人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit 5 Free Time-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:a09cc).zip

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LessonLesson 1 1 Unit 5 Free Time 英语英语 四年级下册四年级下册 人民教育出版社人民教育出版社 A super teacher! English Name: Cherry Age: 30 Hobbies: running, reading books Read and answer in groups. 1. What do I do on Monday evening? 2. What do I do on Saturday and Sunday? 3. What do I do on my holiday? You go for a walk on Monday evening. You go running on Saturday and Sunday. You often travel to other places on your holiday. I have lots of things to do every day. I teach English at school. I go for a walk on Monday evening. I go running on Saturday and Sunday. I often travel to other places on my holiday. I like Sanya best. I dont waste(浪费)(浪费) my time! What do you do in your free time? I often (in my free time). Tom is not busy, he is . Whats the meaning of free? 1. You are not busy, and have some time to do your things. 2. You can have things without money. ReadRead andand answeranswer inin groups.groups. The is free. What do they do in their free time ? They often go for a picnic . They often . They . in the park by the river on the grass on the grass go for a picnic by the river often go for a picnic in the park You go to the park or other places with your friends or families . You eat food and fruits there. We call it . picnic pknk Read in groups. Sometimes when you go for a picnic, you take a tent with you. You can sleep in the tent. We call it go camping. tent They often go skating. What do they do in their free time? I often do the housework. sweep the floorcook food wash dishes play the violin I often play the violin. What musical instruments (乐器 ) do you often play? I often play the drumplay the guitar play the pianoplay the sax Miss Wu: What do you do in your free time? Lily: I often read books and go skating. Joy: I often play the violin before dinner. Yaoyao: I often do the housework after dinner. Andy: I make models. I sometimes go camping with my parents. Miss Wu: That sounds fun. Do you like to go for a pinic? All the children: Yes! Text 1. What are they talking about? 2. Does Lily often go skating in her free time? 3. What does Joy do in her free time? 4. Do they like to go for a picnic? They are talking about their free time. Yes, she does. She often plays the violin. Yes, they do. Read and answer in groups. Read in roles. (分角色朗读) Ask and answer in pairs. Hello!/ Hi! What are your hobbies? I like What do you do in your free time? I often American children love watching TV. Some of them spend six hours a day at school and four to six hours a day in front of the television set. Some of them watch for eight hours or more on Sundays. A child can learn both bad things and good things from TV. Some shows help children learn to do a lot of housework, just like gardening, cooking and cleaning. But some shows are not good for children. So parents must help them to choose(选择) the right ones to enjoy. Read and answer in groups. ( )1. Children cant learn anything from TV. ( )2. All the children watch TV for six hours or more. ( )3. TV shows are good for children. ( )4. Children should watch good TV shows. F F F T Miss Hans advice: (建议) 1. Cherish(珍惜) the time, please! 2. Do something meaningful in your free time. 3. I hope your free time is colorful. My free time Homework:Homework: writewrite aboutabout youryour freefree time.time. Unit 5 Free Time Lesson 1 设计理念:设计理念: 1. 本节课充分考虑语言学习的渐进性和持续性,依照学习理论中的 英语 四年级下册 人民教育出版社 最近发展区理论以及语言习得中的“输入、输出与互动假说理论” , 尤其是克拉申(Stephen D. Krashen)的“习得假说” (acquisition- learning hypothesis)与 i+1 公式,尽可能的为孩子提供潜意识习得 的机会,将重点放在聚焦语意的可理解交际任务上,并在有效的 输出与互动中打磨语言。同时,强调学习过程,重视语言学习的 实践性和应用性。注重孩子的语言应用,在不同生活情境中的使 用与迁移。体现人文性和工具性,发展学生个性和提高人文素养。 2. 本节课着重激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,评价学生综合运用 语言的能力,整堂课面向全体学生,关注语言学习者的不同特点 和个体差异,重视孩子兴趣的培养。 3. 本节课注重发展学生自主学习的能力和合作精神,采用语篇教学, 以语篇教学突破口,注重培养学生阅读能力,使学生通过阅读感 受语言,学会应用,并且在学习语言的同时进行情感教育,通过 学习让学生体会到时间的重要性,在业余的时间应做有意义的事, 让自己的业余生活丰富多彩。 教材分析:教材分析:1. 四年级下册教材是学生英语学习的第八本教材,学生们通过一至 三年级的学习,储备了一定量的基础词汇和句型,感知和语言运用 能力正在形成;本册教材将继续引导孩子遇见新的表达方式,开口 说英语。本册书设为六个学习单元和两个复习单元。每个话题均包 含语音,词汇,功能句和语篇等学习内容。每单元的一至三课采取 整体学习的方法,通过对话和语篇的输入让学生在活泼,自然和真 实的语境中感知,模仿并习得,循序渐进的发展阅读能力。 2.本单元学习的内容是有关学生的业余生活及其活动的频率。让学生 在讨论业余生活的过程中感知、实践和体验。采用探究、合作等学 习方式,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 3.本课教学内容为四年级下册第五单元第一课时, A 部分借助对话录音和图片呈现五个目标词汇 go for a picnic, play the violin, go camping, go skating, do the housework 等有关课余生活的短 语;并让学生通过看、听、说、做等途径来感知并学习这些词汇。 B 部分通过问答活动帮助学生操练新授的词组,并体会它们在交际情 境中的运用。 C 部分要求学生能够读懂问句,并根据自身实际情况,完成句子填空, 同时强化良好的书写习惯。 学情分析:学情分析:学生通过四年级上册 Sports and Games 的学习,掌握了一些动词词 汇, 为这节课的顺利学习打下基础。学生在上册已经学过 often 这个词, 这对于本节课问题的回答有很大帮助。学生会很愿意结合旧知回答本 课的问题,在此基础上,再学习五个新词汇,这样学生接受起来就容 易多了。 教学目标:教学目标: 1.知识目标:知识目标: 1.能够听懂会说 go for a picnic, play the violin, go camping, go skating, do the housework. 2.能够用 What do you do in your free time? I often.询问回答有关业 余生活的信息。 2能力目标:能力目标: 能够根据自己的实际情况,用 What do you do in your free time? I often.询问回答有关业余生活的信息。 3情感目标:情感目标: 能够通过课堂交流了解业余生活,丰富业余生活,学会珍惜时间。 教学准备:教学准备: PPT 、CD 、阅读材料。、阅读材料。 教学重点:教学重点:能够听懂会说 go for a picnic, play the violin, go camping, go skating, do the housework. 能够用 What do you do in your free time? I often.询问回答有关业 余生活的信息。 教学难点:教学难点: 能够用 What do you do in your free time? I often.询问回答有关业余 生活的信息。 教学过程:教学过程: 一热身复习,导入新课。一热身复习,导入新课。 T: Hello! Boys and girls! S: Hello, Miss Han! T: Do you like the song? Yes! How many days are there in a week? S: Seven. What day is it, today? S: Its Tuesday. T: What do you do on Tuesday? S: I go to school. / I play football (教师is your hobby.)为后面对话做铺垫。 T: What do I do on Tuesday? Guess! S: You go to school/ you go to work. T: Im a teacher, so I go to work on Tuesday. T: What do I do in my other time? T: Look, a super teacher. Im a super teacher. Im Cherry. Im 30 years old. I like running, reading books and so on.播放照片。Look at my photos. T: There is a passage about me. Read and answer in groups.(手势) PPT: Read and answer in groups. A super teacher! I have lots of things to do everyday. I teach English at school. I go for a walk on Monday evening. I go running on Saturday and Sunday. I often travel to other places on my holiday. I like Sanya best. I dont waste(浪费) my time. Q1: What do I do on Monday evening? S: You go for a walk on Monday evening. Q2: What do I do on Saturday and Sunday? S: You go running on Saturday and Sunday. Q3: What do I do on my holiday? S: You often travel to other places on your holiday. T: OK, stop. Who can answer? S: 学生回答。 T: Yes. Great! I dont go to work in the evening. I dont go to work on Saturday and Sunday. I dont go to work on my holiday. Look! Evening, Saturday, Sunday and holiday are my free time. Today we are going to learn Unit 5 Free Time. T: Read after me free time. 贴板书 设计意图:以教师的日常生活导入新课,亲切自然,拉近与学生的距离。设计意图:以教师的日常生活导入新课,亲切自然,拉近与学生的距离。 二话题推进,学习新知。二话题推进,学习新知。 1.引导学生理解,引导学生理解,free 的含义。的含义。 T: What do you do in your free time? S: I often板书 T: is your hobby. T: Free has two meanings. Lets talk about these pictures in groups. T: Who can? S: .is free. The bread is free. The bicycle is free. The water is free. T: You can eat the bread without money. There are many free bicycles in Shenyang. You can ride a bike ten times for free. T:出示 Tom 休息的图片。 Look at Tom. Tom is not busy, he is free. 引导学生说 出 He is free. T: Whats the meaning of free? Read and answer in group. 出示PPT free:1. You are not busy, and have some time to do your things. 2. You can have things without money. S:空闲的,免费的。 2.讲授本课重点词汇。讲授本课重点词汇。 1)go for a picnic T: What do I do on Monday evening? Do you remember? 做动作 S: You often go for a walk. T: You are right. T: Look, what about this one? Lets read it together. 出示 PPT You go to the park or other places with your friends or families. You eat food and fruits there. We call it picnic. (板书) T:引导学生说出 picnic. They often go for a picnic. T: What do they do in their free time? S: They often go for a picnic on the grass. / by the river/ in the park. T: Who often goes for a picnic in your free time? S: I often go for a picnic. 3-4 名同学回答 T: You will be happy, when you go for a picnic. / Maybe you will eat lots of delicious food. 2) go camping T: Sometimes when you go for a picnic, you take a tent with you. (You can sleep in the tent.加箭头 We call it go camping.)(板书) Read after me tent. Lets read it in groups. Whats the meaning of go camping? S: 野营。 T: Go camping is good for our health. You can enjoy beautiful scenes. You can have a good time with your families and friends. 3) go skating T: 出示 go skating 图片 Look at this picture. Who are they? S: They are Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo. T: Oh, you dont know them. I know. They are famous skaters. They are Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo. What do they do every day? S: They often go skating. (板书) T: Guess! What do they do in their free time? S: They often. T: Maybe.They often go skating in their free time, too. They work hard, so they are famous. If you want to do a thing well, dont waste your free time. Work hard everyday, OK? T: Who often goes skating in your free time? S: I often go skating (in my free time.) T: Good boy/girl. Skating is your hobby. It can make you strong. Maybe you will be a famous skater, too. T: What do I do on Saturday and Sunday? Do you remember? S: You often go running. 4) do the housework T: Yes, I often go running, because it can make me strong. What other things do I do on Saturday and Sunday? Look, who can answer? (出示做家务图片。扫地、做饭、洗碗) S: You often sweep the floor, cook food and wash the dishes. T: Yes! I often do the housework.(板书) T: Who often does the housework in your free time? S: I often do the housework. 3-4 人回答 T: Good boy/girl! You can help your parents. You can make your room clean. Its a good habit. Do it everyday, please! 5) play the violin T: After the housework, my son often plays an instrument. Listen, what kind of instrument is this? 播放小提琴声音。 S: Violin. T: Yes, he often plays the violin. (板书) T: Who often plays the violin in your free time? S: I often play the violin. T: Playing the violin is your hobby. / It can make a nice sound.(做铺垫)/ Maybe you like it very much. T: What musical instruments do you often play? S: I often play the. T: (Piano can make a nice sound, I like it very much. But I cant play the piano. What a pity! ) (Playing the sax is your hobby.) (You can sing along with the guitar.)(Maybe you play the drum at school.) T: You are great. You can play many musical instruments. Music can make you happy. I think your free time is colorful. T: We talk about our free time. What do Miss Wu and her students talk about? Lets listen and repeat. 3.PPT:出示课文,学习出示课文,学习 Part: A 对话对话. Miss Wu: What do you do in your free time? Lily: I often read books and go skating. Joy: I often play the violin before dinner. Yaoyao: I often do the housework after dinner. Andy: I make models. I sometimes go camping with my parents. Miss Wu: That sounds fun. Do you like to go for a picnic? All the children: Yes! T: There are four questions for you. Read and answer in groups. Q1: What are they talking about? They are talking about their free time. Q2: Does Lily often go skating in her free time? Yes, she does. Q3: What does Joy do in her free time? She often plays the violin. Q4: Do they like to go for a picnic? Yes, they do. T: Whats your answer? S: 汇报答案 This time, Lets read the dialogue in roles in your group. Everyone choose a role. T: Which group? 学生展示(表演对话) T: Good job. 设计意图:设计意图:通过小组合作,探究学习,有助于培养合作精神。通过小组合作,探究学习,有助于培养合作精神。 三语言实践,巩固新知。三语言实践,巩固新知。 Ask and answer: Part B T: We know what they do in their free time. Do you want to know what your classmates do in their free time? Ask and answer in pairs with these patterns. PPT: What are your hobbies? I like What do you do in your free time? I often T: You two, please! 展示 5-6 组。 T: Good job. 设计意图设计意图:通过对话,提高学生在实践中运用语言的能力。:通过对话,提高学生在实践中运用语言的能力。 四综合拓展,激活语言。四综合拓展,激活语言。 T: We know about our free time. Do you want to know what other countries children do in their free time? Theres a passage about American children. Lets read and answer in groups. PPT: 阅读短文,在句子前标上T或 F。 American children love watching TV. Some of them spend six hours a day at school and four to six hours a day in front of the television set. Some of them watch for eight hours or more on Sundays. A child can learn both bad things and good things from TV. Some shows help children learn to do a lot of housework, just like gardening, cooking and cleaning. But some shows are not good for children. So parents must help them to choose(选择) the right ones to enjoy. ( ) 1. Children cant learn anything from TV. ( ) 2. All the children watch TV for six hours or more. ( ) 3. TV shows are good for children. ( ) 4. Children should watch good TV shows. T: Lets check your answers. You should underline the sentence. T: You are great. T: From the passage, we know we can learn both good things and bad things from TV. When we watch TV, we should choose right ones to enjoy. So I think, we should do right things in our free time. Because its good for our health and mind. 设计意图:设计意图:拓展阅读,提升英语阅读能力。拓展阅读,提升英语阅读能力。 五总计评价,作业夯实五总计评价,作业夯实 Homework: Write about your free time. T: Todays homework: write about your free time. 设计意图:设计意图:以本课重难点为主,结合实践拓展,培养综合运用语言的能力。以本课重难点为主,结合实践拓展,培养综合运用语言的能力。 At last, I want to share some words with you. PPT: Miss Hans advice: 1. Cherish(珍惜) the time, please! 2. Do something meaningful in your free time. 3. I hope your free time is colorful. T: Goodbye, boys and girls. S: Goodbye, Miss Han! 板书设计: Unit 5 Free Time Lesson 1 What do you do in your free time? do the housework go for a picnic I often go camping play the violin go skating 设计意图设计意图: 强化良好的英文书写习惯,重点突出。强化良好的英文书写习惯,重点突出。
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