人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit 5 Free Time-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-省级优课-(编号:a29d0).zip

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四年级下册 Unit 5 Free Time Lesson 1 教学设计 1、教学背景分析: 新起点英语四年级下册第五单元,本单元的话题是 free time, 本课为本单元的开篇课。 (1)词组有: go for a picnic, play the violin, go skating, go camping, do the housework, free. (2)句型:What do you do in your free time? I often . 在小学四年级的学生对英语学习有较浓的兴趣,能听懂一些英 语课堂用语并能作答。他们在三年级和四年级上册已经学习过关于 体育活动、家庭活动和课外活动的英语,对本课的学习有一定的知 识储备。 二、教学目标: (一)知识和技能 1、能听懂、会说词组:go for a picnic, play the violin, go skating, go camping, do the housework, free. 2、能够用 :What do you do in your free time? I often . 询问、回答有 关课余生活的信息。 (二)过程与方法 1、学生通过看图、拼读等方式学习新单词; 2、运用图片和课件创设的情景 引导学生与人交流休闲时间做什么。 (三)情感态度和价值观 相互了解各自的日常生活情况,让孩子用课余活动丰富我们的生活。 3、教学重点和难点 教学重点:1、能听、会说本课重要词组。 2、能够用本课句型进行有关课余生活的交流。 教学难点:1.violin 的准确发音。 2.play the +乐器 vs. play + 棋类/球类 四、教学方法 利用听说法,游戏法,交际法等帮助学生更快的掌握知识和话 题。 5、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming_up 1.Greeting. 2. Sing a song.Do you like singing?(Yes) Me too .Lets sing together.(播 放第四单元有关爱好歌曲) 设计意图:活跃课堂气氛,复习有关爱好的动词词组,对新课学习 做准备。 3.Free talk: What are your hobbies? When do you do it ? Step 2 Presentation Learn the new phrases. 1.We often do our favourite things in our free time.(板书课题) Free time :after class、 after school、on the weekend、during vacation. 标注功能、软键盘功能、切换功能标注 free 的反义词busy 用 笔写汉字,用软键盘输入英语单词 busy. 2.Show the pictures in Part A ,look at it and listen to the tape.What are they talking about?(Free time) 设计意图:通过看图片和听录音,让学生整体感知本课要学习的内容。 3.go for a picnic: Places for picnic:in the park, on the farm,in the forest.on a hill. 4.do the housework: house+work vs. home+work (自然拼读法) Housework:wash clothes,water flowers,clean the room, sweep the floor. 设计意图:区别家庭作业和家务。列举一些学过的家务词组。 5.go skating: roller skating, skateboard, skateboarding.(自然拼读法) 设计意图:以旧带新,归类 skate 相关的词汇。 6.go camping:cap(图片)camp+ing 设计意图:以旧带新,发音相近,比较形象,便于认读和记忆。 并简单介绍野营所需用品。拉幕功能 盖上下半部分,让学生说说 野营要用的物品 7.play the violin:老师带读,强调重音。老师画简笔画,学生读词。 设计意图:强化发音,画画帮助学生建立音、形、义之间的初步联 系。 涂色功能 、橡皮擦功能 画小提琴,修改用橡皮,最后给它涂色 8.play the +piano/drum/erhu(乐器) play chess play the+football/basketball/pingpong(球类). 设计意图:让学生对给出的 play 词组进行归类和区别。提高学生的 分析归纳的能力。探照灯功能 强调两个词组的不同之处 9.Read these new phrases with tape.(纠正语音,练习发音。) Step 3 Practice. 1.Work in pairs. One student says out a word and others show the word card. (小组合作,训练学生对词汇的音与形的联系) 2.Do and say. One student says one verb ,the other says out the phrase and do the action.(训练学生对词组的意义的掌握,做动作同时也能 增加学习的趣味性) 3.Lets play. Ask and answer in a row. What do you do in your free time? I often.(问答操练由师生到生生) 4.Match of question. 5 people in one group. Ask and answer in a row. Who is fast?(通过计时竞赛对功能句训练,加强学习的趣味性) 计时器功能 为每个小组计时 5.Look at Part C, Can you answer it ,Please write down and tell your partner.Then show them on the screen.照相功能 拍下学生书写的句 子,然后展示 Step 4 Summary Sum up by students Lots of free time activities enrich our daily life. Step5 Homework 1.Read and copy these phrases. 2.Do a survey.What do your friends do in their free time? 6、板书设计: Free Time What do you do in your free time? go for a picnic I often go skating go camping do the house work Play the +乐器 Play +球类 小学英语小学英语(新起点新起点)四年级下册四年级下册 Unit 5 Free Time Lesson 1 新起点英语四年级下册 Lets sing Lets play a Bomb game Lets learn free time 空闲空闲 的的 Learn three after class after school on the weekend 50 Miss Wu: Lily: Joy: Yaoyao: Andy: Miss Wu: All the children: What do you do in your free time? I often read books and go skating. I often play the violin before dinner. I often do the housework after dinner. I make models.I sometimes go camping with my parents. That sounds fun .Do you like to go for a picnic. Yes! Lets learn go for a picnic 去野餐去野餐 Learn Lets learn camp cap 去野营去野营 Learn go camping What do you need when you go camping? tentsleeping bagfood flashlight Where do you go camping? on a hillin the park in the forest Learn Lets learn go skating 去滑冰去滑冰 skate Learn skateboarding skateboard roller skating Lets learn do the housework 做家务做家务 Learn do the homework 做作业做作业 Lets learn violinplay the Learn play the piano Lets know more play the erhu play the pipa play the +乐器乐器 我们发现:我们发现: play the guitar Learn play football play basketballplay ping-pong play baseball go skating play the violin go camping do the housework go for a picnic 1.do the housework 2.go for a picnic 3.play the violin 4.go skating 5.go camping 6.free time 老师按自己的喜好把今天所 学的词组排序,请你猜一猜顺序 。 Lets play Listen and number. 按听到的顺序给单词标号 。 go for a picnic play the violin go skating go camping do the housework free Lets play Work in group.One student do the action and others say out words. 一个学生做动作,小组中其他 人快速说出单词。 Lets talk What do you do in your free time? I often Ask and answer Lets play Ask and answer in a row as soon as you can. 句子问答小组计时对抗赛 do the housework Lets write Revision go skating play the violin go camping do the housework go for a picnic What do you do in your free time? I often 在空闲时间,要做有益 于身心健康的活动,不要长 时间看电子屏幕。 1.Read the words to your parents. 2.Ask your parents about their activities in their free time. 3.Write down the dialogue between you and your parents. Homework Homework Lets ask and answer Ask and answer -What do you do in your free time, Lily? -I often go skating. What do you do in your free time, Andy? -I often
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