人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 1 Keeping Healthy-Fun Time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:90022).zip

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一判断下列饮食习惯是否正确。 1. We should eat too many hamburgers. 2 We should eat a lot of rice, noodles and bread. 3. We should eat some chicken, fish and meat 4. We should eat only a little sugar s. We should eat too much ice-cream 6. We should eat milk。 7 We should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. 二.选出下列英文句子的正确翻译。 ( ) 1 . We shouldn1 eat too much candy. A,我们应该多吃糖果 B.我们不应诚吃大多糖果。 ( ) 2. We should exercise often A.我们应经常假炼。 B.我们不喜欢经常镜炼。 ( )3. I like candy and cake. A.我春欢糖果和面包 B.我喜欢糖果和蛋糕。 三According to the facts to judge true(T) or false(F)。 ( )1. We should eat many kinds of food to be healthy ( )2. We need much fat and sugar ( )3. We should have much meat ( )4. We should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables ( )5. Food can give us energy. 四书面表达。 同学们,你知道怎么样拥有一个健康的身体吗?请以“ How to keep healthy为 题目,写一篇英语短文。不少于 50 词词 How to keep healthy 1 Unit1 Keeping Healthy Fun Time 小学英语义务教育课程标准实验教材小学英语义务教育课程标准实验教材 五年级下册五年级下册 第第 9 9 页页 2 1、 教学内容分析教学内容分析 Fun Time 是人民教育出版社出版的课标版英语(一年级起点) 五年级下册 Unit1 Keeping Healthy 的内容,该单元可分为 7 课时完成, 本节课是第 4 课时,要求学生能够借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂短 文,了解日常生活中人们的健康饮食标准,并把这些标准作为自己合理 化饮食的参考。教师还要帮助学生拓展了解一些其它的健康饮食标 准。 二、学生情况分析二、学生情况分析 五年级学生经过本套教材前几册英语学习,大部分学生养成了 较为良好的英语学习习惯,当然也存在有一小部分学生学习兴趣不 高的分化现象。因此教师更要面向全体学生,激发学生学习兴趣, 狠抓基础知识训练,设计不同层次练习,穿插一定数量的游戏,加 入适量的拓展内容,渗透德育教育,注重学科整合,尽量让每个学 生都有兴趣学习,打牢基础的同时各有收获。 3、我的思考我的思考 本课时教学没有新句型和语法,教学内容也较为贴近学生生活, 比较适合在此创设情景教学,利用学生熟悉的人物瑶瑶的歌曲导出 3 课题,然后点拨学生说出健康的饮食标准,突破重点,复习旧知, 并出题测试,理解健康的生活饮食习惯。最后制作健康饮食的宣传 海报拓展丰富学生学习内容。希望这样的设计能收到比较好的效果。 4、教学目标教学目标 知识目标:能够借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂短文,了解日常生活中 人们的健康饮食标准,并把这些标准作为自己合理化饮食的参考。 能力目标:能够制作有关健康话题的宣传海报。欣赏并学唱与本单 元话题相关的歌曲。调动学生积极性,训练学生听说读写及合作交 流学习的能力。 情感目标:教育学生爱惜身体,做一名健康的社会主义接班人。 五、教学重难点五、教学重难点 教学重点: 1.Enable the students to read and understand the passage. Know the standards of healthy diet. 2. Enable the students to use the sentences: We should/shouldnt. 教学难点:准确理解运用 a little, some, plenty of, a lot of 六、教学资源六、教学资源 教师准备:教学课件、图片等 4 七、教学过程七、教学过程 Step 1Warming-up and revision 1.Greetings! T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Ms Li. T: Whats the weather like today? S: Its warm and windy. T: How are you today? S: Im fine,thank you. How are you? T:Im fine,thanks. 2. Listen and sing. (Students sing the songs together and do actions with the music.) 3.Ask and answer. T:What do you like to eat? Do you like eating.? (The students answer the questions.) 5 T: I f w e w a n t t o k e e p h e a l t h y, w h a t s h o 6 u l d w e d o? W h a t s h o u l d n t w e d o? (Let the students see the CAI to answer.) Step 2Presentation and Practice. 7 T: Today we are going to learn unit 1 keeping healthy fun time.Boys and girls ,do you know how to keep healthy in our daily life? What should we eat? What shouldnt we eat? Now lets listen to the good to know part. Before listening, Ill show you some questions. First, lets read them. 1. True or false. (CAI show the questions and students read them.) T: Now listen to the tape and judge true or false. Lets check the answers. 2. Read and circle. T: Now, weve known something about how to keep healthy, then lets talk about it in detail. Open your books, turn to page nine. Please read the passage and circle the words you dont understand. 3. Help the students understand and circle the words. 4. T: Listen again, then discuss the questions in groups. (First, show the questions to the students ,and read them. Then listen and discuss in groups.) 1) T: Oh, stop here.You are active in the discussion.Now who can come here to answer the 8 questions and stick the pictures at the same time? (Students come to the front and put the food pictures on the blackboard. And answer each question at the same time.) 2) T: Now lets see the right answers. (Teacher show the answers on the CAI.) T:The same with you, youre clever. 5. Passage reading. T: Now lets see the food pyramid in detail. Who can read the first paragraph? (Read the complete passage in turn.) T:Now read by yourselves and try to retell in groups. (Ask the students come to the blackboard and retell the passage according to the blackboard design.) 3Make posters. T: We have learned how to be healthy, now lets make a poster in groups to tell more people.We can make a poster like this. (CAI show a poster as the example. ) 9 T:We should pay attention to these. (Teacher read the requests.) (1)The layout should be reasonable. (2)The poster should have pictures and words. The size of these pictures should be suitable.And there are English explanations beside pictures. (3)The picture should be beautiful and colorful. T: At last, each group will show your poster to us. (The students make a poster in groups according to the teachers example.They can use the knowledge about health in this unit, choosing their favourite content.) (Each group show their posters in class. Read the words of the poster to others. Then other groups give comments after watching and listening.) T: Now lets begin. 10 (Students begin to make a poster in groups. The team leader gives tasks to each member. Everyone try their best to make the poster. The teacher join the students and guide them.) 1.Show the posters. T: OK,time is up, have you finished? Now lets show it.Which group would like to show your poster first? ( Each group come to the front to show their poster. Group members explain the theme of the poster and their design.S: We are the first group and this is our poster display.) T:The unfinished part can be continued after class. 2.Evaluate and courage. T:Your posters are colourful and wonderful. All of you did a good job, youre so great. 4Summary T:Lets see what weve learned today. ( Teacher point to the blackboard and ask the students to read.) 5Emotional education. 11 Boys and girls, health is very important to us. Lets look at the video. 6Sing a song. T:Today you all did a good job, now lets relax. Lets Sing the song again. 七七Homework. 1. Make a dialogue to talk about how to be healthy with your partner. 2. Make sentences with a little, some, plenty of, a lot of. 3. Continue to improve the posters. 八、八、Blackboard design. Unit1 Keeping Healthy Fun Time a little food some plenty of a lot of
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