人教精通版六年级下册Unit 2 There is a park near my home.-Lesson 7-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:20bda).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 There is a park near my home._Lesson 7_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_县级优课_(编号:20bda)
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Where is Mr Monkey? Game: Where is the monkey? Whats in the box? There is a monkey in the box. Whats in the house? Susan There is Susans family in the house. Susan Peter There are two pictures of the munity Susans community Whats in Susans community? There is /are. My name is Susan. Look at this picture of my community. There are many tall buildings in it. I live in one of the buildings. There is a park near my home and there is a river behind the park. There are a lot of trees and flowers in the park . Its beautiful. On the main street is a bank. Beside the bank is a hospital. Across the road, there is a big supermarket between a hotel and a bookshop. My mum and I often buy fruit ,vegetables and other heathy food there. Look! Whats in the center of the community? There is a school! Its my school. I can see everything on my way to school. I like my community. Its a busy , clean and nice place. My community Lets chant. A:In my community, in my community, there is a park near my home, what s in your community? B:In my community, in my community, there is a. Whats in your community? C: . Whats in Peters community? We should protect our community. Which group is the winner? Introduce your community. Group work: Homework Introduce your community to your friends. 人教版(精通)六年级下 Unit2Lesson7 教学设计 一、 教学目标 1. 够听、说、认读 supermarket,across,bank,hospital,hotel,in front of,behind。学生能初步运用这些词造句、对话交流,并 能在实际生活中进行简单的日常交流。 2. 能够听、说、读、写 river, beside, healthy, street, near, between, vegetable。学生能初步运用这些词造句并书写。 3. 能够使用 There is a 句型进行口语交流。 4. 运用目标语言对方位进行描述。 5. 喜爱自己的社区并学会爱护环境。 二、学情分析 我校六年级的学生属于高年级段,因此已经具备一定的知识储备, 为本课文本的学习打下一定的基础,但有的学生因年龄大而在表现 自己方面会出现腼腆的情况,因此在教学评价方面要更具竞争性。 同时要关注学困生掌握知识的情况。 6. 重难点 重点: (一)能听说认读 across 等 6 个单词及一个词组。 (二)能听说读写 river 等 7 个单词 (三)能会使用句型 There is a 难点: 对本课表示方位的单词及词组的准确理解和在真实语境的使用。 三、教法学法 (一)情景法 (二)直观法 (三)游戏法 能够让学生感知、体验、实践、参与和合作,最终能够让学生在愉 快的课堂氛围中,轻松的掌握本课知识。 四、教学过程 (一)导入设计 1.热身: (1) Sing a song:“Where is Mr Monkey?” 设计意图:快速将学生精力集中于课堂,并为整节课轻松愉快的氛围 做好铺垫。同时歌曲中涉及到了方向词,也为本课学习方位词做铺 垫。 (2)Play a game: Where is Mr Monkey? 游戏规则 1.两个人分别扮演猴子和箱子,随意站位,让其他学生用所学方位 词进行站位描述。 2.找同学描述位置,让两个扮演的学生根据描述进行站位。 设计意图:复习所学方位词,并能够对方位词灵活运用。为语言输 出环节做铺垫。 2.导入: Hello, boys and girls. This is Susan. Todays our new friend. She invite her friend Peter to our class. They bring gifts to you. Can you guess? The beautiful pictures of the community. 设计意图: 调动学生积极性,参与课堂,并且给学生布置任务,能 让学生有目的完成任务。 (二)新知呈现 Task 1 Listen and answer. Whats in the community? Please use “There is a ”to answer. There is a park in the community. There is a bank in the community. 设计意图:通过听,让学生初步感知文章,并用 There is a 句型进行描述,让学生能够会使用该句型。 Task2 Read and find the buildings position. 设计意图:让学生再次阅读课文,深度理解课文,并通过寻找建 筑物的位置,解决细节问题。同时让学生到前面,将建筑物图片贴 到相应的位置上,让学生通过贴图,理解方位词的意义。 (三)巩固操练 1.My community. Susan likes her community and she wants more people to know it. So lets describe the community together. 设计意图:让学生根据贴图即建筑物的位置,来描述苏珊的社区, 通过此活动,可以让学生整体感知语言,并让学生完整的进行语言 输出。进而可以顺利掌握课文内容。 2.Lets chant. A:In my community, in my community, there is a park near my home, what s in your community? B:In my community, in my community, there is a. Whats in your community? C: . 设计意图: 此环节想让学生进行一个放松,同时说唱内容又可以让学生发散思 维,对本课重点句型进行巩固操练。 (四)情感教育 通过展示 Peter 社区,让学生进行情感的升华,即要热爱我们的 社区并保护环境。 (五)拓展延伸 Describe the community you design . 设计意图:课前让小组同学画出自己理想的社区,通过本节课的 方位表述的学习,让获胜小组到前台给大家展示自己的社区,这样 可以让学生学以致用,真正将所学的方位词及句型运用实际生活中。 (六)作业 向朋友及家人描述你理想中的社区。 设计意图:让学生将所学内容运用到实际生活中。
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