人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 5 Have a Great Trip-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:80a31).zip

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接龙说句子 接龙说句子 Unit 5 Have a Great Trip Lesson 1 Guess: What did I do last weekend? visited my parents cleaned the window watched TV walked on the glass road Last summer vacation, I enjoy my trip. went to Zhangjiajie climbed the mountain Read in pairs! drank cold drinks ate ice-cream went to the beach bought some gifts saw flowers took photos went to the Stone Forest swam in the sea went to the Stone Forest Where did she go? took photos What did she do there? bought some gifts What did she do there? saw flowers What did she do there? went to the beach Where did he go? swam in the sea What did he do there? drank cold drinks What did he do there? ate ice-cream What did he do there? Listen and tick! Listen and tick! Lets learn swim in the seaswam in the sea go to the beachwent to the beach eat ice-creamate ice-cream drink cold drinksdrank cold drinks go to the Stone Forest-went to the Stone Forest buy some giftsbought some gifts see flowerssaw flowers take photostook photos swim in the sea swam in the sea go to the beach went to the beach go to the Stone Forest went to the Stone Forest eat ice-cream ate ice-cream drink cold drinks drank cold drinks buy some gifts bought some gifts take photos took photos see flowers saw flowers Went, went, went to the beach Swam, swam, swam in the sea Ate, ate, ate ice-cream Drank, drank, drank cold drinks Bought, bought, bought some gifts Saw, saw, saw some flowers Took, took, took some photos Chant and say! I think you had a wonderful vacation. Lets write! I _(go/went) Sichuan last summer vacation. It was a great trip. I _(eat/ate) Sichuan food,_(climb/climbed) Mount Emei, and _(see/ saw) monkeys there. They were naughty. They _(take/took) bananas from my bag. Lets write! I _(go/went) Sichuan last summer vacation. It was a great trip. I _(eat/ate ) Sichuan food,_(climb/climbed ) Mount Emei, and _(see/ saw ) monkeys there. They were naughty. They _(take/took ) bananas from my bag. went to the Stone Forest took photos bought some gifts saw flowers went to the beach swam in the sea ate ice-cream 教学设计个人信息 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 教学基本信息 课题Unit 5 Have a Great Trip 第一课时 新授课 学科英语 学 段 高年级五 相关领域 教材书名: 新起点 出版社: 出版日 期: 1.指导思想与理论依据 英语新课程标准指出“ 教师要通过接近实际生活的各种语境,采用循 序渐进的语言实践活动 ”围绕这一指导思想,本节课运用情境创设、语言运 用、发现学习等方式,发展学生综合语言运用能力。 依据建构主义理论,以学生为中心,强调学生对知识的主动探索、主动发现和 对所学知识的主动建构。强调学习环境中的情景必须有利于学生知识的建构。 2.教学背景分析 教材分析: 1.本课的学习内容是新起点英语五年级下册的 5 单元的第一课话题是 Have a Great Trip。 教学内容涉及到 8 个短语和一个词,短语比较长,需要学生认 读理解记忆书写动词过去式的特殊形式,句型是:I went to , I swam in the sea 等. 2、 本课共分 3 个板块。A 项 听力打钩。B 对话和歌谣. C 选择恰当动词形式 填空。 3、 本课的短语是在已学单词上重新建构而成,只是动词出现特殊形式,对学生 来说相当于生词,读和写有难度.本课学生要表达的语言 I went to , I climbed hills and took photos .等旅游的表达对学生来讲难度不太大。 学生分析: 1. 学生在 14 年级的学习中掌握了大量的单词、词组和句型。 并能运用知 识交流。 2. 学生已经具备了一定的知识储备,初步具备联系思考的能力。就一个新问 题他们能能够有自己的思考、判断、归纳和总结。对学习的责任感进一步增强。 重视班级和老师的评价。 3.教学目标(含重、难点) 教学目标 1、能够在本课所涉及的情景中听懂、会说相关的短语并知道其意。 2、能够根据所设置的情景,通过口头对话和笔头练习,用 I went to , I climbed.介绍自己的旅行经历。 3、 能通过课堂学习活动,进一步培养学生英语口口头表达和笔头的表达能力。 教学重难点 重点:认读本课的词汇,动词过去式的特殊形式和交际用语的运用。 难点:掌握动词的恰当形式和读音单词的读音,能够结合语境交流旅游经历。 教学准备 教师准备:PPT 课件、单词卡片、材图片。学生准备:笔、图片、调查问卷等。 4.教学过程与教学资源设计 教学过程: Step 1. Warming up Guessing game T: Show ppt and ask: Can you guess what did I do last weekend? S: T: Last weekend, I visited my parents. I helped my parents do the housework. I cleaned the wondows. I stayed at home and watched TV with my family . I felt it was interesting.I was in Shanghai. I had a wonderful trip in shanghai. I like traveling .Last summer vacation I went to Zhangjiajie .I climbed the mountain.I walked on the glass road.I enjoyed my trip. What about Lily and Bill? How was their vacation. 【设计意图】 通过猜谜的形式,有目的的复习所学过的上周末活动的词和对话 。以旧带新, 引出 Great trip. Step 2.Presentation 活动一:整体呈现建构新知。 1. Show the main picture T: Look! Get ready: T: What are they talking about? Please look at these pictures and the phrases.What did they do last summer vacation? and read these words in pairs first.(one minutes) 学生两人一组试读出现的过去式短语。 Ask someone go read the words. 带领学生图片环游 T:Where did Lily go? And what did she do there? S: She went to the Stone Forest.(出示石林图片) What did she do there? T: Oh, yes. She took some photos there. I often take photos when travelling.what about you? Do you like taking photos when travelling? S : I like taking photos. T: She bought some gifts there.Do you often buy gifts when travelling? My son always buys toys when travelling.So there are many toys in his room,the toy car,toy train, toy panda and so on.(帮助学生理解 bought 的含义) She also saw beautiful flowers. What about Bill? Where did Bill go? S: He went to the beach. T:He swam in the sea. Whats the weather like in Hainan? S: Its very hot. So what did he do there? He ate ice-cream,drank cold drinks. T:Do you like cold drinks in summer ? S:Yes, I do . T: I also like cold drinks. Its very cool. But we shouldnt drink too much cold drinks .Why? S:Because its not good for our health. Now look at the picture and listen : What are they talking about? Where did they go? How was their vacation? They are talking about the travelling.Where did Lily go? Whom did Lily go with? How was Lilys vacation? What about Bill? S: Lily went to Kunming. Bill went to the beach. 【设计意图:通过看主题图,讨论读音使学生从音,形,义整体对所要学习的 语言有一个初步的认识,在讨论的过程中构建新知识。同时教师引导学生初步 的进行表达,初步建构知识。 】 活动 二:再次呈现书中的主题图 感知新知 T: Boys and girls , talk out this paper. Listen and find out what are they doing? What are they talking about? (将较难的词组再次让学生感知 为学生听再一次扫清障碍) T:Listen again Now lets finish the paper part A, listen and tick the right numbers of the pictures. T:The third time, Check the answers. (利用多媒体对答案,学生读句子。) 【设计意图:听之前的活动帮助学生再次理解单词的音、义 ,同时对较难词组 再次感知。帮助学生扫清听的障碍。 】 Step 3. Learning focus language 活动一:活动一:小组合作学习较易词组。 整体对比阅读 Lets learn the phrases. 2 人一组,.小组读词组。 (简单的词组,如果学生们自己处理得比较好,教师就放手了。) 小组读后呈现学习结果. Go to the stone forest is different from went to the forest. For example: I often go to the stone forest . I went to the stone forest last year . 【设计意图:本部分的短语由学生学过的单词建构。因此教师选择发现法并通 过合作学习的方式让学生学习短语,完成知识的建构。同时,调动学生学习积 极性,体验乐趣和成功。 】 活动二:活动二: 教师教授词组中的生词启发学生读出较难词组,并练习组成句子。 Take -took, buy-bought. go-went. 讲解过去式的使用。 I often take photos. I took photos last spring. I always buy some gifts for my friends. I bought some gifts for my friends last weekend. I often drink cold drinks. I drank cold drinks yesterday.(last Monday, last months,) Can you make new sentences using the different phrases. S:。 。 。 。 【设计意图:本部分词组有生词出现,教师结合母语学习的经验和认知,通过 语音帮助学生拼读单词,教师示范造句子,最后让学生自己编句子,体现了在 教师引导下学习的理念。 】 Step 4. Practicing the focus language 活动一:Lets chant (自编歌谣,拍手打节奏) (1)Practice together. Practice with your partner. (2)let the Ss show. Chant with your partner. 【设计意图】自编歌谣,降低难度。在歌谣中训练本课中的主要单词。学生可 以在学中唱,在唱中学,引导学生自主学习,轻松愉快地接受新知 活动二 T:二人一组进行抽词造句游戏。Draw a card and make a sentence. I ate ice-cream yesterday. Mary ate ice-cream last Monday. (学生将新词贴在黑板上,完成板书)Learn the word slept. 【设计意图】练习之后让学生二人一组做组句游戏,体现玩中学和合作练习的 理念。 活动三:Listen to a chant . listen to a chant. What can you hear in the chant ? listen again. (T :Disscuss with your partnar.) Ask the Ss to answer. 学唱歌谣, 学生结对学唱歌谣。阅读展示。 【设计意图】通过复习所学过的单词让学生了解本课主要讲的是有关旅游的话 题。听之前提出问题,学生带问题去听,培养学生根据获取信息的能力,并为 学生提供输出表达的机会有目的的,逐渐的培养学生的听力能力。 活动四:接龙游戏。Andy and Yaoyao are playing a game about vacation.Plase play this game in your group. 以小组四人为单位,由第一人开始句:I went to Guizhou last summer vacation. I visited Huangguoshu Water Fall. 第二人重复第一人的句子, 接着再说一句,如:I went to Guizhou last summer vacation. I visited Huangguoshu Water Fall and took many photos. 展示结果 【设计意图】通过复习所学过的词组,让学生了解本课主要讲的是有关旅游的 话题。由连词成句到组句成段,体现了学习由浅入深,循序渐进,的理念。 Step5. Expanding exercises-Task (read the survey and write the suggestions ) Lets write 活动:活动:阅读完成填空练习 Take out this paper Part C,read and fill in the blanks. 1. read and fill in the blanks. (2.check with your partner.) 3. check the answer together. 4.Read the passage in your group . 5.Ask the students to read the passage. 【设计意图:根据实际需要,教师添加本活动步骤。按动词合适形式填空,课 标要求不能孤立的考察知识点或对知识的机械记忆。本活动提供了真实的语言 材料和语言学习情境。 充分体现了在语境中运用语言的理念。 】 Step 6. Summary : This class ,we have learned some phrases about trip. I hope you talk about your special vacation with your friend after class. Homework 1. Read the words of Part B and C. 2.Make a new passage about your vacation. 3.Read the story about vacation. 【设计意图】把所学知识由课堂到生活实际,延伸到课外,培养知识应用能力。 板书设计板书设计: Unit 5 Have a Great Trip sleep- slept Lesson 1 went to the stone forest went to the beach took photos swam in the sea Lilys bought some gifts. Bills drink cold drinks saw flowers. ate ice cream felt happy great 5.学习效果评价设计 在课堂实施过程中,评价应起到监控教学过程,反馈教学信息、激励学生学 习的重要作用。所以在教学过程中充分考虑学生的年龄、认知水平,选用了合 理多样化的评价。 1、在本节课中采取了听力、口语和笔试测试评价来激励学生的学习兴趣和 自信心。创设师生互动、生生互动的平台,激活学生已有的知识经验。 2、小组活动中学生之间的评价是互相学习的动力。 3、用所学新单词口头表扬学生。 Yes, very good. 4,对表现好的团队大家给予掌声,是对团队的肯定,也是对其他同学的引 导。 6.教学设计特色说明与教学反思(300-500 字) 新课标提出英语课程应具有工具性和人文性双重性质。工具性既学生通过 学习掌握基本的语言知识、发展听、说、读、写技能,初步形成用英语与他人 交流的能力,进一步促进思维能力的发展。 人文性既学生通过学习能够开阔视 野丰富生活经历等。本课教学设计创设语言情境为特色,将课本中所创设的情 景进行整体呈现,让学生在课的开始就基本明确自己的学习内容。 “整体呈现” , 也是本课的教学设计亮点。另外,在拓展本课的学习内容上,我让学生利用本 节课中所学的内容进行再创作写出自己旅游。较好的处理了语言操练与语 言运用的关系,逐步实现了语言知识的内化。有助于学生会用英语做事情。 本课是五年级下册 5 单元 Have a Great Trip 的第一课时。主要学习短语和句 型 I went to , I bought some gifts 等. 以新课标为依托,上课伊始教师通过猜 谜活动既活跃了课堂又导入新课 Great Trip。通过活动、实物和图片帮助学生 理解单词含义。并在语境中理解 gowent,taketook,buybought, seesaw, drinkdrank, eatate,swim-swam。整节课都在围绕过去活动的表达方法做活 动。 在教学设计中教师通过看动画,使学生从音,形,义整体对所要学习的语言 有一个初步的认识,在观看的过程中构建新知识。同时引导学生初步的进行表 达,为进一步学习做准备。然后再次通过听力活动帮助学生感知新短语的构建。 同时,听之前的活动也为学生听扫清了障碍。在这一环节中教师将“听”部分 作为知识的在渗透,我曾担心学生做的不好,但通过试讲和正式讲发现绝大多 数学生够能够写出正确答案,少部分学生能够写出正确答案的部分,极少学生 写不出来。由此可见,学生的思维空间还是很广阔的。在今后的教学活动设计 中,教师应尊重学生特点,挖掘学生潜能,为学生提供更广阔的思维空间和自 主发张空间。 在本节课的设计中,教师设计了为学生创造了自主学习和合作学习的空间。 既让学生合作学习本课中较容易的短语来调动学生学习积极性,体验乐趣和成 功。同时借助母语学习的经验和认知,通过语音帮助学生拼读单词,重点培养 学生感知和模仿英语发音的特点。 最后教师遵循语言的渐进性和“能用英语做事情的”思想。设计了在教师的 引导下看图说句子-组内活动(根据手中图片自主说句子)活动层层递进使学 生逐步实现语言知识的内化。同时在设计活动中力求接近学生的实际生活。 不足与改进之处。 评价是英语课程的重要组成部分。本节课教师只设计了 口头评价和听力活动中的自主评价,教师了解到学生的学习效果,是否将已学 的内容转化为真正地用语言做事情的过程。但在学生说出正确句子后教师给予 的评价不够充分,这一点应该改进。在第二课时的学习中对词汇还要在巩固学 习。
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