人教精通版六年级下册Unit 4 General Revision 1-Task 3-4-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:b0429).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 General Revision 1_Task 3-4_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:b0429)
    • address图片.png--点击预览
    • age图片.png--点击预览
    • class图片.png--点击预览
    • hobby图片.png--点击预览
    • name图片.png--点击预览
    • phone图片.png--点击预览
    • school图片.png--点击预览
    • self-introduction图片.png--点击预览
    • Unit4 Task3&4课件.pptx--点击预览
    • Where are you from?视频歌曲.mp4
    • 女生图片.png--点击预览
    • 孙露简介.flv
    • 教案b0429.doc--点击预览
    • 方青卓简介.flv
    • 标题图片.png--点击预览
    • 梦想的翅膀奖励卡片.doc--点击预览
    • 男生图片.png--点击预览
    • 长大后的理想.flv


Unit 4 General RevisionUnit 4 General Revision Task 3&4Task 3&4 鲅鱼圈区安平学校 王 雯 Say the countries Let me introuduce my uncle and my friend to you.Let me introuduce my uncle and my friend to you. Do you remember Do you remember them?them? Who was he/she?Who was he/she? Where was he/she from?Where was he/she from? What was his/her job?What was his/her job? What do you think of him/her?What do you think of him/her? He was Lincoln. He was from America. He was the president of USA He was brave,intelligent,gentle, hardworking. He was Charlie Chaplin. He was from Britain. He was a great actor. He was clever, smart,creative,humerous(幽默 的 ),hardworking. She was Elizabeth Blackwell. She was from Britain. She was the first doctor. She was clever, calm(冷靜的) ,humble(谦虚的), hard-working. She was Marie Curie. She was from France. She was a famous scientist. She was clever, smart,kind,quiet,beautiful, hardworking. They are famous people all over the world. Do you know any famous people in Yingkou? Name Age Job Hobby Address Name Fang Qingzhuo Age 64 Job actor Hobby writing Address Dalian City NameSun Lu Age34 Jobsinger Hobby singing,dancing Address Beijing City My name is Li Xin. Im eleven. I study in Sunny School. Im in Class Three, Grade Five. My hobby is speaking English. I live at 16 Happy Street. My phone number is 66887799. nameWhats your name? ageHow old are you? schoolWhere do you study? class What class are you in? hobbyWhats your hobby? addressWhere do you live? phoneWhats your phone number? Whats your name? How old are you? Where do you study? What class are you in? Whats your hobby? Where do you live? Whats your phone number? HomeworkHomework 1.Try to learn more about famous 1.Try to learn more about famous people in China and share with people in China and share with your classmates.your classmates. 2.Write some sentences about 2.Write some sentences about your dream.your dream. 教教 学学 设设 计计 Unit 4 General Revision Task 3&4 一、教学材料一、教学材料 授课年级:小学六年级 授课教材:人民教育出版社精通英语六年级(下册)Unit4 Task 3&4 授课类型:复习课 二、教学内容分析二、教学内容分析 本课是第四单元复习课的活动三和活动四。 Task 3:通过听写活动,帮助学生复习国家、职业、人物的词汇和图片。 Task 4:通过仿照范例填写并介绍个人信息表的形式,复习姓名、年龄、学校、班级、住 址、联系电话、爱好的书写和表达,从而提高学生听说读写的综合能力。 三、学情分析三、学情分析 本课教学对象是六年级学生,他们在四、五年级已经学习了介绍个人基本信息的相关知识, 学习了描述人物的形容词,认识了不同国家的国旗、知道国家的名字,六年级上册也学习 了表达爱好、最喜欢的季节、节日等的词汇和句型,具有一定知识储备,但在实际生活中 运用这些语言进行交际的能力还有欠缺,本课将侧重于锻炼学生听说读写的综合能力。 四、教学目标四、教学目标 1. 知识与技能目标: 通过本节复习课,学生能够巩固不同国家的国旗并说出其名称;能够掌握 beautiful,famous,brave 等描述他人的形容词;能够用理解和运用个人情况、喜好等话题的 语言表达形式;能够准确听、说、读、写个人姓名、年龄、学校、班级、住址、联系电话、 兴趣爱好等的相关词汇和句型,并完成个人信息表。 2. 过程与方法目标: 通过复习,学生能够借助图片听懂简单的话语;能够介绍自己、亲人和朋友的信息;能够 认读介绍个人信息的文字段落并提取信息;能够自我介绍并与他人交流各自的爱好等,提 高了语言综合能力。 3. 情感态度目标: 通过介绍国内外名人,激发学生刻苦努力的学习态度,实现自己的梦想。 五、教学重、难点五、教学重、难点 重点: 1.China,America 等国家类型词汇;smart 等形容词;dancing 等动名词。 2.介绍自己和他人基本信息和喜好。 难点: 用句型 My hobby is表达喜好。 6、教学过程教学过程 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Warming up 1.Greetings. 2.Free talk. T:Hello!Whats your name? T:Hello!Where are you from? 1.Greetings. S1:My name is. S2:Im from. 通过自由问答快速调动学生 英语思维、拉近师生距离, 并通过询问国家引入本课 Task3 教学重点:countries 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Presentation 1.Play a video of the song “Where are you from?” T:What countries are in this song? 2.Show the flags and famous things of different countries. 3.Show pictures of some Famous people and ask some questions about them. Increase new words: humorous ,intelligent 4.Play a video of Fang Qingzhuo and Sun Lu ,ask some questions about them. 5.Ask students to introduce their friends or family. 6.Play the tape of Task3 and check the answers. Ss:China,America,Italy,India, Poland. Say the name of the countries. Answer the questions. Read the new words. Watch the video and answer the questions. Talk about his friends look an d so on. Check their answers with their partners. 学生在歌曲中复习已学过的 国家名称并认识更多其他国 家。 帮助学生复习国家国旗,并 通过标志性事物与国家配对 的环节培养学生跨文化意识。 展示名人照片,以问答形式 复 习 Task3 涉及的主要词汇和 句型,将听、写练习进一步 扩展出读、说的练习。 扩展形容词 humorous,famous 励志名人为例,激发学生刻 苦努力的学习态度,培养学 生提高自信的生活态度。 7.Introduce the rules of the game “Brain storming”. Ask students to play this game in groups. Show some pictures of different topics. Practice 1.Ask students to do pair work “Ask and answer”. Take an example with one student. Look at the pictures and say. Read the paragraph together. Then Answer teachers questions. 以游戏“头脑风暴”的形式融 入三至六年级不同的句型, 帮助学生滚动复习。 两人活动,通过询问爱好、 喜爱季节等语言交际练习, 为最后 Task4 锻炼综合能力 的活动做铺垫。 Task4 教学重点:hobby 训练学生阅读语段、分析语段和找出关键信息的能力。 以本班学生实际生活为教学素材,将英语学习与学生生活联系 his/her hobby.起来,增加课 堂趣味性和实际性。 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 1.Production Show the information card (Based on Task4) and tell students how to finish the group work:. Step1 Write their name,school,hobby and so on. Step2 1.Talk about their information, hobby,favourite things with their partners. 2.Ask several groups to show their work in the front. 3.Show sentences for the students. And express teachers best wishes to them. Finish their information card and make an self- introduction and a dialogue in their groups. Show their group work in the front. Listen and watch. Get to know teachers wishes. 在 Task4 的基础上,增加询 问 各种各样最喜欢的事物等内 容,扩充课本内容。 以小组活动的形式,培养学 生合作能力。通过完成个人 信息表、与同伴交流等方式, 训练 学生听说读写的综合能力和 语用能力。 对学生进行情感渗透,鼓励 他们做好学生、好伙伴,快 乐成长! Homework 1.Try to learn more about famous people in China and share with your classmates. 2.Write some sentences about your dream. 训练学生说和写短文的能力。 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 4 General Revision Task 3&4 Self-introduction Name_ Age_ School_ Class_ Phone_ Address_ Hobby_ 课后反思课后反思 Unit 4 General Revision Task 3&4 本节课中,我结合教学内容和学生特点,从激发学生的兴趣出发,合理地设计教学活 动,让学生在参与丰富多彩的活动过程中,完成英语学习的任务,体验英语在生活中的价 值。我注重以形体语言、游戏、歌曲交替或同时进行,融入教学当中去,增强英语学习的 趣味性。课本中 Task3 和 Task4 的内容比较简单,对学生没有什么难度和提高,于是我对 每个任务都补充了相应的语言知识和活动练习,丰富课堂内容的同时也使不同层次的学生 都能学有所获。在教学环节上,我遵循循序渐进的原则,设计得环环相扣、逐渐提高,力 求使学生在听、说、读、写方面的能力都能得到锻炼。最后的小组合作活动中,我提供语 言支持,然后给学生充足的发挥空间,目的是培养学生的综合语用能力和创造能力。本课 的不足之处:学生对于句型 My hobby is V.ing 的规律掌握的不是太好,教师仅靠每次的提 醒,有的同学不能完全记住,教师应设计具有针对性的练习环节突破该难点,帮助学生。 另外,在评价方面做得不够充分,仅有语言激励评价和动作评价,可以采用更丰富的评价 方式对学生听说读写等方面进行评价。
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