人教精通版六年级下册Unit 1 I went to Sanya for my holidays.-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:9082a).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 I went to Sanya for my holidays._Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_县级优课_(编号:9082a)
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精通英语精通英语 六年级下册六年级下册 授课教师:徐晓萌授课教师:徐晓萌 Unit 1 I went to Sanya for my holidays. Lesson 2 Warm-up Lets enjoy the video 1. Where did the little pig go during the holidays? 2. What did the little pig do? 3. Did the little pig enjoy his holidays? I went to France during my holidays. I enjoyed the delicious food there. I took so many beautiful pictures. I also had a party with my friends. enjoy take have We often have a party on Saturday night. We had a party last night. have- had What did you do during your holidays? Presentation Look and say What did you do during your holidays? Presentation I stayed at home. stay at home stay- stayed Look and say What did you do during your holidays? Presentation I enjoyed Spring Festival. enjoy Spring Festival enjoy- enjoyed Look and say What did you do during your holidays? Presentation I did homework. do homework do - did Look and say What did you do during your holidays? Presentation I studied English. study English study- studied Look and say What did you do during your holidays? Presentation I did housework. do housework Where did she go during the winter holidays? She went to Sanya. How did she get there? She went there by plane. Guess What did she do there? Maybe she . Look and say What did she do in Sanya? Presentation She went to the beach. go to the beach go- went beautiful beaches 邦迪海滩(邦迪海滩(Bondi Beach) Look and say What did she do in Sanya? Presentation She enjoyed sunbathing. enjoy sunbathing bathe V./N. 沐浴沐浴 sunbathe V. 晒日光浴晒日光浴 Look and say What did she do in Sanya? Presentation She enjoyed the moon and stars. enjoy the moon and stars What did Kate do in Sanya? Practice Game 1 read and change go to the beach enjoy sunbathing enjoy the moon and stars stay at home have a party enjoy Spring Festival went to the beach Practice Game 2 fast response Practice Game 3 Which is missing? Practice 活动1 Do a survey Name WhereHowWhat Sanyaby planewent to the beach Where did you go during your holidays? I went to . I went there by . I stayed in Practice What did you do there? How did you get there? Practice 活动2 Interview Show What did you do during the holidays? I Lets chant (单击图片可播放动画) Presentation A-Hello. How are you t_ days? B-Im fine. Thank you. I w_ to Sanya during my holidays. A-How did you g_ t_? B-I went there by p_. A-What did you do t_? B-I h_ a party and e_ sunbathing with my f_. A-Oh! Its wonderful! What do you t_ about Sanya. B-Its a n_ and c_ place. hes eent ethere lane here adnjoyed amilie shin k icelean Homework 1. Finish the exercises and retell the main words. 2. Write a passage about your holidays and share it with your classmates. 教教 学学 目目 标标 1. 能听、说、读、写词组:能听、说、读、写词组:go to the beach, enjoy sunbathing, enjoy the moon and stars, stay at home, have a party, enjoy Spring Festival, by plane. 2. 学生通过讨论自己的假期,学习目标语言:学生通过讨论自己的假期,学习目标语言:What did you do during your holidays? I went to. 3. 通过师生间,生生间相互分享假日经历,激励学生主动感知,模仿,通过师生间,生生间相互分享假日经历,激励学生主动感知,模仿, 学习和体验,引导学生能够运用目标语言在真实的语境中进行交际并让学学习和体验,引导学生能够运用目标语言在真实的语境中进行交际并让学 生养成良好的学习、生活习惯,和热爱祖国大好河山的情感。生养成良好的学习、生活习惯,和热爱祖国大好河山的情感。 教学教学 重点重点 通过师生创设的真实语境,能够听,说,读,写目标单词和短语通过师生创设的真实语境,能够听,说,读,写目标单词和短语 能使用一般过去时询问对方在假期做了什么,并用自己的话表达出来。能使用一般过去时询问对方在假期做了什么,并用自己的话表达出来。 教学教学 难点难点 能掌握本课学习到的目标语言的意义和用法,以及一般过去时的使用方法能掌握本课学习到的目标语言的意义和用法,以及一般过去时的使用方法 和某些动词过去式的变化规则,并提高学生在语境中进行简单语言交流的和某些动词过去式的变化规则,并提高学生在语境中进行简单语言交流的 能力。能力。 媒体媒体 手段手段 幻灯片幻灯片 图片图片 教教 学学 过过 程程 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step 1: Warming-up 1)Greeting 2)Bring out a question T: Ok, children, I want to ask you a question: What did you do yesterday evening? T: You are good students. 3) Lead to the video T: As for me, I watched a video yesterday evening. It was about a little pigs holiday. It was very interesting. Would you like to see it? 4)Raise three questions about the video T: Before you watching the S: I did my homework. S: I read English last night. S: OK! Teacher ask students to read the three questions and try to find out the answers in the video. 教师通过与学生生活息息相 关的问题切入 让学生复习 上节课所学的一般过去时的 用法 学生根据自己的情况 进行发散思维 并用一般过 去时表达。学生大胆回答教 师提出的问题 PS:在此过 程中,教师会根据学生的回 答问几个连锁的问题,比如 如果有学生回答 I read a book. 教师可继续提问 What is the book about?并对 学生的回答进行评价。 video, Id like to ask you three questions about the little pigs holiday. 1. Where did the little pig go during the holidays? 2. What did the little pig do? 3. Did the little pig enjoy his holidays? 5) Play the video and ask students to answer the questions Step 2: Presentation 1) T: Just now, we knew something about the little pig holiday. Now Ill tell you something about my holidays. Look, I went to France during my holidays. It was a wonderful trip. I did a lot in France. 1. I enjoyed the delicious food there. 2. I took so many beautiful pictures. I also had a party with my friends. 2) T: Do you know the meaning of “have a party”? T: I have two examples here. Can you read them? Let students know the meaning of the phrase. T: Did you have a party during your holidays? T: Did you enjoy yourself? 3) T: What did you do during your holidays? (Let students talk about their holidays) Let students answer the question according to the pictures What did you do during your holidays? S1: The little pig went to the market. S2: He stayed at home. S3: No, he didnt. Students listen to the teacher carefully and make sure that our holidays have passed. So we should use past tense to talk about our holidays. S: Yes. S1: We often have a party on Saturday night. S2: We had a party last night. S: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. S1: I did my homework. S2: I went to Beijing. S1:I stayed at home. S2:I enjoyed Spring Festival. S3:I did homework. S4:I studied English. S5:I did housework. 播放关于 little pig 的假期的 视频,视频中的语句都是一 般过去时的简单句,学生通 过观看视频了解小猪的假期 生活。 教师展示自己去法国旅行的 照片,引起学生的兴趣。 每一个例子都有配图,并且 每个动词过去式的原型都在 PPT 上有所标注,教师以此 介绍,并介绍 enjoy,take 和 have 的过去式。 重点学习 have a party 这个 词组。教师通过两个例子让 学生体会一般过去时和一般 现在时的区别,并出示 have-had。 教师用过去时的一般疑问句提 问学生,学生回答问题,明确 一般疑问句的回答方式。教师 让学生问,学生答,操练词组。 有的学生假期中没有举办派对, 那么教师就可顺势问:你假期 做了什么?引出本课的重点句 型。教师给出几个图片引导学 生,学生也可根据自己的情况 进行回答,练习一般过去时的 用法。 学生在此环节依次操练以下几 个词组:stay at home/enjoy Spring Festival/ do homework/study English/ do Step 3: Talk about Kates holiday T: Look, whos this girl? T: Yes, and do you remember where did she go during her holidays? T: How did she get there? T: You are right. She went to Sanya with her parents. Can you talk about Sanya? What do you know about Sanya? T: What about the people live in the north of China? What did they do during winter holidays? T: So, can you guess what did Kate do in Sanya? T: What can we do on the beach? bathe-sunbathe-sunbathing T: How many moons are there in the picture? T: How many stars? Step 4: Play games Game 1: read and change Ask students to read the phrases and change it into past tense Game 2: fast response Ask them to look at the pictures and say the phrases Game3: which is missing Ask them to say the missing phrases S: Shes Kate. S: She went to Sanya. S: She went there by plane S: Sanya is in the south of China. S: It is very hot in Sanya. And people can go swimming in Sanya. There are many beautiful beaches there. S: Maybe they can make snowmen. S: Maybe they can go skating and skiing. S1: She went to the beach. S: We can make sand castle, play volleyball and enjoy sunbathing. S2: She enjoyed sunbathing. S3: She enjoyed the moon and stars. S: Only one moon and many stars in the sky. go to the beach-went to the beach enjoy sunbathing-enjoyed sunbathing enjoy the moon and stars stay at home- stayed at home enjoy Spring Festival have a party-had a party housework 和重点句型:What did you do during your holidays? 教师呈现新知时也要注意对动 词过去式进行讲解,比如特意 设计了 study-studied 和书上的 enjoy-enjoyed,让学生学会区 别以 y 结尾的动词变过去式的 规则。 教师询问有关三亚的内容,让 学生说说三亚的地理位置和气 候条件。教师又提问关于北方 人们在此时在做什么的问题, 融入学科整合,说明祖国地大 物博,丰富了教学内容。 学生根据想象猜测 kate 在三亚 都做了些什么,训练学生听说 和思考的能力。 教师依次对三个重点词组 go to the beach/enjoy sunbathing/enjoy the moon and stars 进行呈现并有 梯度的让学生操练目标语句。 PS:教师在讲完 go to the beach 这个词组后,给学生展示两张 海滩的图片,一张是三亚的图 片另一张是澳大利亚的帮带沙 滩。让学生体会到,国内和国 外的沙滩都非常的美丽,此时 渗透跨文化的理念。另外, What can we do on the beach?我 们能在沙滩上做些什么呢?Eg: make sand castle/ play volleyball/enjoy sunbathing 由此 引出下一个词组 enjoy sunbathing. 复习新授重点词组。找 leader 领读,学生跟读。学生将每个 词组变换成一般过去时的形式。 Step 5: Practise 1) Do a survey NameWhereHowWhat 2) Show the dialogue Step 6: Lets chant. T: Open the books and read the chants together. Step 7:Do an exercise A-Hello. How are you t_ days? B-Im fine. Thank you. I w_ to Sanya during my holidays. A-How did you g_ t_? B-I went there by p_. A-What did you do t_? B-I h_ a party and e_ sunbathing with my f_. A-Oh! Its wonderful! What do you t_ about Sanya. B-Its a n_ and c_ place. Check the answers. Step 8: Homework 1. Finish the exercises and retell the main words. 2. Write a passage about your holidays and share it with your classmates. Free talk with classmates (group work) about their holidays and fill the form. S1: Where did you go during your holidays? S2: I went to. S1: How did you get there? S2: I went there by . S1: What did you do there? S2: I went to. T: The holiday was interesting. We all enjoyed playing. The holiday was exciting. We all enjoyed travelling. Students fill in the blanks. Make sure the homework. 学生根据新知识(词组和句子) , 和同伴谈论自己的假期生活。 使用一般过去时连词成句,达 到了学以致用的目的,同时丰 富了语言,锻炼学生口语表达 能力。 学生展示自己创编的对话,教 师也可根据对话的内容提出几 个简单的小问题,目的是让学 生积极听懂同学的对话。 教师播放光盘,带领学生跟读。 体会读音并要求学生举出更多 发这个音的词语或句子。 通过一个首字母的练习,学生 将今日所学的知识融会贯通, 并注意一般过去时的使用情况 和某些动词的过去式的变化规 律。 作业作业 设计设计 Finish the exercises and retell the main words.梯度作业设计梯度作业设计 Write a passage about your holidays and share it with your classmates. 板书设计板书设计 Daily life Whats your hobby? When do you usually get up
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