人教精通版六年级下册Unit 1 I went to Sanya for my holidays.-Lesson 6-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-公开课-(编号:d08dd).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 I went to Sanya for my holidays._Lesson 6_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频)_县级优课_(编号:d08dd)
    • lesson6 词汇练习.flv
    • unit 1 lesson6 素材.mp3
    • unit1 lesson6 课件.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案d08dd.doc--点击预览


Section1 社会主义核心价值观 富强民主文明和谐Prosperous,democratic, civilized, harmonious 自由平等公正法治freedom, equality, justice,legal system 爱国敬业诚信友善 patriotism,dedication, integrity, kindness learning aims 知识与技能: 4 skills: How did you learn English?We learned English by doing things. subject but why use yesterday 3 skills: the words: do tasks have an English party act in drama learn from each other the sentences: We learned from each other. 过程与方法:教师讲解,联系学生实际,小组中学会合作交流竞争 ,基本会用所学。 情感态度价值观:知道英语学习的方法,提高学习英语兴趣。 warm up (the past form of verbs) do-did have-had act-acted learn-learned use-used listen-listened speak-spoke read-read write-wrote chant-chanted work- worked Lets chant /w/ Just practise A: How did you learn English? B1:We/ I + v-ed B2:We/ I learned English by +v-ing doing tasks having an English party acting in drama learning from each other by by + V - ing V - ed did tasks had an English party acted in drama learned from each other Task 1 work in pairs 1 How did you learn English? 1We learned (English) by doing tasks. We did tasks. 2 We learned (English) by having an English party. We had an English party. 2 How did you learn English? 3 We learned (English) by acting in drama . We acted in drama . 4 We learned (English) by learning from each other. We learned from each other. Section2 Task2 lets talk I listened. 1 spoke 2 read/red/ 3 wrote 4 worked in pairs 5 worked in groups 6 did role play 7 chanted You can also say : I learned English by listening. How did you learn English, Peter? Task 2 Lets talk and finish your groups form How did you learn English,Lisa? I listened, spoke,read and wrote. I also worked in pairs and in groups. I learned English by listening ,speaking, reading and writing . I also learned English by working in pairs and in groups. Nameslistenspeakread writechantDo role play Work in pairs Work in groups Peter Lisa 拓展:其他的学英语方式还有do tasks have an English party act in drama learn from each other tell stories,use dictionaries(用词典),talk with foreigners(和外国人交谈),go on the internet(上网) Task2 finish your groups form Work in groups :play the chain game A: I learned English by listening ,speaking and writing. How did you learn English, B? B: I learned English by reading. How did you learn English ,C? C: I worked in pairs. How did you learn English, D? D: I did role play. How did you learn English,A?. cD AB one by one, please . show show Bb Design /w/ A: How did you learn English? B1:We learned (English) by doing things. B2:We learned from each other. did tasks doing tasks learned from each other. had an English party having an English party acting in drama acted in drama learning from each other v subject but why use yesterday do tasks have an En glish party act in drama learn from each other Information about the students in this class: There are 48 Ss in this Grade 6 class. They are 11-12 years old. Their first language is Chinese. They have been learning English for 3 years. Most Ss are interested in English and cooperate well during lessons. Most like playing games and show themselves, they also have competitions. But some of them find it difficult to concentrate on Speaking, their English vocabulary in spoken form is poor. Main aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be better able to speak accurately in the context of learned English Subsidiary aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be better able to use the new vocabulary in spoken form in the context of learned English Personal aim(s): 1.Reduce TTT high STT 2. Ss-centred designed activity for students to speak . 3 good time management . 4.Ss get familiar with the sound / w / Materials and their sources: materials. 1.Textbook(Unit1 Lesson6)it is adapt from the textbook in Primary Grade6 of Jingtong . 2.task1 with computer pictures .handout with task2: their books. 3.PPT :There are18 slides made by teacher . 4.New word cards with pictures and sentence cards made by the teacher. They are : do tasks have an English party act in drama learn from each other We learned (English) by doing tasks. We learned from each other. 5. red and white chalks and erasers . 6. Projector&computer with seewo system, (seewo system can be not). 7. magnets 8. a ruler to make lines 9.adwanced blkackboard design Skills and sub-skillsTasks for developing skillsAnticipated problems with these tasks Possible solutions speaking for accuracy 1. 1. Give Ss a task 1 with the 4 pictures on PPT. How did you learn English? We ( I ) learned from each other. We( I ) learned English by doing things. 1. Ss will speak slowly and make wrong sentences. 2.Ss might speak Chinese when check the answer in pairs. Teacher remind 1 in the instructions,give an example. 2 use ICQ to elicit or remind speaking for accuracy 2. 2. Give Ss a task 2 in pairs. Ss do the dialogue in the situation of learned English. them. 3.Ss might not know how to do this task. they need teachers help. 4. Ss might forget the new word they just learned.get other Ss to help in groups. Ss to speak English and finish the task 3. when check the answers in pairs or groups.T montoring and help. Language analysis FormMeaningAnticipated problems teaching this language Possible solutions All students know these words 1 do tasks v. 2. have an English party v. 3. learn from each other v. 4. use v. 5. subject n . 6. but adv 7. yesterday n. 8. why adv These sentence and word 1.a piece of work or an assignment, especially one that is important or difficult 2.a social event at which a group of people meet to talk, eat, drink, dance, etc., often in order to celebrate a special occasion 3Its encouraging to see that we are not alone. 4the act of using something for a purpose 5a branch of learning that forms a course of study 6.used to introduce a statement that disagrees with something just said, or that expresses an emotion such as surprise or disbelief at what was just said 7. on the day before today the day before today 8. for what reason 9.the activity of performing a role in a play,opera,show, etc. 1. tasks: Ss might not read the pronunciation of it right 4.use / ju:z / 8. yesterday : Ss might not be familiar with the pronunciation of yesterday. 9. act in drama drm 4Teacher highlight the pronunciation 5Teacher highlight the two pronunciations divide it by 3 syllables Teacher highlight the dramas pronunciation in drama :during the dramar are new for almost all students : 9.act in drama v. Ss will speak out the sentences: 1 How did you learn English? We ( I ) learned from each other. We( I ) learned English by doing things. Stage no. and nameStage aimProcedureInteraction pattern Time 1. Review1. Review the past form of verbs. 2.know the learning aims 1. Greet Ss and group Ss quickly,divide Ss into 8 groups . 2.first follow the teacher ,then boys and girls ask and answer the past form of verbs. T -Ss Ss-Ss 2min 2.Presentation of new pronunciation of / w / and lead in 3.Involve Ss to English learning emphasize the pronunciation of / w / 3. Use the second PPT or cards , Ask Ss to listen to a chant : wh and then follow to speak.say some other words of the sound / w / 3min 3.Presentation of Presentation of new sentences and new words to present the new sentences and words 1 . ask Ss how did you learn English just now?We chanted.we can also say we learned English by chanting.present the new sentences and the answer. 2 .Use the PPT video pause or word card , present the new words :do tasks have an English party learn from each other act in drama choral drilling and individual drilling. convey the meaning and CCQs.use seewo picture function to ask them how did you learn English just now?We( I ) learned English by listening and speaking. We( I ) listened and spoke. 3.why yesterday subject but use get some Ss write on the blackboard.use seewo picture function to ask them how did We( I ) learned English by writing . We( I ) wrote . 4.use the 4 pictures and ask Ss :if we are them,how did you learn English ?We( I ) learned English by doing things. What are the things? Do tasks ,act in drama .Ask ss to use the past form and the progressing form to T -Ss10min express. 3. check T check Ss how much they learned individual 1.T stick the word on Bb. check the phrases and the word 2.check the sentences individual. T-Ss5 min 4. practise speaking 1 1.To practise speaking for accuracy. 1.Give Ss a task 1 in pairs with the four pictures. Ss ask and answer in the situation of How did you learn English?Give the two answers. T monitor. use seewo picture function to ask them how did you learn English just now?We( I ) learned English by working in pairs. We( I ) lworked in pairs. T-Ss Ss-Ss 8min 5.practise speaking 2 To practise speaking for accuracy . 1.Give Ss a task 2 in groups. Ss do the task in the situation of “How did you learn English? ”,Give the clear instructions to finish the groups form. T monitor 2.use seewo picture function to ask them how did you learn English just now?We( I ) learned English by working in group. We( I ) lworked in group. 3.get ss in groups to show the chain game. 4.extend the form with the new learned T-Ss Ss-Ss 13min Quick check *O K Quick check * OK Plan professionally completed and presentedLogical sequence of stages and activities to support the lesson aims Aims fully and clearly expressedThe level of challenge is appropriate Materials are suitable and support the achievement of the lesson aims Variety of activities and interaction patterns, with appeal to different learning styles Some evidence of creativity in the design and planned use of materials and activities A strong beginning and a strong ending are planned Grade given by trainer for this lesson plan in relation to the standard expected at MXEC (circle a number from 1 - 4 ) 4321 Significantly above the standard Above the standardMainly at the standard Needs to be developed further
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