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Unit2 What time is it? Part A Lets learn Johns day 约翰的一天 1 B A C D E F breakfast 7:00 a.m Its 7 oclock. Its time for breakfast. 7:00 a.m Its time for breakfast. Lets drink some milk. Johns day 约翰的一天 1 B A C D E F 2 9:00 English class Its 9 oclock. Its time for English class. Its time for English class. Lets read and write. Oh,no.Im hungry. Its time for_.lunch I have lunch at rice. Its time for lunch. Lets have some chicken. What time is it? music class Its oclock. Its time for . Its time for music class. Lets sing and dance. PE class Its oclock. Its time for . 3:00 p.m Its time for PE class. Lets jump and run. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 Its time for dinner. Lets eat some rice. Johns timetable 7:00 _ _English class A:What time is it? B: Its .oclock. Its time for 3:00 _ 12:00 _ _ music class _ dinner breakfast 9:00 lunch 2:00 PE class 6:00 breakfast English class lunch music class PE class dinner What time is it? Its.oclock. Its time for 知识 小结 Make a timetable(时间表)of yourself. 课题:Unit 2 What time is it ?(A Lets learn) 教学目标: (1)知识目标: 1.能够听懂、会说与学习生活相关的单词:breakfast, lunch, dinner。 2.能够听懂会说日常交际用语,并能熟练回答: What time is it? Its oclock. It s time for (二)技能目标: 1.学会表达时间的句子, 能在现实生活中运用。 2.能够听懂并发出一些指令,如:Time for breakfastDrink some milk (三)情感目标: 1.激发学生的英语学习兴趣,培养良好的英语学习习惯。 2.培养时间观念,养成守时、珍惜时间的好习惯。 教学重点: 1.句型: What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for 2.2.词汇:breakfast, lunch, dinner, 教学难点 : 1. breakfast 的发音。 2.运用所学词汇及句型 What time is it ?Its oclock. Its time for 教学准备 : 1.教师准备与本课时相关图片及课件。 2.教师给学生准备作为奖励的小礼物。 3.师准备录音机和磁带。 教学设计: Step 1:warm-up 1.师生日常问候 2.唱英语歌Ten Little Candles Dance (设计意图:通过歌曲让学生进入学习英语的良好状态,同时对数字进行了复习,为新授 知识“时间的表达”作了铺垫。) Step 2:Presentation 1.Lead-in (1) T: Say out the numbers on the Bb.教师在黑板的相应位置写上 1-12 这 12 个数字,引导 学生说数字。 (2)教师画上一个大大的 O 圈住这 12 个数字,在黑板上形成一个大钟。然后指着问: T:Whats this? 引出单词 clock. T:clock can tell us the time. 引出单词 time (设计意图:以竞赛的形式复习数字,通过旧知识的滚动引出新知,自然巧妙的呈现出 与本课内容相关的钟。) 2.What time is it?Its oclock. (1)木偶呈现对话: A:Good morning ! B: Good morning ! A:What time is it? B:Its 7 oClock. Its time for breakfast. (2) 通过钟面呈现课题:Unit 2 What time is it? A L ets learn (3) 让学生跟读模仿 What time is it?Its oclock.( 同时师板书) 3Its time for . 学习 breakfast ,lunch, dinner。 (1)出示钟面 T:What time is it?(指钟面问) Ss:Its 7oclock. T:Its 7oclock. Its time for breakfast. 呈现单词 breakfast,学生跟课件反复练读 breakfast.(要录音) T:What time is it? S:Its 7oclock. Its time for breakfast. 通过师生问答,男女生问答,操练句型的同时也巩固了新词语。 (2)通过 What time is it?分别引出新单词 lunch, dinner, 跟课件读,教师领读,分小组 读等多种形式练习单词,重点操练 lunch, dinner 学单词的同时操练句型: What time is it? Its oclock. Its time for (设计意图:以 What time is it?引出新学单词,始终将时间与 lunch, dinner, 融合在一起, 这样既通过旧知引出了新知,也达到了在学习新知的过程中进一步巩固旧知的目的。) Step 3: Practice 1.Lets do. 播放“Lets do”部分的录音,让学生跟随老师边说并做出相应的动作。 Step4: Summary T:What did you learn this class? Lets listen to them,What are they talking now? A:, What time is it now? B: ,Its 5 0clock p. m. A: Oh !Its late. Its time for home. B: OK! Lets go. ( 师:我们的这两位好朋友要回家了,我们也要向他们学习,做一个遵守时间、珍惜时 间的人! So, I give you two important sentences about time: “Time is money! Time is life!” (设计意图:引导学生总结本课时的教学重点,观看小木偶的对话,加深了学生对所 学知识的印象,英语谚语渗透了珍惜时间,合理安排的教育。) Step5:Home work 1. 读一读 Lets learn 和 lets do 的内容。 2. 两人合作学习,自编新对话。(设计意图:巩固本节课知识,培养学生良好的英语 学习习惯)。
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