人教精通版六年级下册Unit 3 We are going to travel.-Lesson 13-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:e4411).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 We are going to travel._Lesson 13_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:e4411)
    • 教案e4411.doc--点击预览
    • 精通英语六年级下Unit 3 Lesson 13.doc--点击预览
    • 精通英语六年级下册Unit3 Lesson13.ppt--点击预览
    • 英语歌曲视频.wmv


精通英语六年级下精通英语六年级下 UnitUnit 3 3 WeWe areare goinggoing toto travel.travel. LessonLesson 1313 教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析:一、教材分析:本课是义务教育教科书小学精通英语六年级下册教材第三单元 第 13 课,为本单元的起始课,本单元的主题是旅游。本课的话题是 Lilys familys travel plan to China.本课时会话的情境是美国女孩 Lily 与大家 分享她的家庭旅行计划。Lily 全家计划暑假来中国旅行两周,第一周游览北京、 哈尔滨、西安,第二周游览上海、杭州、三亚。Lily 请大家给她介绍更多有关 哈尔滨、西安、三亚和其他地方的信息。通过对话,使学生理解、认读、恰当 运用目标语言进行关于旅行计划这一话题的交流。学习 be going to 句型。 二、教学设想:二、教学设想:旅游是贴近学生生活的话题,也是学生感兴趣的话题,教授新 课之前,先给学生播放一段歌曲视频,美国乡村音乐 Summer Holiday(cliff Richard) ,学生立即被带入情境,然后切入话题,引出 Lily 和 Lily 的旅行计 划。之后播放课件幻灯片图片,让学生欣赏我们国家的美景及名胜。然后播放 课件录音,让学生整体感知语篇,再然后跟读,趣味操练。最后让学生自己做 一个旅行计划,达到学以致用。 三、教学目标三、教学目标: : 1、知识与技能: 学生能够在课件图片的帮助下听、说、读、写单词 travel, know, hear, lake 和句子 Were going to travel around China during the summer holidays. Were going to visit Beijing ,Harbin and Xian.读懂和理解 短文内容。使学生掌握听懂并简单描述中国几个著名城市的位置以及 Lily 的假 期旅行计划大部分学生能够按意群和正确的语音、语调朗读短文。大部分学生 能够综合运用本单元的核心句型 Were going to。 2、过程与方法: 学生通过读一读、划一划和找关键词等方法理解课文,完成任务,并培养读 图能力及阅读理解的能力。学生通过小组合作的方式,提高合作学习能力和自 主学习能力。通过设置情景,培养学生在一定语境中书写单词句子。 3、情感态度与价值观: 通过本课的学习,激发学生热爱祖国河山的积极情感,让学生在真实的语言 交流过程中,学会与人交往。引导学生学会学习、热爱生活、增强民族自豪感。 四、教学重点四、教学重点/ /难点难点(teaching(teaching keykey points)points) 1Target language: We are going to travel around China during the summer holidays. We are going to visit Beijing,Harbin and Xian. 2New words:know, travel, hear, lake,capital 五、课前准备五、课前准备(Teaching(Teaching Aids)Aids) 多媒体课件、 PPT 课件 六、教学步骤六、教学步骤(Teaching(Teaching procedures)procedures) 1 1、热身、热身 (Warm-up)(Warm-up) 1)Greetings T: Good morning,boys and girls Ss:Good morning,Miss Jiang. T: Nice to see you. Ss: Nice to see you,too. 2) T:Today, we are going to learn unit 3. 请学生朗读标题, ,顺势解决 四会词 travel T:Do you like travel? S:Yes,I do. T:I like travel,too. Because our country has many interesting places. 【设计意图设计意图】在自然情境中过渡到四会词语 travel 的教学。 出示课件,欣赏祖国的美景。PPT 1-12 张 在这春暖花开的季节谁不想出去旅游啊?我们今天的主人公 Lily 也想旅行了, 不过不是现在,而是暑假(summer holiday) 。Lily is an American girl. She and her family want to travel around China. She makes travel plan. 【设计意图设计意图】用介绍新朋友的方式让学生自然而然的接受本课的主人公,并走 进她的生活,跟随她一起计划旅行,作为情境的创设的同时也为后面的课程开 展一步一步打下伏笔。 3)歌曲欣赏:summer holiday 2 2、新课导入、新课导入(Presentation)(Presentation) 1)出示课件 Lilys travel plan Place: around China Time: during the summer holidays Who can tell her something about Harbin ,Xian ,Sanya and other places? OK, lets introduce interesting places to her. 2)出示课件:(P2024) 3) 呈现课文问题,整体感知(P25) Lilys family is going to travel during their holidays. Where are they going to visit? Open the books, find out the answers in your groups. Questions: a) Where is Lilys family going to visit? b) How long are they going to stay in China ? c) Where are they going to visit in the first week? d) Where are they going to visit in the second week? 【设计意图设计意图】以小组合作的方式找出答案,培养学生合作的精神。 4) check the answer 5)learn the new words (PPT26、 27) 6)讲解语法 一般将来时 be going to 句型(PPT 28) 7)听课文录音 8)学生跟读课文 9)学生自读课文 设计意图设计意图 第一遍合上书听录音,学生认真的聆听和初步感知课文内容。第二 遍的跟读,在正音的同时,也是让学生展开课文的二次学习并为第三环节的完 成练习做铺垫。第三遍的自读课文让学生在自我感知,理解和运用中完成操练。 3 3、操练表演(、操练表演(PracticePractice) 1)学生朗读课文 2)连词成句 4.4.拓展活动(拓展活动(ExtendedExtended activitiesactivities) 1)Fill in the blanks. (完成答题纸上的题目) Lily is an American girl. Heres her family travel plan. They are going to _ _ China during the _ holidays. They are going to stay in _ for _ _.They are going to visit _.I know Hangzhou is in the _of China. Its in _ Province. Its famous for _. 2)Make a dialogue.(两人一组,编演对话) 可用句型 A: Where are you going this summer holiday? B: Im going to_. A: Where is _? B: It is in the _ of China. Its in _Province. A: Have a good time! B: Thank you! 【设计意图设计意图】根据学生学习层次和能力的不同,让学生自己选择练习并完成操 练。开放性的习题更容易让学生接受并掌握知识点。 5.5.总结(总结(SummarySummary) T: Great. Today we know many nice places in China. Do you like these places? If you have a holiday, Where are you going to? 6.6.家庭作业(家庭作业(HomeworkHomework) 1、Read and translate the text 2、Make a travel plan by yourself 3、Do the exercise book 板书设计板书设计 Lesson13 travel know hear lake capital am be is +going to+动词原形+其它 are 将要做某事将要做某事 练习题练习题 一、一、Fill in the blanks. (完成答题纸上的题目)完成答题纸上的题目) LilyLily isis anan AmericanAmerican girl.girl. HeresHeres herher familyfamily traveltravel plan.plan. TheyThey areare goinggoing toto _ _ ChinaChina duringduring thethe _ holidays.holidays. TheyThey areare goinggoing toto staystay inin _ forfor _ _.They_.They areare goinggoing toto visit _. I I knowknow HangzhouHangzhou isis inin thethe _of_of China.China. ItsIts inin _Province._Province. ItsIts famousfamous forfor thethe _._. 二、连词成句:二、连词成句: 1 1、areare , , wewe , , goinggoing , , toto , , ShanghaiShanghai (.)(.) _ 2 2、visitvisit ,she,she , , isis ,going,going ,to,to ,Xian,Xian (.)(.) _ 3 3、fromfrom , , ImIm , , AmericaAmerica (.)(.) _ 精通英语六年级下册Unit 3 We are going to travel . Lesson13 盘锦市辽河油田兴隆二小盘锦市辽河油田兴隆二小 姜亚娟姜亚娟 Summer holiday Tiananmen Square 长城 the Great Wall the Palace museum (the Forbidden City) 北京故宫,又称紫禁城, 北京故宫是明清两代的宫, 面积为155000平方米, 共有房间9999间半。 天坛 Temple of Heaven 冰雕 Ice engraving 大雁塔 Dayan Tower Terracotta Army 兵马俑 上海 西湖 West Lake 三亚风光 Sanya travel /trvl/ 旅行 在这春暖花开的季节,你 想背上行囊,出去旅行吗 ? 1.the first week: 2.the second week: We are going to _by_.Im going to_ province n.省份;大行政区;范围;职责 北 东 南 西 海南 the Great Wall the longest wall in the world Harbin is in the north of China. It is in Heilongjing Province. Xian is in Shanxi Province. It is famous for the terracotta army. the west lake a very beautiful lake 西湖 Sanya is in the south of China. It is in Hainan Province. Answer the questions: 1、Who is going to travel around China ? 2、How long are they going to stay in China ? 3、Whats lilys travel plan ? 1.Lily and her parents . 2.Two weeks . 3.The first week :Theyre going to visit Beijing , Harbin and Xian. The second week :Theyre going to visit Shanghai , Hangzhou and Sanya . New words: 1.travel trvl 旅行 2.know n 知道 3.hear h(r) 听说、听到 4.lake lek 湖 5.capital kptl 首都 Journey(n.)-“旅行”,“旅程”.普通 用语,指陆地上的远程旅行. Tour(n.)-“周游”.指途中在许多地方 作短暂停留的观光游览. Trip(n.)-“旅行”.指来往有定的短距 离旅行,强调在路上所花的时间和所走的路 程. Travel(n.)-“旅行”.惯用复数形式.泛 指旅行各地,表示旅行的路途远,时间长. 语法: 一般将来时(构成) am Is are be going to +动词原形 例如: I am going to go swimming . She is going to draw a picture . They are going to play football . 学生自读课文 Lets do exercises:连词成句 1、are , we , going , to , Shanghai (.) _ We are going to Shanghai . 2、visit ,she , is ,going ,to ,Xian (.) _ She is going to visit Xian . 3、from , Im , America (.) _ Im from America . Extended activities.(拓展活动,二选一) 1). Fill in the blanks.(完成答题纸上的题目) 2). Make a dialogue.(两人一组,编演对话) A: Where are we going today? B: We are going to _ A: Where is _? B: _ is in the _of China. Its in _Province. A: Thats great ! Lets go! 1). Lily is an American girl. Heres her family travel plan. They are going to China during the _ holidays. They are going to stay in_ for_. They are going to visit_ _ I know Hangzhou is in the _of China. Its in _Province. Its famous for the_. 2). A: Where are we going today? B: We are going to _ A: Where is _? B: _ is in the _of China. Its in _Province. A: Thats great ! Lets go! travel around two weeks Beijing, Harbin, Xian, Shanghai Hangzhou,Sanya. summer China east ZhejiangWest Lake We should love our beautiful country, we must work hard to build our beautiful homeland in the future! 我们应该热爱我们美丽的国家,我们要 努力学习,将来建设我们美丽的家园! Homework: 1. Read and translate the text. 2. Make a travel plan by yourself. 3. Do the exercise book. Thank you!
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