人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 5 Have a Great Trip-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:f01f4).zip

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Whose dog is it? Part A (Lets try &Lets talk) Unit 5 Lets read Presentation LetsLets trytry Lead in Listen and tick. Chen Jie: The school art show is great. Mike: Yes. I like this picture. The trees are beautiful. Chen Jie: Whose picture is it? Mike: Its Johns. Chen Jie: What about the one over there? I like the blue colour. Mike: Thats mine. 听力原文听力原文 Presentation LetsLets talktalk Lead in Johns Mikes Whoes picture is it? Whoes pictures are these? Task1:Watch and think. Whose picture is it? Whose picture is it? 点点击击图图片片,播播放放视视 频频 或点击此处播放视频或点击此处播放视频 Task2:check the answers. Its Zhang Pengs. Its Yifans. Whose picture is it? Whose picture is it? A picture of Beijing A picture of Shanghai Zhang pengs picture Yi fans picture 点点击击图图片片,播播放放视视 频频 或点击此处播放视频或点击此处播放视频 Role-play the lets talk Lets look for the owner According to the information,talk about with your partner. pencil book pencil case crayon pen Whose_ is this?/are these? Its _. pencil Exercis e 连词成句。连词成句。 1.these, pens, Whose, are(?) _ 2.picture, is, mine,of, The, Beijing(.) _ 3.blue, hers, ruler, The, is (.) _ Whose pens are these? The picture of Beijing is mine. The blue ruler is hers. Summary 句子:句子: 1.The yellow picture is mine. 2.Are these all ours? 3.Whose is it? Its Zhang Pengs. Unit 5Whose dog is it?(part A lets talk and lets try) 教学目标 1能在语境中灵活应用名词性物主代词。 2能运用句子“Whose is it?”或“Whose+名词(复数)are these?”来询问物品的所属 情况。 教学重难点 1.重点:能运用句子“Whose is it?”或“Whose+名词(复数)are these?”来询问物品 的所属情况 2.难点:掌握 whose 所引导的两种句型。 教学内容与过程 一、一、Warm-up & Revision 1.Words dictation.对上节课重点单词进行听写。 2.Free talk. T:Whose is it?(教师随手拿起一位学生的物品) Ss: Its Zhang Weis. T:Whose is this? Ss: Its Lilys. 教学目的:Free talk 既复习上节课所学句型,又涉及到新课内容,起到承上启下 的作用。 二、二、Presentation & Practice 1.学习 Lets try。 (1)Free talk. 教师用 PPT 一一展示图片。 T:We can see three pictures. What can you see in the first picture? Ss: A blue sea. T:Yeah.And the second? Ss: The sun goes down. T:Yes.And the last one? Ss: A forest park. T:Yes.You are so clever. OK, which one do you like best? Ss: The first one./The second one T:OK,I like the second one best. Its very beautiful. But now, the question is Which one is Johns? Next, listen to the tape and tick the right answer. (2)听录音,选出正确答案。 (3)逐句播放并复述。 (4)给学生几分钟时间讨论最喜欢哪一幅画以及原因。 2.学习 Lets talk。 (1)带学生参观学校的美术展作品。 (要求学生用英语讨论交流这些画是谁画的) (2)讨论结束,教师引导学生回到课文。 Mike 的学校也举行了美术展,让我们一起去看看吧。 (教师将课本第 48 页 Lets talk 挂图呈现在 PPT 上)学生讨论画中内容。 (3)学生听录音,回答问题:Whose is that yellow picture? Which is Zhang Pengs picture? Which is Yifans picture? Which one do you like best? Why? (4)师生共同核对答案。 (5)教师讲解课文。 a.名词性物主代词 b.名词所有格 名词性物主代词相当于名词所有格 (6)听录音,模仿跟读,分组背诵课文。 (7)Role-play.请 2-3 组学生进行角色扮演,师生评价。 教学目的:通过 Free talk 让学生学会观察图片,在听力开始前对听力内容有个 大概的设想,降低听力难度。学生参观美术展作品调动了学生课堂气氛,同时 也有助于教师很好的引入新课。通过学生回答问题的情况了解这篇文章对学生 的难易程度,教师着力讲解。 三、Consolidation (1)Lets chant.(师生共同完成) I, my, mine. I, my mine We, our, ours. We, our, ours. You, your, yours. You, your, yours. He, his, his. He, his, his. (2)Ask and find out. 教师要求两人一组,将物品放于桌上,两人利用句型进行对话。句型: Whoseis this/are these? Its/They are +名词性物主代词/名词所有格. 教学目的:Lets chant 部分简单,重在师生共同参与,让学生在创作的过程中 体会快乐,掌握知识。汇报表演培养学生互助合作的精神。 四、Homework 1.听录音,背诵课文。 2.利用句型创编对话。 3.完成相关练习。 4.预习下一课。 五、板书设计 Key sentences:Whose is it? Its Whose are these? They are
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