人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit 1 My neighbourhood-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:d2f3c).zip

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Supermarke t Bona Cinema Shenghua Hotel Xinhua Bookshop Central Hospital Longshan Park bookshop hospital supermarke t cinema between.and. across from. next to. Longshan Park Where is the Longshan Park? ItlskdIts . the first crossroads the third crossroads the second crossroads Game: Listen and go ,then guess the place. Bookshop Bank Zoo Turn left at the first crossroads. Its next to the zoo. How can I get to the park? Park Go straight. Toy Shop How can I get to.? Zoo Hospital Supermarket Bookshop Post Office Park Library School Cinema BankRestaurant Go _. Turn _at the _crossroads. Its. _ and _ at the first crossroads.Its between the _ and _. Where does he want to go? How can he get there? He wants to go to the _.post office Go straightturn left bookshopgrocery get + 副词 如:get there get home get to + 名词 如: get to the park get to Beijing Attention: Group work: Help them find out the way to their homes. Helping people would always make yourself happier. 帮助他人快乐自己。 Make a gift of rose, hand stay lingering fragrance. 赠人玫瑰,手有余香。 Homework: Draw a picture of the street, and make a route, then talk about with your classmates. GOODBYE SupermarketCinema Shenghua Hotel Xinhua BookshopPrimary School ICBC Central Hospital Longshan Park How can I get to the park? Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads. Go, go, go. How can I get to the bank? Go straight and turn right at the second crossroads. Go, go, go. Lets chant: How can I get to the zoo? Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads. Go, go, go. How can I get there? Go straight and turn right at the second crossroads. Go, go, go. Lets chant: Unit1 My Neighbourhood 教学设计 一、Teaching objectives 1. Knowledge and skills objectives 能够听懂、会说指路词和短语 go straight, turn left, turn right,crossroads.能够听懂有关问路的功能句:Is there.in the neighbourhood? How can I get to.?并初步用以下指路的功能句 指路:Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads. Its between .and. 2. Process and methods objectives 能够运用所学语句在真实的情境中进行交际,熟练的、准确的 运用功能句进行问路和指路。 3. Emotion, attitude and values objectives 通过本课学习,让学生体会到为他人指路,帮助别人是既快乐 又有意义的事。 2、Key and difficult points Key points: 能够听懂、会说与问路及指路有关的词汇和句子。 Difficult points: 能够根据实际情况运用所学的词与句子进行问 路和指路。 3、Teaching Preparation: PPT,单词卡片,转盘,头饰 4、Teaching method: 导入法、任务教学法、游戏法、表演法、情景教学法、 活动教学法 5、Major steps and time allocation: 1. Warm up: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you. 2. Review: (1) 场所: There are many familiar places in my city, lets have a look. (出示 PPT 图片) (2) 练习对话 :Where is the park? Its next to/between.and/across from. 3.Lead in : Now we know the location of the Longshan Park. But how can we get there? Today lets go on learning Unit1 My Neighbourhood . Lets talk about how to ask the way and how to show sb. the way. 4:Presentation New words: (1) 听一首歌曲,歌曲中告诉我们一些关于方向的词语。 (2) 在黑板上出示十字路口的图以及左转,右转,直行的箭头, 引导学生说出单词卡片上的词语。 Practice (1) 教师说词,学生做动作,让学生单个到前边说词,其他学 生做动作。 (2) 看 PPT 图片,让学生说出短语。 (3) 游戏:Listen and go ,then guess the place. 让一名学生到前面来蒙上眼睛,然后选一个地点,其他学 生说路线,蒙眼睛的学生走,猜出此地点。 New sentences: (1) The weather is very nice . Lets go to the park to have a picnic. OK? Lets go. PPT 出现街道画面,呈现新句型: How can I get to the park? Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads.Its .(板书句子) Practice (1):Look at the Turntable, Lets turn it. 转盘指向的地点进行对话练习。学生两人一组进行操练。 (2) 让学生看 PPT 图片上的街道,教师画路线,学生一起说出 Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads 的句型。然后 让学生以小组为单位,选择一个地点,在小组内展开讨论, 进行对话,边画路线边进行对话。 5.Learn the text: (1) Listen to the text and answer the questions. (2) Listen again and repeat. (3) Read by yourselves, and then lets show. (4) 出示 get 的用法:get+副词 get to +名词,举例说明。 6、Production Group work: There is a grandpa,a grandma and a little boy in the picture. They cant find their homes. Lets help them. Our classroom is the street.出示爷爷,奶奶和小男孩的家的位置。让学生在组内讨论 送他们回家的路线,然后到前面来表演。学生展示时带上头饰。教 师先在前面示范一下,扮演一位角色,让学生来帮忙指路,然后在 让学生表演。 7、学生观看助人为乐的短片,让学生体会赠人玫瑰手有余香; 帮助 别人能够让自己也很快乐。 8、Homework:画一幅街道的图片,选择一个地点,和你的同学讨 论一下怎样到达那里。 9、Hand-writing: Unit 1 My Neighbourhood How can I get to the park? crossroads go straight turn leftturn right
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