人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 3 Making Contact-Story Time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:107a6).zip

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Sending a letter ( Period 1) Ren Juan Where is your birthday blessings(生日 祝福)? Sending a letter 1.Whose birthday is coming ? When? 2.How does Mr Bear want Mr Pigeon to send the letter at first? How long will it take ? 3.How does Mr Pigeon send the letter at last ? How long does it take ? 1.Whose birthday is coming ? When? Mr Bears granddaughters birthday./ Lily Bears birthday. Tomorrow. 2.How does Mr Bear want Mr Pigeon to send the letter at first? How long will it take ? Fly to her house. It will take three days. 3.How does Mr Pigeon send the letter at last ? How long does it take ? Send an email . A few minutes. Lets enjoy the story 1.What does Mr Bear want to do ? He wants to mail a letter to his granddaughter. 2. Where does he go ? He goes to the post office in the town. Good morning ,Mr Bear. Good morning, Mr Pigeon. grandfather 祖父,爷 爷 grandmother 祖母,奶奶 daughter 女儿 granddaughter 孙女,外甥女 grandson 孙子,外甥 Its his granddaughter s birthday tomorrow, so Mr Bear asks Mr Pigeon to fly very fast. Where is her house? Whats her name ? Please fly to my granddaughter and give her this letter. Mr Bear gives his granddaughters address to Mr Pigeon. Lily Bear a long way away in Toronto Mr Bear wants to know how long it will take for the letter to reach his granddaughter . He asks Mr Pigeon. How long will it take ? 它将花费多长时间? It will take me three days. 它将花费我三天时间。 teach peach beach reach arrive in/at get to 到达 What else does he care for ? . Oh,thats a long time . OK,can you tell me her telephone number,please. Mr Bear isnt happy .He thinks the letter will arrive late. Its lucky I have a computer .We can deliver the message today! Mr Pigeon calls Lily and asks for her email address. Mr Bear can write an email and deliver it today! Why is he happy again? de live r=deliverdiliv 传递,投递 send/deliver messages send/deliver mails It It s role-play time!s role-play time! Lets write 1.Mr Bear is sending a to his granddaughter. 2.Tomorrow is Mr Bears granddaughters . 3.Sending a letter will take . 4.Mr Pigeon wont fly to Mr Bears granddaughter because he hasa . letter birthday three days compute r HomeworkHomework 1、Read the story. 2、Act out the dailogue. 小学英语阅读课教学设计小学英语阅读课教学设计 Topic : sending a letter teaching aims: 1能够借助图片和阅读策略读懂 Story Time 的故事,完成句 子填空练习,并尝试表演故事。 2能够了解现代通讯和沟通方式的优缺点,能够根据实际情 况选用合理的通讯方式,扬长避短。 3.参与课堂各种活动,认真倾听,表达自己的观点。 teaching steps: 一、greetings : T: Today I am happy .Why ?呈现“蛋糕”PPT 问:Whats this? Ss: birthday cake . T: Whose birthday? 立刻呈现教师本人的一张照片 Ss: Happy birthday to you . T: Thank you very much. All of you say “Happy birthday”to me face to face .But if I am not here , how do you say “Happy birthday”to me ? (借助 free talk 形式开始课堂教学,活跃气氛。同时选用与本课内容 紧密结合的生日问候,也为新知的呈现埋下伏笔,自然导出下一环节。 ) 二、revision: T: What would you like to do on your friends birthday ? 呈现各种 making contact 的方式图,让学生复习本单元重点句 型和短语。 (采用问答的形式复习,其目的主要是以旧引新,复习旧知识,自然的引 出新知,体现教学的无痕。 ) 三、presentation: (一)介绍 Mr Bear 和 Mr Pigeon 1、当有学生说: I would like to write a letter to my friend 时, T: Good idea, and your idea is the same as Mr Bear. Who is Mr Bea? 媒体呈现 Mr Bear 图片. T: And todays story is between Mr Bear and Mr Pigeon 媒体呈 现 Mr Pigeon 图片 Its title is : Sending a letter PPT 呈现出课题 2、Now lets watch the video while thinking about the following questions. (媒体呈现问题) (由复习自然引入文本话题,并同时解决有关人物,通过问题分解文章内 容,降低学习难度,但又不打破阅读教学的整体性,同时也不使教学内容零碎 呈现,主线直穿文章。 ) (二)分段教学 Picture 1 1、呈现 Picture 1 的图片 T: What does Mr Bear want to do ? Ss: He wants to mail a letter to his granddaughter T:. Where does he go ? Ss: He wants to mail a letter to his granddaughter. 2、教新单词(PPT 导入) Grandfather 祖父,爷 爷 grandmother 祖母,奶奶 daughter 女儿 granddaughter 孙女,外甥 grandson 孙子,外甥 3、根据插入的“早上好”PPT ,引导学生说出 Good morning,Mr Pigeon. Good morning ,Mr Bear. Picture 2 1、根据 Picture 2 的在邮局的图片, T: Mr Bear wants to send a letter to Mr Pigeon. So he says : Ss: Please fly to my granddaughter and give her this letter. 让学生以组为单位读这句旁白。 2、PPT 呈现一信 封,教师说:to send a letter, Mr Bear must know address and name ,so he ask : 学生很快答出:Where is her house? Whats her name ? 让几个同学 分角色读。 Picture3 1、由上面的两个问题学生很容易答出旁白 Mr Bear gives his granddaughters address to Mr Pigeon. 2、又呈现一个信封问: T:Where does she live ? What is her name ? 用多媒体填写信封的方式回答, Ss: She lives a long way away in Toronto . Her name is Lily Bear . 3、T:Where is Toronto? 多媒体呈现 Toronto 一张地图,说明 Toronto 是加拿大的一个城市,Lily lives in Toronto. 在地图上示一地点:Mr Bear lives here . 中间用弯曲红线表明,So there is a long way away. 很巧妙的解释 了难点句子。 Picture 4 呈现第四幅画 1、T: When is Lilys birthday? Ss: Tomorrow. 2、T: What else does Mr Bear care for? Ss: Mr Bear wants to know how long it will take for the letter to reach his granddaughter . 让同学分组读出这句话。 3、利用道具分角色练习重点句型 -How long will it take ? -It will take me three days. Picture 5 1、呈现 Mr Bear 不高兴的图 T:: Is Mr Bear happy? Why? Ss: No, he isnt happy. Because the letter will arrive late. 2、为了导出对话,多媒体呈现“电脑”图和一张认真思考问题 的图片 T: Mr Pi geon thinks over and over, how does want to send the letter now? Ss: Send an email. T: So what does he ask ? Ss: OKcan you tell me her telephone number,please? Picture 6 呈现第六幅图 1、 T: Why is he happy again? Ss: Mr Bear calls Lily and asks for her email address. Mr Bear can write an email and deliver it today! 2、deliver 的讲解 de live r=deliverdiliv 传递,投递 send/deliver messages send/deliver mails 3、T: How lucky ! Yes? Ss:Its lucky I have a computer .We can deliver the message today! T: Its lucky Mr Pigeon has a computer .They can deliver the message today! 让学生起立读出句子,以检查掌握情况。 (对文章采用逐段分析,符合小学生的年龄特点。采用图片、提问等辅助 手段,形象直观的展现文章内容,变枯燥乏味为生动有趣,吸引学生,变被动 学习为主动学习。穿插各种 PPT,帮助学生巩固理解。 ) 四、practice 1、.reading read the passage (分角色读课文) Mr Bear:all the boys Mr Bear: all the girls Aside : aii the students 2、 It s role-play time! 利用道具(信,帽子,眼镜,邮局,电脑等) Mr Bear: Mr Bear: Aside : all the other students 五、consolidation Lets think and write 根据刚才对文章的讲解和表演,提炼出文章大意,学生看信息 完成填空。 (高年级学生有很好的表演能力,让学生根据文本适当的对所学内容进行 拓展训练表演,有利于学生的长远发展,同时写作也为提高学生对语言综合运 用的能力搭建舞台。 ) 六、summary There are many ways to send messages. Today we compare two : sending a letter and sending an email .Sending a letter is old but warm. Sending an email is fast , new and interesting. Which one do you like better? Choose carefully.And enjoy your life! (这些话既总结了文本,又是对学生思想教育的熏陶,能对文本起到拓展延 伸的作用。 ) 七、blackboard design Fly to her home (3 days) Mr Bear Lily Bear Mr pigeon Send an email ( today) 八、Homework 1、Read the story. 2、Act out the dailogue.
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