人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit 4 Hobbies-Let's Check-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:c030e).zip

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ColorfulHobbies ZhangZhangYuhanYuhanlikeslikesplayingplayingthethepiano.piano. . .likeslikes. . Trytoremember WhatsWhatsQileQiles shobbyhobby? ? HeHelikeslikes_._. GoodNews Clubs(社社问 ) Which club do you want to go to? I want to go tothe_ club. Why? Because its_. (fun . cool . beautiful . interesting) Johnlikes_. Hecangotothe_club. Listen and match Listen and match Sandy Joy HowHowoftenoftendoesdoesSandySandygogototoa askateboardingskateboarding club?club? HeHegoesgoestotoa askateboardingskateboarding club_.club_. A.A.EveryEveryday.day.B. B.EveryEveryweek.week.C.C.TwiceTwicea aweek.week. Readandchoose MynameisSandy.MarkandMaryaremy friends. Wehavedifferenthobbies.Ilikeskateboarding. Igotoaskateboardingclubeveryweek. Marklikesmakingmodels. Heoftenmakesmodelplaneswithhisfather. Marylikesreadingbooks. Sheoftenreadschildrensstories. Tip: Circle the answer Readsilentlyandanswer MynameisSandy.MarkandMaryaremy friends. Wehavedifferenthobbies.Ilikeskateboarding. Igotoaskateboardingclubeveryweek. Marklikesmakingmodels. Heoftenmakesmodelplaneswithhisfather. Marylikesreadingbooks. Sheoftenreadschildrensstories. Tip: Circle the answer Readsilentlyandanswer NowChinaisbecomingmoreandmorepowerful. Russianchildrenreallylike playingicehockey. Theyhavealotoffun. Koreanchildrenliketae kwon do. Theycankickveryhigh. ManyAmericanchildrenlike playingbaseball. Theycanthrowandhittheball veryfast. Japanesechildrenlikeplayingjudo. Theyhavemanyskills(技能). Englishchildrenoftenplaycricket. They are good at it. Brazilianchildrenlikeplayingfootball. TheywontheWorldCup(世界杯). ThechildrenofAustraliaaregoodat swimming.Theycanswimvery fast. Guess!Whatsmyfavoriteclub?( (Tips:注意注意 提提问 方式方式ISitthe_club?) ) M G C I like cooking. I can cook delicious food. ChineseChinese traditionaltraditional foodfood is is colorful.colorful. It It bringsbrings usus nutrition(nutrition( 营养营养) ) andand health.health. Ihavehobbies, Differenthobbies. Ilikecooking. Itsreallyfun. Ilikesinging. Itsverycool. Ihavehobbies. Theymakemehappy. Ihavehobbies, Differenthobbies. Ilike_. Itsreallyfun. Ilike_. Itsverycool. Ihavehobbies. Theymakemehappy. ApplicationForm (报名表报名表) ApplicationForm Hello!Mynameis_. Iminclass_,grade_. Ilike_. Iwanttogotothe _club. Itsso_.(fun、cool) Name:_. Class:_. Hobby:_. Why:_. ClubIwanttogo:_. Hobbies can make us happy. Hobbies can make us smart. Hobbies can make our life colorful. Come on! HomeworkHomework DoDo a a survey:survey: WhatWhat areare youryour friendsfriends hobbies?hobbies? Goodbye! 教学设计教学设计 课课 题题 Unit 4 Colorful Hobbies 教材内容教材内容P44 课时数课时数共( 7 )课时课时安排课时安排第( 5 )课时 教学目标教学目标 1.知识目标:能够听懂、会说表示社团名称的单词和句子。 Baking Club and DIY Club. I want to go to the_ club. 2.能力目标:能够用所学句子自如交际语言。He/She likes_. He/She can go to the_ club. 3.德育目标:培养学生形成良好的兴趣爱好,让学生懂得爱好使 人快乐和明智。 教学重难点教学重难点 1. 掌握单词 club、Baking、colorful 的读音、意思并能灵活运用。 2. 能够灵活运用句子 He/She likes_. He/She can go to the_ club. 描述他人爱好及喜欢的社团。 课前准备课前准备PPT、视频、音频、图片 教学设计教学设计 教学过程教学过程学生活动学生活动 WarmWarm up:up: Say English chants 1. ( T:Welcome, welcome to our school, S:a lovely place to be. Welcome, welcome to our school, a wonderland to me. T: See us dance and sing a song. S: now our shows begins. Welcome, welcome! Be our guest! Welcome, welcome, welcome!) 2.(T: Listening to English, I can do. Speaking English , I can do. Reading English , I can do. Writing English , I can do. Qile English ,my only sunshine.) (在chant过程中,老师与学生共同交际句子并 同学们通过朗朗上口的 英语韵文练习,培养学 生语感与英语学习兴趣。 通过背诵富有节奏感的 韵文,训练学生的反应 能力及口、眼、脑的协 调能力。 韵文配上动作又起到减 少同学们学习紧张感的 做动作。) Presentation:Presentation: 1.T: First ,Lets enjoy a wonderful video. Try to remember their hobbies. Wow! They are so cool. Zhang Yuhan likes playing the piano. What about others? S: Li Dawu likes playing football. S: Xia Yimeng likes dancing. And so on. T:What is Qiles hobby ? Do you remember? S:Qile likes reading and swimming. 2.T: Great. Today Qile brings us a good news. Do you want to know? Lets listen carefully. (Qile: Hello, my dear friends. I have a good news for you. There are many interesting clubs in our school .They are Dancing club、 Football club、 Singing club、 Reading club 、Baking club 、DIY club and Art club. We can go to the clubs once a week. Come and join us.See you.) T: Lets see how many clubs do we have? S:No.1 Dancing club、 No.2 Football club、 No.3 Singing club、 No.4 Reading club 、 No.5 Baking club 、Bake means cook. Do you like eating bread? You can make it in this club. No.6 DIY club means you can do jigsaw puzzles or make models here .Welcome to Rainbow Flower club. T:Which club do you want to go to? S:I want to go to the_ club. T:Why? S:Because Its _(fun、cool、beautiful). 3.Teacher shows a picture of Part A. T: Look! John and his friends want to come to our clubs . Lets help them, ok? Listen and match. 作用,可以增加趣味性。 通过观看视频,了解并 记忆朋友们的兴趣爱好。 运用句型表达岐乐的爱 好特长,引出好消息。 新授环节从好消息入手, 岐乐介绍学校将成立社 团,每周参加一次,欢 迎大家的光临,激发学 习的积极性。 教师饶有兴趣地展示学 校的 7 大社团名称,具 体讲述 Baking Club 和 DIY Club 的含义。 学生学习新单词并通过 问答操练句型。 学生通过听音连线,学 会重点句型的正确表达, 自然地习得语言。 T:What does he like? S:He likes_. (学习表达社团名称的句子)。 T: He can go to the_ club. (教师板书重点句型) T: What about Jack? S: He likes drawing. He can go to the_ club. T: You did a good job. 4.T:Different people have different hobbies . Sandy likes skateboarding .He goes to a skateboarding club .How often does he go to a skateboarding club ?lets read silently and answer . Who can find the answer ? S: Sandy likes skateboarding . He goes to a skateboarding club every week. 5.5. T:Sandy has many good friends . They have many different hobbies . lets read it again and try to write their hobbies . You may discuss in your group this time . Please read the text loudly. (学生根据短文内容,仔细阅读并纪录他人的名 字和爱好,完成短文填空。) 6.T: Sandy likes sports .Sports can make us strong and healthy.Who is he ? He is I think he is a superman. Do you think so ? Now we are huge . We are strong. China is becoming more and more powerful . So what should we do ? We should do more exercise . Qile likes doing exercise . He says children in different countries like different sports . If you want to know it, choose your favorite color first. S:S:Russian children really like playing ice hockey. They have a lot of fun. 教师对学生予以适时地 评价和鼓励,激发学生 学习热情。 通过初读文本,了解 Sandy 每周参加一次社 团。 通过再读文本,掌握不 同人的不同爱好,为学 生最后的语言输出储备 素材。小组讨论促进学 生共同提高学习能力。 看到孩子们耳熟能详的 体育明星,让学生树立 加强体育锻炼,将来报 效祖国的远大志向。 通过岐乐宝贝的七色花 图案,让学生自主探究 七个国家的青少年不同 的体育运动爱好,从而 培养学生养成良好的爱 好,增强健康意识。 S:S:Korean children like tae kwon do. They can kick very high. S:S: Many American children like playing baseball. They can throw and hit the ball very fast. S:S:Japanese children like playing judo. They have many skills(技能). S:S:Brazilian children like playing football. S:S:They won the World Cup(世界杯). S:S:English children often play cricket. They are good at it. 7.Boys and girls, I envy you very much. I want to go to the club, too. What is my favorite club? Can you guess? Do you like the Art club? Maybe. Look! I want to go to the Baking club. Because I like cooking. I can cook delicious food. I like cooking. I also like singing. A chant for you. 8.Boys and girls, if you want to go to the club. You should fill in the application form. Who can show us? Hobbies can make us happy. Lets try to remember, ok? Summary:Summary: Hobbies can make us happy. Hobbies can make us smart. Hobbies can make our life colorful. Developing hobbies, Developing skills. Finally I want to say. My dear children, I hope you will grow up happily, just like the Rainbow Flower. I believe you can be better and better in the future. To be the best! Come on! Homework:Homework: 韵文的加入使学生在轻 松愉快的课堂氛围中操 练语言,培养了学生的 语感,强化了语言的输 入。 报名表为学生出示完整 的文本,通过书写加强 对句式的理解与记忆, 为最终语言输出做铺垫。 此种操练形式落实了中 年级语篇教学的目标。 通过音频,教师适时的 赏识语言,激励学生们 不断进步。 布置作业。 作业:作业: 做调查:调查你的朋友做调查:调查你的朋友 们的爱好。们的爱好。 Do a survey Whats your friends hobby? ThatThats s allall forfor today.today. ThankThank you.you. Goodbye!Goodbye! 板书设计:板书设计:
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