人教精通版六年级下册Unit 5 General Revision 2-Task 9-10-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:10438).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 General Revision 2_Task 9-10_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:10438)
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have a bad coldhave a fever have a headachehave a cough have a toothachehave a stomachache take some medicine stay in bed take a good rest drink more water The First Part Kate doesnt feel well today .She cant go to school .She calls her teacher ,Miss liu. 1 Lets review Kate: May I speak to Miss Liu, please? Miss Liu: This is Miss Liu speaking. Kate: Good morning, Miss Liu. This is Kate. Im ill today. I have a headache. Miss Liu: Oh, dear! Do you have a cold? Kate: Yes, I have a bad cold. Im afraid I cant go to school today. Miss Liu: Dont worry about your lessons. You should go to a doctor. Kate: Yes. My mum will take me to the doctor. Miss Liu: OK. Take good care of yourself. Kate:Thank you. Lets review Kate: May I speak to Miss Liu, please? Miss Liu: This is Miss Liu speaking. Kate: Good morning, Miss Liu. This is Kate. Im ill today. I have a headache. Miss Liu: Oh, dear! Do you have a cold? Kate: Yes, I have a bad cold. Im afraid I cant go to school today. Miss Liu: Dont worry about your lessons. You should go to a doctor. Kate: Yes. My mum will take me to the doctor. Miss Liu: OK. Take good care of yourself. Kate:Thank you. May I speak to? This is.speaking. The Second Part Kate goes to the doctor with her mother . She sees many children there . Some of them have a fever .Some of them have a headache. They are waiting outside the doctors room .Now its Kates turn. A A:May I have ? B: . A:How old ? B: . A:Whats with you? B: . Open your mouthsay “ Ah-” A:You have a . You should _ _. You should . B:Can I ? A:No. You should . I hope you will get well soon. B your name My name is Kate are you Im eleven. wrong I have a fever and headache.bad cold take some medicine and stay in bed drink more water go to school tomorrow take a good rest . .如何询问对方怎么了如何询问对方怎么了 Whats wrong with you? 同义句同义句: Whats the matter with you? Whats the problem with you? Whats your trouble? . . May I have your name ? =Whats your name ? If you ill , you should you shouldnt stay in bed have a good rest take a good rest drink more water drink hot water take some medicine/do some sports/eat junk food see a doctor go to the hospital 1.Where does Kate go with her mum? 2.Where are they waiting? 3.How old is kate? 4.Whats wrong with Kate? 5.Whats the doctors advice? 6.Can kate go to school tomorrow?Why? They go to the hospital. They are waiting outside the doctors room. She is eleven. She has a fever and a headache. No,She cant.She should take a good rest. take some medicine / stay in bed and drink more water. The Third Part kate is ill . Her classmates come to see her . They bring her a lot of things .They want to help with her lessons . Kate feels very happy. How are you feeling today ? I feel much better. Here some chocolates for you. Here a get-well card for you. 1.Kate feels much better today.(T) 2.Li Yan brings some kiwi fruit to Kate.(F) 3.Kate is worried about her lessons. 4.Gao Wei will help Kate with her Chinese. (T) (F) 根据课文,判断下列句子的正误。用(根据课文,判断下列句子的正误。用(T) 或(或(F)表示。)表示。 1 Kate doesnt feel very happy. 5 They all want to help her with her maths. 4 Im worried about my lessons, Kate said (Kate说). 3 They bring her many things. ( x ) 根据课文,判断下列句子的正误。用根据课文,判断下列句子的正误。用 (V)或()或(X)表示)表示。 (x ) 2 Her classmates come to see her.(v ) ( v ) ( v ) Lets review Kate: May I speak to Miss Liu, please? Miss Liu: This is Miss Liu speaking. Kate: Good morning, Miss Liu. This is Kate. Im ill today. I have a headache. Miss Liu: Oh, dear! Do you have a cold? Kate: Yes, I have a bad cold. Im afraid I cant go to school today. Miss Liu: Dont worry about your lessons. You should go to a doctor. Kate: Yes. My mum will take me to the doctor. Miss Liu: OK. Take good care of yourself. Kate:Thank you. Name: _ Age:_ Symptoms( (症状症状) ) : _ Examine(检查检查): 1 1._ Diagnosis( (确诊确诊):): Doctors advice: 1.1. take some medicine (医嘱)(医嘱) 2.2. stay in bed 3 3. drink more water 4 4. eat some fruit /vegetables Wishes(祝愿)(祝愿): 八五六农场医院门诊便签八五六农场医院门诊便签 xxxeleven fever and headache Open your mouth. Say, “Ah” bad cold An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 。 The first wealth is health. 。 1.Revise the words,phrases and sentences. (Must do) 2. Make a new dialogue with your friends. (Choose to do) Unit 5 Task 9-10 教学设计 一、教学目标 1、语言技能目标: 能听懂英语指令,能看图说出词组,能运用句型自主交流。能听懂课 堂教学教学中所接触的简短的指令,并作出相应的反应。 2、语言知识目标: Task 9 学生通过仔细读对话,从右边框中找出空白部分需要填写的 句子或词组并填写,从而对生病请假的功能句型和单词进行复习。 引导学生回顾一下以往所学,学生通过反复研读,将十个选项进行 填写。 Task 10 环节的内容延续了任务 9 中提到的场景,Peter 生病了,同 学们去看望他。学生通过听力来补充对话中所缺的信息。最终使得 会话完整并符合逻辑。继续培养学生的听力大体策略。 重点词组:have a cold, have a headache, have a fever, get well, taketo. 重点句型:Ill help you with your, Take care of yourself. 3、情感态度: 通过本课的学习能让学生更加热爱生活、热爱健康,培养学生关爱自 己,关爱他人的意识。注意饮食健康。培养学生自主学习的能力与 合作精神,增强学生的创新意识,让学生做课堂主人。 4、学习策略: 利用小组活动,培养学生的合作意识,遇到问题主动向老师或同学请 教,小组学习有助于学生的合作学习,高年级学生的合作学习方式更 加突显时效性。组员在组长带领下完成操练、汇报、展示等活动。 在课堂交流中,学生学会注意倾听,积极思考,以提高学习效率,增强 学习效果,掌握记忆课文,听力的技巧。 5、文化意识: 了解英语的语言表达,学会西方国家请假、探病的形式,促进心智发 展,教育学生学会关心自己身体状况,主动关心他人的良好品德。 二、学情分析 六年级的学生对于英语已经有了一定的自主学习能力,同时,学生 已经在五下第四单元掌握了一些表示疾病的词组,为本课时的学习打 下了语言基础。本课时,学生将在已学词组的基础之上,进一步学习 这一话题内容。所以本节课在复习原有旧知的前提下,利用对话、 Free talk 等形式来强化语言的实际运用,所以对句型的完全理解和 灵活运用将是本节课的最大挑战。 3、教材分析 我本次讲授的内容是人教精通版小学英语六年级下册 Unit 5,Task 9-Task 10.这是一节体现功能的练习课,本课主要是围绕 “身体状况”这一话题进行语言功能练习的,旨在使学生在真实的 语言环境中自然地使用语言知识进行交际,为了实现本课的教学目 标,突破教学的重难点 ,新课前将涉及本课内容的五下第四单元进 行了复习整合,将一单元内容分成三个片,分别进行练习巩固,段 让学生不是在枯燥的两段习题对话中完成本课教学任务。 三、重点难点 教学重点:重点词组:have a cold, have a headache, have a fever, get well, taketo. 重点句型:Ill help you with your, Take care of yourself. 教学难点:能在实际的生活中灵活运用所学句型进行交流,以实现语 言的功能性。 4、教学过程 一、【导入】 T: Today well learn Unit 5 General Revision 2 Task 9 and T ask 10 Warmup: 1. Together sing a song : How are you? 2.Lets chant :How are you feeling ? T:How are you ? Ss:Im fine .And you T:Im not well. I often have a stomacheache.Today we are going to talk about the topic of health.We are going to learn Unit 5 Task 9 and Task 10 .Look at the picture and then say out phrases. 2、【复习】复习短语,have a bad cold ,have a fever,have a headache ,have a cough,have a toothache,have a stomachache ,take some medicine,stay in bed,take a good rest,drink more water (Do you remember the girl kate? She i s our good friend .Where is Kate. Oh, I remember, kate is ill today .She cant go to school.She call her teacher .and then her mother take her to see the doctor ,at last her classmates come to see her and bring a lot of things.) 三、【讲授】Presentation: (一) TheThe FirstFirst PartPart : : 1. Kate doesnt feel well today .She cant go to school .She calls her teacher ,Miss liu. 2.Read after the recorder. 3.Together the dialogue and then act out the text. 4.One by one say out the sentences ,fill in the blanks . 语言知识点学习:语言知识点学习: May I speak to?在打电话时,需要找谁,要用这句。This isspeaking.打电话常用语学习,接电话时,如果对方找的人正 好接电话,一般用此句。以直观形象 ,图片动画吸引学生注意,以词 带句,解决重点词组。 (二)TheThe SecondSecond PartPart: 1.Kate goes to the doctor with her mother . She sees many children there .Some of them have a fever .Some of them have a headache. They are waiting outside the doctors room .Now its Kates turn. 2.Watch the text animation ,read after the text . 3.Act the text in groups . 4.One by one say out the sentences ,fill in the blanks . 语言知识点学习:语言知识点学习: 1.如何询问对方怎么了 Whats wrong with you? 同义句: Whats the matter with you? Whats the problem with you? Whats your trouble? 2.May I have your name ? =Whats your name ? 3.If you ill , you should you shouldnt (1.)stay in bed,have a good rest,take a good rest (2.)drink more water,drink hot water (3.)take some medicine/do some sports/eat junk food (4.)go to the hospital,see a doctor 4.Answer the questions according to the text . (三)(三)TheThe ThirdThird PartPart : : 1.kate is ill . Her classmates come to see her . They bring her a lot of things .They want to help with her lessons . Kate feels very happy. 2.Watch the text animation ,read after the text . Act the text in groups .One by one say out the sentences ,fill in the blanks . 3.语言知识点学习: (1.)How are you feeling today ? =How do you feel today? I feel much better. (2.)Heres a get-well card for you. 4.根据课文,判断下列句子的正误。用(T)或(F)表示。 5.根据课文,判断下列句子的正误。用(V)或(X)表示。 四、【练习】Practice:Finish the exercises in the book .Task 9 and task 10 1.Read the dialogue again .Then read the sentence bank on the right. 2.Fill in the blanks. 3.Check the answers. Today ,you have done very well .I hope you will do better next time . 五、【表演】Pairworks: Act the dialogue.(分组表演,分别将三个部分表演出来) At last ,I have some sentences for you.Lets encourage each other . 六、【格言】 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一个大苹果,医生从来不找我。 Early to bed and early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise. 早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。 The first wealth is health. 健康是最重要的财富。 Homework: 1.Revise the words,phrases and sentences.(Must do) 2. Make a new dialogue with your friends.(Choose to do) 3.Lets sing a song :Good bye . .
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