人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 3 Making Contact-Let’s Check-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:10360).zip

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课 题人教版小学英语一起五年下册人教版小学英语一起五年下册 Unit 3 Making contact Lets check 教材分析 本单元是在学生有了一定的英语表达基础上,结合上一单元的有关节日的 训练,更为具体的表达自己怎样度过节日的想法,最终训练提高学生与别 人进行良好沟通的能力. 教学背景分析 本课是本单元检测学生对前几课时的掌握情况的综合体现,也是对本单元 基础知识进行巩固与提高的综合练习.因此本课在学生掌握了基本词汇与 功能句的基础上,给学生创设一定的语言环境来运用所学英语尤为重要. 教学目标 一. 知识目标: 1. 复习巩固本单元重点词汇:send an email, write a letter, make a phone call, send a short message。 2. 复习巩固运动会主题的相关词汇:run60100200800metres, run the relay race, do the high jump, do the long jump, jump rope。 3. 理解、运用核心句型 What would you like to do? 及其答语:I would like to . 二. 能力目标: 1. 能够听懂、会说 send an email, write a letter, make a phone call, send a short message, 等单词和短语,尝试借助拼读规律记忆它们,并 能根据语境选择恰当的词语填空。 2. 复习巩固运动会相关的词汇 run60100200800metres, run the relay race, do the high jump, do the long jump, jump rope 并能在图片及视频的 帮助下能够熟练运用。 2. 能够听懂、会说用来询问对方运动会选什么项目的功能句:What would you like to do? 及其答语:I would like to .学会在恰当的情境中熟 练口头运用,并能根据问题提示写出几个意义连贯的句子, 描述自己 及同学运动会的活动安排。 三情感目标: 通过学校运动会活动的调查与参与,提高学生的集体荣誉感,增强锻 炼身体的意识。 教学重难点 重点:1. 复习,运用词汇 run60100200800metres, run the relay race, do the high jump, do the long jump, jump rope 2. 理解、运用核心句型 What would you like to do? 及其答语:I would like to . 难点:1. 能够听懂、会说用来询问对方运动会选什么项目的功能句: What would you like to do? 及其答语:I would like to .学会在恰当的情 境中熟练口头运用。 2. 根据问题提示写出几个意义连贯的句子, 描述自己及同学运 动会的活动安排。 教学过程 教学环节教师活动预设学生活动设计意图 Pre-task Preparation 1.Free talk: Hows the weather today? Are you happy? Whats the date today? What day is June 1st? 2.Review days and festivals 3. Review phases. Think and answer话题导入,引出本 科复习内容。 While-task Procedure 1. What would Lili Joy Andy Yaoyao like to do on special days? 2. We send messages, make phone calls- to make contact with the others. School show Notices to tell the students to do something. 3. Show some pictures of Sports Day. 4.Show the notice of our school. 5. What would you like to do on Sports Day? Id like to _. Listen and Match. Read and understand the 4 notices then fill in the blanks. Enjoy the pictures. Read and understand. Ask and answer with partners. Do a survey in groups. 通过听音连线的练 习,锻炼学生的听 力及反应能力。 通过阅读填空学生 理解通知的写法与 作用。 通过欣赏照片,为 下面运动会的学习 设下铺垫。 通过 notice 的阅读 与学习,知道运动 会的时间与地点等 知识。 复习练习本课重点 词汇与句型。 Post-task Procedure 6. Do a survey. 7. Show a report. 8. Listen. 9. Homework. Write a report. Read ones report. 1. Talk about the Book Fair and the Painting Show with your classmates. 2. Write what you d like to do at the weekend. 复习、练习本课重 点词汇与句型。 整体语言输出,书 写本课重点词汇与 句型。 Read and listen the reports. 课后反思 本课课上反应是学生首次上课的真实反映,无事先安排,无事先渗透, 课后总结反思如下: 1.学生对本课内容掌握良好,课堂效果却不够积极踊跃,反思原因, 教师启发不足,若加入一些教具,如接力棒,跳绳,运动会入场式 的某些道具,可能教学效果会好一些! 2.复习阶段学生对本单元四会词汇掌握不够熟练,反思原因,练习密 度不够。 3.小组合作可以 6 人一组,练习范围会更广,练习效果会更好。 夸夸我自己评测练习 夸夸自己 夸夸自己的长处和优点 模拟表演 怎样才能让自己的优点越来越多呢? 人民教育出版社五年级下册人民教育出版社五年级下册 Unit 3 Making Contact Unit 3 Making Contact Lets check Lets check Free talk: What would you like to do on special days? Id like to - on -. birthday Tree planting Days Childrens Day Teachers Day Fathers Day Mothers Day New Years Day Christmass Day Id like to -. make a phone call mail a present make a card write a letter make a video call send an email send a short message What would you like to do on special days? Lets listen and match B Read and fill in the blank Notice A BOOK FAIR BOOK FAIR What would you like to do this weekend? Would you like to _? You can come to our special Book Fair in the school library this weekend, April 11th-12th . You will find lots of surprise! Notice B PAINTING SHOWPAINTING SHOW Are you good at painting? Would you like to _ ? Please come to our Painting Show! Date: Saturday, April 11th Place: Art Museum Notice C FUN SPORTS DAYFUN SPORTS DAY Date: Sunday, April 12th Place: school playground You can bounce a ball and _. here. read interesting books ask for candybuy toys jump rope see beautiful pictures Word box B Read and fill in the blank Notice A BOOK FAIR BOOK FAIR What would you like to do this weekend? Would you like to _? You can come to our special Book Fair in the school library this weekend, April 11th-12th . You will find lots of surprise! Notice B PAINTING SHOWPAINTING SHOW Are you good at painting? Would you like to _ ? Please come to our Painting Show! Date: Saturday, April 11th Place: Art Museum Notice C FUN SPORTS DAYFUN SPORTS DAY Date: Sunday, April 12th Place: school playground You can bounce a ball and _. here. read interesting books ask for candybuy toys jump rope see beautiful pictures Word box B Read and fill in the blank Notice A BOOK FAIR BOOK FAIR What would you like to do this weekend? Would you like to _? You can come to our special Book Fair in the school library this weekend, April 11th-12th . You will find lots of surprise! Notice B PAINTING SHOWPAINTING SHOW Are you good at painting? Would you like to _ ? Please come to our Painting Show! Date: Saturday, April 11th Place: Art Museum Notice C FUN SPORTS DAYFUN SPORTS DAY Date: Sunday, April 12th Place: school playground You can bounce a ball and _. here. read interesting books ask for candybuy toys jump rope see beautiful pictures Word box B Read and fill in the blank Notice A BOOK FAIR BOOK FAIR What would you like to do this weekend? Would you like to _? You can come to our special Book Fair in the school library this weekend, April 11th-12th . You will find lots of surprise! Notice B PAINTING SHOWPAINTING SHOW Are you good at painting? Would you like to _ ? Please come to our Painting Show! Date: Saturday, April 11th Place: Art Museum Notice C FUN SPORTS DAYFUN SPORTS DAY Date: Sunday, April 12th Place: school playground You can bounce a ball and _. here. read interesting books ask for candybuy toys jump rope see beautiful pictures Word box Our Sports Day Date: April 27th , 28th Place: school playground Our school will have a Sports Day. There are eight events . (项项目 ) Please choose (选择选择 )one event. Come on! You are the best! Notice SPORTS DAYSPORTS DAY 60 metres 100 metres 200 metres 800 metres High jump Long jump Relay race Jump rope eight events Notice SPORTS DAYSPORTS DAY Date: April 27th , 28th Place: school playground Our school will have a Sports Day. There are eight events . (项目) Please choose (选择)one event. Come on! You are the best! What would you like to do on Sports Day? Id like to run 60/100/200/800 metres. jump rope do the long jump do the high jump run the relay race Pair work(同桌练习) 60 metres 100 metres 200 metres 800 metres High jump Long jump Relay race Jump rope eight events Do a survey小调查 (group work小组做) 60m100m200m800mHigh jump Long jump Relay race Jump rope My report The Sports Day is coming. Id like to _. _ would like to _. _ _ Homework: 1 Talk about the Book Fair or Painting Show with your classmates. 2. Write what youd like to do this weekend? Thank youThank you !
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