人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit 1 My neighbourhood-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:91637).zip

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Lesson3 Review A Read and draw the route Bill asks Lucky to send a book to his friend.“Lucky,get some money from the bank,and then get to the post office before 4:30.” Lucky leaves at 3:30.He goes straight and turns left at the second crossroads.He sees a bank next a restaurant.He gets some money and then goes into the restaurant.There he eats a hamburger.Then he sees a toy shop across from the restaurant.Luck wants a toy,so he buys a ball.Finally,Lucky gets to the post office,but its 5:00.Oh no! B Read again and write Q1:How can Lucky get to the bank from his home? 1 Q2:How can Lucky get to the post office? He can go straight and turn left at the second crossroads.It is next to the restaurant. He can go staight and turn right at the second crossroads.It is across from the hospital. 2 See you 四年级下 Unit1 My Neighbourhood lesson 3 教学目标:1.能够读懂有关街区路线的短文,并能根据短文内容画 出短文中人物的行走线路。 2.能够比较流利地朗读短文。 3.能够根据短文内容将句子补充完整,并且做到书写正确、规范。 重点难点:能读懂短文并朗读。 教学准备:词汇卡、图片、PPT 教学过程 AWarming up T:Good morning,everyone! Ss: Good morning,teacher! T:Before our class,lets sing a song hand shoudlers knees and toes BRead and draw the route 1.复习 (1)复习表示方位的词汇和指路短语; 设计意图:帮助学生复习重点单词和短语,加深印象。 (2)出示表示地点的词卡,边复习词汇边用这些词汇在黑板上摆放 出本课 A 项情景图中的街区; (3)利用黑板呈现的街区图,复习本课的功能句。教师可先引导学 生。如: T:I am at the cinema.I want to go to the bookshop.How can I get there? S1:Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads.Go straight and turn right at the second crossroads.Its on your left. 然后学生两人一组,根据街区图完成问路和指路复习活动。 (4)教师给学生设置一个类似课本的场景,让学生想象这是自己生 活的一个场景,让他们完成生活中完全可能发生的真实任务。 T:Look at the picture.Suppose it is your neighbourhood.One day,one of your friends asks you to send a gift to Joy.You want go to a post office.How can you get there?Now work in pairs and find the way to the post office. 两人一组活动,找到去邮局的路线,并用英语把路线写出来。 设计意图:将问路应用到实际生活当中去,让学生学以致用。 2.阅读短文。 (1)教师介绍短文故事发生的背景: This is Bills neighbourhood. One day,Bill asks Lucky to send b book to his friend. What happens next?然后要求学生自己阅读短文并画出 Lucky 的行走路线。 (2)学生读完一遍短文并自己完成路线的任务。 (3)教师播放 2 遍录音,让学生边听录音边检查自己画的路线是否 正确。 (4)教师拿出事先准备好的 Lucky 图片,请学生分别到教师前,利 用黑板上的模拟街区图,讲述一下 Lucky 的行走路线。其他学生认 真听。 (5)教师再次播放 A 项录音,学生边听录音边跟指相应的文字。 (6)学生听录音,跟读短文,注意模仿语音语调。 (7)学生自己尝试朗读短文。 BRead again and write. 1.教师根据黑板上模拟街区图,提出问题,并在 PPT 上显示问题, 隐藏答案。 2.找学生回答问题答案,正确显示答案,错误引导学生改正错误答 案。 3.将答案书写在板书上,提醒学生书写规范。 Clisten the new song(Fun time C 项) D.Homework
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