是个第一人称的特殊疑问 句,之前比较少见,这句话的深层含义学生理解起来会有难度,有感情地表演朗读 What am I going to do?这句话,体会并理解句子。 ) Activity 4 Compare and comprehension T: We know Jack is very tired. Why is he so tired? (设计意图:通过板书强烈的对比,很容易发现其他小朋友课外只去做一件事而 Jack 要做五件事,将自己的课外时间安排地满满当当所以很累。引导学生去思考问题,进一 步理解故事,了解中国小学生的生活侧面,思考如何安排自己的学生生活。 ) Q1: Jack is going to do so many things after school. What do you think of Jack from the story? Q2: Can you give some advice for to Jack? Q3: If you were Jack , what are you going to do after school? T: Yes. Its important for us to be healthy and happy. You cant be too tired and busy. You should make plans and arrange your time. You are going to be better and super! (设计意图:学生各抒己见,教师总结渗透情感教学,倡导适量合理地安排课外学习, 拥有健康快乐的课外生活。 ) Activity 5. Perform the story. 教师带上准备好头饰和道教,跟一个学生先示范表演一小节故事。 再请学生上台表演故事。 (设计意图:表演故事既巩固了语音语调,也使学生身临其境,更好地运用了语言,同 时学生积极参与到教学表演活动中,体验学习的乐趣。 ) Step 4. Post-story Activity 1. Make a survey in groups. T: Childrens Day is coming. We are going to have a talent show on Childrens Day. What can you do ? S: I can . T: Wow, you are great. What are you going to do on Childrens Day? 教师示范做小组问卷调查,What are you going to do on Childrens Day? 并做小组汇报。 四人小组进行问卷调查,小组长上台汇报。 (设计意图:小组合作进行问答调查,孩子们都参与其中,培养学生口头表达能力,在 互学互助中共同进步,乐于展示,感受生活中英语学习的乐趣。 ) Activity 2. Sing a song T: . is good at singing. She is going to sing songs on Childrens Day. They are going to sing for today,Lets sing with them together. (设计意图:改编歌词,让学生把所学所练的内容以歌曲的形式唱出来,以不同的形式 输出语言,以实现知识的内化。 ) Activity 3. 总体评价: 本节课当中获得 10 颗星星的同学被评为本节课的 superstar。 Step5. Homework 1. Tell the story to your parents. 把今天学的故事讲给爸爸妈妈听。 2. Tell your friends what you are going to do on Childrens Day. 告诉同学六一儿童节你想参 加什么节目。
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