人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 3 Making Contact-Fun Time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:7050f).zip

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Jack: Hi, _. Im _._ is coming. I dont know what to do .Can you help me? Joy: What would you like to do ? Jack: I would like to _. Joy: You can _. _. Jack: Thank you. Joy: You are welcome. Jack: Hi, _. Im _._ is coming. I dont know what to do .Can you help me? Joy: What would you like to do ? Jack: I would like to _. Joy: You can _. _. Jack: Thank you. Joy: You are welcome. Unit 3 Making contactUnit 3 Making contact Fun Time Fun Time 辽中区六间房九年一贯制学校辽中区六间房九年一贯制学校 韩海波韩海波 Look and say Look and say Look and say Look and say Look and say Look and say Look and say Good to know How do people send messages? Listen and answer How do people send messages? Some people use _ to send messages. smoke Lets answer How do people send messages? Some people use _ to send messages. birds Listen and answer Lets answer How do people send messages? Many people use _ to send messages. the Internet Listen and answer People also use _ to send messages.the phones smoke n. 烟 vt. 吸烟 There are some interesting old ways to send messages. Some people use smoke to show they need help. Their friends can see the smoke, and they know there is a problem. Then they will go to help. problem n. 问题 There are some interesting old ways to send messages. Some people use smoke to show they need help. Their friends can see the smoke, and they know there is a problem. Then they will go to help. takefrom 从带出 Other people use birds to send messages. They take a bird from its home. They write a small message on some paper and put the paper on the birds leg. Then the bird will fly back home with the message. puton 把放在上 Other people use birds to send messages. They take a bird from its home. They write a small message on some paper and put the paper on the birds leg. Then the bird will fly back home with the message. fly back home 飞回家 Other people use birds to send messages. They take a bird from its home. They write a small message on some paper and put the paper on the birds leg. Then the bird will fly back home with the message. travel around the world 环游世界,传遍世界 Of course, there are many new ways to send messages today. Many people use the Internet to send messages. The messages travel around the world very quickly. People also send text messages on their phones. Its very fast, too. text messages 文本信息, 文字信息 Of course, there are many new ways to send messages today. Many people use the Internet to send messages. The messages travel around the world very quickly. People also send text messages on their phones. Its very fast, too. send messages vt. 发送信息 传递信息 There are some interesting old ways to send messages. Some people use smoke to show they need help. Their friends can see the smoke, and they know there is a problem. Then they will go to help. There are some interesting old ways to send messages. Some people use smoke to show they need help. Their friends can see the smoke, and they know there is a problem. Then they will go to help. Other people use birds to send messages. They take a bird from its home. They write a small message on some paper and put the paper on the birds leg. Then the bird will fly back home with the message. Of course, there are many new ways to send messages today. Many people use the Internet to send messages. The messages travel around the world very quickly. People also send text messages on their phones. Its very fast, too. There are some interesting _ _ to send messages. Some people _ _ to show they need help. Their friends can _ _ _,and they _ there is a problem. Then they will _ _ _. Other people _ _ to send messages. They _ _ _ from its home. They _ _ _ _ on some paper and _ the paper _ the birds leg. Then the bird will _ _ _ with the message. Of course, there are many _ _ to send messages today. Many people _ _ _ to send messages. The messages _ _ _ _ very quickly. Many people _ _ _ on their phones. Its very fast, too. Jack: Hi, Joy. Im Jack. Childrens Day is coming. I dont know what to do . Can you help me? Joy: What would you like to do ? Jack: I would like to play with my friends. Joy: You can go to the park and play games with your friends. Jack: Thank you. Joy: You are welcome. Lets makeLets make Thank you !Thank you !Thank you !Thank you ! Unit 3 Making Contact Fun Time教学设计 人教社新起点英语(一年级起点)五年下册 教学目标: 1.能够借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂短文,了解过去和现在一些常 用的通讯方式。 2. 能够仿照示范进行小制作。 3. 学唱与本单元话题相关的歌曲。 教学重难点: 教学过程: Step I .Warming- 1. Greet each other. 2. Sing a song together. (学生跟唱歌曲,活跃课堂气氛。 ) 3. Free talk Step II .Presentation A.Good to know 1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Question 1:What are these? Question 2:Do you know how people sent messages many years ago? 2. Read the text by themselves,then underline the important information. (通过勾画重点信息,理解文章大意。 ) 3. Listen to the text,then answer the questions.”How do people send messages?” (通过听课文录音,再次理解文章的内容。 ) 4. Read the text again,then make mind maps in groups. (学生把思维导图绘制在各自的作业本上,然后根据各自对短文的 理解,将思维导图的内容补充完整。 ) 5. Describe the mind maps in their groups,then sum up the different ways to send messages. send messages bird new ways smoke (根据完成的思维导图,在小组内描述、总结三种不同的传递信息 的方式。 ) 6. Students listen to the text again,and follow the tape to read the text sentence by sentence. 7. Read the text in pairs. 8. Retell the text. Step III Activities A.Lets make. 1.Four children in a group,make a paper phone together. (观察课本上呈现的制作纸电话的方法和步骤。制作过程中,可用 水彩笔在听筒上画上装饰图案,做好后还可模仿打电话,就本单元 的话题展开对话,复习本单元的重点内容。 ) 2. Make a new dialogue and write it out in groups. (根据模仿打电话的内容) 3. Act the dialogue in pairs. (把模仿打电话的内容表演给其他同学看,由大家评价电话制作的 精良程度,以及对话的流畅度。 ) B. Lets watch the video. (通过观看小视频,让学生了解手机等现代通讯设备在给人们带来 方便的同时,也会造成一定的损害,因此,孩子们要合理使用手机 等现代通讯设备。 ) Step IV Consolidation and homework 1. Sum up. 2. Homework
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