人教精通版五年级下册英语Fun time 2-Fun time 2 Recycle 1-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:f0aac).doc

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人教精通版五年级下册英语Fun time 2-Fun time 2 Recycle 1-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:f0aac).doc_第1页
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1、人教精通版五年级下册人教精通版五年级下册 FunFun TimeTime 2 2 教学设计教学设计 年级年级五年级学科英语主题单元Fun Time 2 课题课题Recycle 1 and 2 Fun reading 课时一课时 教学准备教学准备A tapeand some pictures,PPT,vedio 教学目标教学目标 1 1、KnowledgeKnowledge andand skills:skills: 1)To review words: show,bad,stomachache, headache,toothache , cough,flu 2)To learn and use

2、 the sentences: Whats wrong with you ?I have a fever and a headache. Can I go to school tomorrow?No, You should take some medicine/take a good rest/drink more water. 3) Learn to read and say the dialogue. I 2 2、ProcessesProcesses andand methods:methods: 1) Learn to read and say the words. 2) Learn t

3、o read and say the dialogue. 3)Develop the ability to listen, speak, read and match in English. 3 3、EmotionEmotion attitudesattitudes andand value:value: To foster an interest in English. 增删、点评、反思 教学重难点教学重难点 TeachingTeaching keykey points:points: To master the key words and sentences in this class.

4、TeachingTeaching difficulty:difficulty: To use the sentences Whats wrong with you ?I have a fever and a headache.Can I go to school tomorrow ? No, You should take some medicine/take a good rest/drink more water.Im ill today .I have a bad cold. I cant go to school today. 教学流程 Step1:Step1: Warm-upWarm

5、-upRevisionRevision (1)Greetings 场景设置:设置一个外宾到本校参观的场景,其中个同学要做一名小导 游 带 领 客 人 参 观 学 校 , 教 师 提 供 语 言 支 持 。 SA:To be the guide SB/C/D:To be the visitors 复习 showaroundeg.I will show you around our school. Step2:PresentationStep2:Presentation 场景设置:同学生病了去看医生,学生对医生、患者角色有充分的认 知。进行多组对话充分调动同学的英语口语表达的欲望,让每一组都有 p

6、resention 分角色表演的机会。 (1)练习句型:Whats wrong with you ?I have a fever and a headache.Can I go to school tomorrow ? No, You should take some medicine/take a good rest/drink more water. Im ill today . I have a bad cold. I cant go to school today. (2)以 group 为单位演示对话,熟悉和掌握课本中图片所示的对话内 容,并注意 stomachache,headac

7、he,toothache , cough 的拼读。 (3)加强学生对所学的重点句子: Im ill today . I have a bad cold/headache. Dont worry about your lessons. Ill help you with your English.的书写练习和固定搭配的使用。 (4)根据所学句型,将学生分成小组,图片所示内容进行打电话时 的对话练习。重点掌握 May I have your name?Whats wrong with you ? Open your mouth.Say “Ah”.句型和理解领会 You do have a bad

8、cold. You have to stay in bed and take some medicine. 的含义。注意交际用语 This is Lisa speaking 的使用语境。 (5)帮助和引导学生理解本部分内容。 Step3:Act and say (1)请学生用通过表演医生与病人间的对话来掌握目标语言 My name is Im Im ill. Im not well. I have a (bad) cold/fever/flu/ 1.Whats wrong with you? 2.Open your mouth. 3.Say, “Ah ” 4.Do you have a hea

9、dache? 5.5.DoDoyouyouhavehavea a(bad)(bad)cold/cold/fever/fever/flu/cough/stomach-ache/flu/cough/stomach-ache/ toothache.toothache. 6.6.YouYou havehave a a badbad fever.fever. YouYou shouldshould taketake a a goodgood restrest andand drinkdrink moremore water.water. TakeTake somesome medicine.medici

10、ne. 7.7.DrinkDrink moremore water.water. 8.8.TakeTake a a goodgood rest.rest. 9.9.YouYou willwill getget wellwell soon.soon. (2)在日常生活中,师生要关注自己及家人、朋友、同学的身体健 康,叮嘱他们及时看医生,多休息,并表达祝愿其早日康复的愿望。 (3)利用录音课件展示第四部分的歌谣,并让学生重复跟唱至熟悉, 提醒学生注意Doctor, doctor. I am ill. Whats wrong with you? I have a headache and a fev

11、er, too. Oh, dear, oh, dear, you have a bad flu! 通过师生问答,学生对 CHANT 进行练习,教师及时给予积极的评价: Excellent! Super! Good! Great!Well done.etc. 激发学生操练本课所学的兴趣,鼓励学生与听课教师进行实际对话 Step4:Step4: LetLets s readread andand actact 活动一:Read the following part The tiger is a big animal. He is the King of all the animals. He do

12、es not obey any rules. All the other animals must obey his rules. Tiger King.当老虎大王坐车的时候,不要过马路。当老虎大王坐车的时候,不要过马路。 Dont cross the road when Tiger King is in his car. 活动二:Activity2 Ask and answer questions actively. Be quiet, Dont make noise . Dont eat in class. You must work hard. Dont get up late. Ste

13、p5: Cultural link 活动一:活动一:Guessing the meanings of the key words National sports around the world Ping-pong Cricket is the national sport of Britain Baseball Rugby ice hockey 活动二:Lets do a survery 教师请同学们自己利用句型:Whats your favourite sport? My favourite sport is.先组内再组外去询问调查,记录结果,然后组内核对数据,完 成习题。将数据交给老师,

14、教师统计,出示统计图,核对答案。教师提 出:Whats your favourite star?教学进入下一环节。 Summary and homework 1.Revise the words we have learned 2.Write more rules by Tiger King 3.Do the exercises DesignDesign ofof thethe BbBb: FunFun TimeTime havehave a a flufluKeepKeep offoff thethe grassgrass DonDont t makemake noisenoise 教学反思:


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