人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit 5 Free Time-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:20555).zip

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Unit 5 Enjoy Our Free Time! play the pianoplay the drumsplay the violin (instruments) play the sing songsdraw pictures dance Guessing game Music and Art go play basketball play soccer go swimming go skateboarding balls play Sports clean the kitchen clean the table mop the floor Housework/Chores . Other Activities go for a picnic go camping make models . Unit 5 Enjoy Our Free Time! 1.Who is she? 2. What is she good at?/What does she like doing in her free time? 3. How often does she do it? T: Wow! How interesting your free time is! After you shared your free time, there are some new friends whod like to share theirs. Now, lets see who they are, and what they do in their free time. 设计设计 意图图:教师师利用听力做示范,逐层层提问问,提取信息, 为为接下来学生通过阅读过阅读 提取信息做准备备. T: Jin wants a friend to dance with. Please read the three passages and help her to find the friend. 2. 学生自己阅阅 读读,提取信息, 寻寻找可以和Jin 玩在一起的好 朋友: Who? What? How often? Which? T:Read again,and fill in the blanks. playing ping-pongplay it twice a week _is my friend. We both like_. Lets read. 1. 1. TrueTrue() or false or false() Tina likes reading English stories. Jinjing goes to the drawing club once a week. Amanda is good at Chinese dancing. Alex goes skating twice a week. Who ? readingEnglish stories story books good at 2 2. . hobby English Who ? street dancing Chinese dancing Good at Wants to learn Who ? reading English stories story books good at English dancing Dancing club Once a week new Good at Who ? reading Twice a week skating Canada hobby My Free Time Enjoy your free time. Enjoy your free time. country Kelly Canada hobbyskiing can ski fast fun snowy Ann 义务教育教科书 英语(一年级起点)四年级下册 Unit 5 Free Time 第三课时 学情分析:学情分析: 1 学生特点 四年级的学生渴望与朋友或同学间分享和讨论自己的课余生活,喜欢向朋 友展示自己在课余活动中的收获,也希望通过这样的交流方式了解更多更丰富 的课余生活。所以在课堂中,教师尽量创设真实的情境,为学生提供相互交流 的机会。 2知识储备 通过之前所学,学生已具备一定的听说能力、认读能力和语言理解基础, 对本单元功能句:What do you do in your free time? How often do you ?这样的句型,学生能够较好的与同学进行交流,因此在本节课的教学设计中, 教师应着重情境活动设计,帮助学生合理运用所学语言。 本课教材内容分析本课教材内容分析 A 项共有四个短文,每个短文是一名新生的自我介绍。内容包括他们的姓 名、国家、课余活动、活动频率、对朋友的要求等,为学生呈现了一个帮助新 同学找朋友的语言任务。 B 项是读写结合的活动。学生需先根据 A 项短文提供的信息在给定的句子 结构里填写任务从事某项活动的频率,然后,模仿语言结构介绍自己的课余生 活,并正确填写信息,完成句子。以此实现从提取信息到转换信息,从理解文 本到实际运用的能力提升。 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 能够读懂有关课余生活的短文,总结其中的关键信息,用所给功能句表达人 物的课余活动及频率。 2. 能简单利用思维导图表示自己的课余生活,并简单介绍。 3. 能够流利地朗读短文。 4. 能够口头或书面简单地介绍自己的课余活动及频率。 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 借助关键信息,理解短文内容。 2. 制作自己课余生活的思维导图,并与同学进行交流。 教学难点:教学难点: 1. 正确为自己的课余生活制作思维导图,并与同学简单交流。 教学过程:教学过程: 一Step 1: 复习导入 (一)短语复习 Guessing game.(冰山一角猜图游戏) 1Art and music. 拓展:play the . 2. sports 拓展:ball games 和 go 引导的有关运动的短语。 3. housework 拓展:what housework/chores do you do at home? 4. other activities. . 设计意图:对课余生活进行分类,并简单制作思维导图帮助学生梳理知识。设计意图:对课余生活进行分类,并简单制作思维导图帮助学生梳理知识。 (二).根据复习内容教师制作思维导图,引导学生如何梳理所学知识。 (板书) 二. Step2: 短文呈现, 阅读、提取信息 (一)导入短文第一篇 口头介绍自己的课余生活承上启下,介绍新朋友及他们的课余生活,进行过渡。 T: Wow! How interesting your free time is! After you shared your free time, there are some new friends whod like to share theirs. Now, lets see who they are, and what they do in their free time. 观察第一个人物。 Question: 1. Who is she? 2. What is she good at?/What does she like doing in her free time? 3. How often does she do it? Circle the name and underline the key words. 设计意图:教师利用听力做示范,逐层提问,提取信息,为接下来学生通过阅设计意图:教师利用听力做示范,逐层提问,提取信息,为接下来学生通过阅 读提取信息做准备读提取信息做准备. . (二)阅读 1. read other passages and find that who can be Jinjings friends and underline why? 2.check the answer. S:Amanda can be Jinjins good friend. They both likes dancing. Questions What does Amanda good at? What does she want to learn? Show some pictures about street dancing. 3.Can Tina and Alex be good friends? Read again and underline why. 4.check in pairs. 设计意图:学生带着任务去提取信息,使阅读更有效率。设计意图:学生带着任务去提取信息,使阅读更有效率。 (三)阅读检测。 1Read and fill in the blanks. 2.read in groups. 设计意图:将提取到的信息落实在笔头上,再通过核对、跟读分别从句型结构、设计意图:将提取到的信息落实在笔头上,再通过核对、跟读分别从句型结构、 语音语调等方面提高学生对语言运用的准确性和流畅性。语音语调等方面提高学生对语言运用的准确性和流畅性。 3.个别人展示。 4How good is your memery? 1)Ture or fales. Read the sentences and tell me true of fales. Find the sentences in the passages. 2)Whos he or she? Read the mind map and tell me the name. 设计意图:检测学生阅读情况,是否理解短文。出示思维导图,为学生自己制设计意图:检测学生阅读情况,是否理解短文。出示思维导图,为学生自己制 作思维导图作铺垫。作思维导图作铺垫。 Step 3. 制作思维导图,介绍课余生活 1 Talk about teachers free time. 2 教师示范制作思维导图。并根据思维导图介绍自己的课余生活。(板书) 3 学生制作自己课余生活的思维导图。 4 小组活动。根据思维导图介绍自己的课余生活。 5 个别生展示。 设计意图:培养制作思维导图的意识,尝试制作、利用思维导图对话题进行梳设计意图:培养制作思维导图的意识,尝试制作、利用思维导图对话题进行梳 理。理。 Step 4. 布置作业。 Write something about your free time according to the mind map. 根据思维导图写一写自己的课余生活。 板书设计板书设计: : Free Time Art and music sports housework . teacher Cook dinner Twice a week fun Play pingpong . .
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