人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 3 Making Contact-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:10bc9).doc

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人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 3 Making Contact-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:10bc9).doc_第1页
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1、Unit3Making Contact Lesson 1 根据课程标准的要求,在英语教学中应提倡学中用,用中学,学用 结合,学以致用。在教学过程中,学和用是一个整体。依据这个目标, 在Unit 3 Making Contact第一课时中,我所设计的每一个游戏活动始 终将学生置于一种自主、和谐、轻松的自然学习氛围中,从而使学生在 不断习得和使用语文中将语言知识内化,为学生自我求知、自我获取知 识创造了有得条件,促进了学生思维的活跃和才能的发挥。让学生通过 看、听、标号等途径来感知并学习这些短语。通过对话活动,帮助学生 操练词汇,并体会词汇在交际情境中的运用。让学生根据例句提示,将 句子补充完整。

2、 教材分析 本课时的教学内容为新起点五年级下册第三单元 P26-27 面,即: Get ready,AListen and number, B Tick and talk 和 C Think and write. 在 A 部分, 借助 Get ready 图和对话录音, 情境化地呈现了本课的目标词: send an email, write a letter, make a phone call, send a short message, make a video call, mail a present 让学生通过看、 听、 标号等途径来感知并学习这 些短语。B 部分通过对话活动,帮助学生

3、操练词汇,并体会词汇在交际 情境中的运用。C 部分是学生根据例句提示,将句子补充完整。 学情分析 优势:五年级学生已经有四年半的英语学习经历,五年级的学生在 前二个单元里学习了一些 special days 和相应的活动的短语。这些为本 节课的顺利开展打下了基础。 劣势: 在五年级有个别学生基础薄弱, 在读说的这个环节有些困难。 教学重点、难点 教学重点: 听懂、 会说 send an email, write a letter, make a phone call, send a short message, mail a present, make a video call 这 6 个短语

4、, 尝试借助拼读规律 记忆它们。 教学难点: 能够使用以前学过的句子操练以上词语,对不同的联系方式进行简 单的描述。 学习目标 通过本节课的学习,学生能够达到以下目标: 1. 能够听懂、会说 send an email, write a letter, make a phone call, send a short message, mail a present, make a video call 这 6 个短语,尝试 借助拼读规律记忆它们。 2. 能够使用以前学过的句子操练以上词语, 对不同的联系方式进行 简单的描述。 3. 能够根据语境从上述短语中选择恰当的短语填空。 教学流程 1. 热

5、身(唱一唱)课前 T: Class begins. Stand up. Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang. Good morning ,teachers. T: Sit down ,please. Lets play a bomb game. OK? Ss: OK! (点评:玩炸弹游戏,复习第二单元学习的节日和动词词组,为本 节课的顺利开展做好准备。 ) Welldone .What will we learn today? Lets look carefully.(播放思维导图微 课,是学生初步了解这一节学习重

6、点。 ) T: New Years Day is coming. What do you want to do on New Year s Day? S: I want to (点评:复习句子,为进入下一个环节坐下铺垫。 ) T: What do Binbin and Joy want to do on New Year s Day? Let s have a look. 2. 学习(学一学,练一练) (1)单词教学 教学 write a letter T: Look at the picture. Whats this? Its a letter. How to read these wor

7、ds? (点击课件,出现 leg, egg) Ss: leg, egg T: What does e say? Ss: It says /e/. T: Great! How to read this word? Ss: letter T:What doesBinbin want to do? Ss:write a letter. (反复操练词组) T: Who does Binbin write to? (点击课件) Ss: His father.(给答对同学小组加分,给予鼓励) T: OK. Do you write a letter to your parents on special d

8、ay? Ss: Yes. / No. T: What did you say in the letter? Did you say I love you? Ss: Yes. T: Good children! (点评:在学习的过程中,对学生进行润物细无声的德育渗透,爱 父母。 ) T: Is this a letter? Ss: No. T: Its an email. Look at these words.Canyou read? (点击课件,出现 rain, train) Ss: rain, train T: What does ai say? S: ai says /ei/. T: C

9、lever! How can read e-m-a-i-l ? Ss: Ss:email T: I can write an email. Can you? Ss: Yes! (点评:进行有机拓展,为后面学习 email 做下铺垫。 ) 教学 send an email T:After writing an email, I will send an email. send an email. Ss: send an email. T: What does it mean? Ss: 发送电子邮件 T: Great! (点评:由写电子邮件自然过渡到发送电子邮件。 T: Who wants to

10、send an email? Ss: Joy. T: Super! 教学 send a short message T: Whats this? (点击课件) Ss: Its a phone. T: We canuse phone to send a message. Oh,look at this word ,message. (反复教授 message) Send an email means 发送电子邮件。What does J send amessage mean? Ss:发送信息。 T:What does Joy say in the message? Ss: Happy New Y

11、ear T: Is the message long or short? Ss:Its short. T: So we say Ss: send a short message T: Can you send a short message? Ss: Yes. S: I can send a short message. T: What does Joy say in the message? Ss: Happy New Year! T: When Christmas Day is coming. What can you say in the message? Ss: Merry Chris

12、tmas! (点评:由新年这个特殊的日子发送短信的内容过渡到圣诞节的内 容,培养学生综合运用语言能力。 ) 教学 make a phone call T: We can use phone to send a short message. What else can we use phone to do? Ss: 打电话 T: make a phone call Ss: make a phone call T: Can you make a phone call? Ss: Yes. T: What can we say when we make a phone call? Ss: Hello.

13、 This is XX speaking. T: Good job. (点评:学习了打电话这个词组,顺势复习打电话的常用语言。为 本课的听力做铺垫。 ) T: Look! Binbin wants to make a phone call on New Years Day. Who does he want to make a phone call? Ss: His teacher. (点评: 充分利用现有的图片进行说话, 巩固学习过的 make a phone call,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 ) 教学 make a video call T: Binbin wants to make

14、 a phone call on New Year s day.But Joy wants to make a video call on this day. Follow me .video. Make a phone call,make a video call.(反复对比操 练两个词组) T:Lets make a video call to Miss Zang.(连线臧老师,让学生更直观理解 这个词组意思) T:So make a video means. Ss:打视频电话 教学 mail a present T: Binbins friend is in xinjiang. His

15、birthday is coming. So he wants to mail a present to him. Main is 啊 verb。 It means 邮寄 .What does mail a present mean?Ss: 邮 寄礼物(点击课件)Mail a present. (点评:培养学生的想象力和运用已学知识说话的能力。 ) (2)Listen and number T: Binbin and Joy want to do many thing on New Years Day. Look at the pictures. What does Binbin want t

16、o do? What does Joy want to do? S: Binbin wants to Joy wants to (点评:看图说话一个是巩固刚刚学习的 6 个动词词组,再则是为 听音标号做好铺垫。 ) T:If I am Binbin ,you are Joy.What do you want to do?on New Year s Day? Ss:I want to-to my-.(板书句子) T:Ask and answer in pairs.Then act out(充分给学生展示机会,并加分给 予鼓励) T: Which picture is No 1? Lets lis

17、ten and number. 播放录音,学生听音标号 (点评:充分利用教材现有的图片培养学生看图说话的能力,同时 对将要听到的内容进行预测。 ) T: Open your book and turn to page 27. Lets listen and number. (再次 播放录音) S: 学生听音标号,做笔记,班内校正,及时评价。 (3)Tick and talk T: There are many special days in a year. What do you want to do on the special days? Let s tick and talk. Firs

18、t let s see how to tick and talk. (点 击课件,学生观看) S: T:Are you clear? Ss: Yes. T: Lets tick and talk. 学生两人一组问和答,班内展示,及时评价 (4)Lets write T: Lets write. Lets see how to write. 教师读提示,在黑板上示范 写。Do you understand? Ss: Yes. T: Lets write. (5)Summary Now who cancome here and give us a summary of this lesson? (

19、6)Homework 1. Read P26. 2. Say Tick and talk to your parents. 3. Write an email to your friend. (点评: 家庭作业以说为主, 检测学生是否真正掌握本节课的内容。 作业实行分层,让孩子根据自己的学习能力选作,真正实现了以生为 主。 ) 板书设计 U3 Making ContactL 1 What do you want to do on New Years Day? write a letterfather send an emailmother I want tosend a short messageto myteacher make a phone callfriends make a video callgrandparents mail a present


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