人教精通版五年级下册英语Fun time 1-Fun time 1 Fun Reading-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:e113a).zip

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JosephJoseph hadhad a a littlelittle overcoatovercoat教材分析教材分析 Joseph Had a Little overcoat这个绘本故事是由(美) Simms Taback 编写的一本书籍,它改编自一首古老的犹太歌曲: Joseph 在他的外套破旧后,用这旧外套做成了一件夹克。当这件旧 夹克缝缝补补多次时,他又把它改成了背心。背心不能再穿后,他 又把它做成了一条领带,直到这件外套再也没有可改的余地。但是聪 明的约瑟夫总是有办法! 这个故事很有趣,故事线也明了,非常符合“可预测的故事书 (Predicable Books)”的标准。Predicable Books 一方面有可以 预测的情节线来提升故事的“易懂性”,但一方面也必须有不可预 测的内容来保持故事的魅力。读这个故事,我们会不由自主地一次 又一次猜测。 开篇就直切主题:Joseph 有一件小外套,但是旧了,穿坏了。 这个画面值得仔细看,还要和封面连起来看。因为封面上的外套还 挺好的,这一页上就已经是下摆一缕一缕扯破了,还打了好多五颜 六色的补丁。 接下去通过补丁出现的位置作为引导,就是 Joseph 不停地改 衣服、不停地穿旧了,做成了 jacket/vest/scarf/.引导学生们 不断的进行猜测,What happened next? 故事的高潮在于: 最初的长外套,最后竟然变成一颗纽扣。然 后纽扣还丢啦!现在什么都没有啦!但是没关系,聪明的 Joseph 总 是有办法。他用一支笔把这一切都记录下来,写成一本书! 这真是个令人安慰、回味的结局!本来是“nothing”的结局, 却能又变出“something”来,从无到有,从实到虚典型的“立 意升华”! 故事的 moral:You can always make something from nothing! Joseph had a little overcoat 教学设计 (设计思考:英语课程标准明确了英语课程工具性和人文性的双重性质,同时指出课程应成为 学生在教师指导下构建知识、发展技能、拓展视野、活跃思维、展现个性的过程。 1、语言学习需要大量的输入,丰富多样的课程资源对英语学习尤其重要。英语课程应根据教和 学的需求,提供贴近生活、贴近学生、贴近时代的英语学习资源。本课时的教学力求选择适合 学生的学习资源,利用国外经典原版绘本作为学习资料,在故事学习中通过可视化思维导图的 建构提供给学生可理解性的材料,促进学生思维的发展和语句的输出。 2、在故事学习的过程中引导学生通过演唱、合作等多种方式感受绘本传达的感情,构建含有丰 富情感和创造力的阅读体验和阅读过程。 ) 1、warm up (1)Free talk (2)视频展示“My DIY”,抛问题“Do you like making DIY?” (3)There was an old man who liked DIY ,too.Watch a short video 抛问题“Who is he?”引出故事主人公 Joseph. 2. Presentation (1) Show the cover of the book. (2) 以图片环游的形式进入故事文本,讲解 part 1,学生在了解 He was on a farm.He was not happy,the overcoat got old and worn,教师抛问题“He threw it away?”or“He made another thing.”引发学生思考。动画展示剪刀操作,在知道做成 jacket 之后及时的进行情感 教育,鼓励发挥创造性。 (3) 多种方式练习 part1.read/sing.(本部分作为引导详讲内容,先听后输出,让学生大胆猜 测,输出时教师及时纠音正音。) (4) 在 part 2 环节时,教师放手让学生猜测故事情节,促进其思维的发展.read/sing/use cup (5) 利用可视化思维导图进行引导。 “What happened next?” 由 overcoat-jacket-vest-scarf-necktie-button 讲解重点单词。 (6) Underline the DIY things. (7) Ending of the story. (8) The moral 3. Practice (1)listen and imitate (2)Read in groups (3)Song time(杯子舞展示) (4)What do you think of Joseph? 4.Production Make a picture book 操练主句型,联系学生生活实际并发挥其想象力。 (1)Complete the cover (2)Fill in the blanks 5.Homework Retell the story and share your picture books. 2021-6-173 Who is he ?Who is he ? Author:Author: Title:Title: . Joseph had a little overcoat.Joseph had a little overcoat. It gotIt got old and worn.old and worn.oror / So he made a little .So he made a little . jacket jacket . and went to the fair.and went to the fair.( ) So he made a little jacketSo he made a little jacket airairh h f f . ( (集市集市) ) Joseph had an overcoat.Joseph had an overcoat. I I(t t) got got /old and worn.old and worn. So heSo he/ made a little jacket made a little jacket anan(d d) went to the fair. went to the fair. page1page1 Joseph had a littleJoseph had a little . . It gotIt got jacketjacket old and worn old and worn . . What did he do?What did he do? So he made a little So he made a little vestvest dancedance andand( d d) at wedding. at wedding. Joseph had a little jacket.Joseph had a little jacket. I I(t t) got got /old and worn.old and worn. So heSo he/ made a little vest made a little vest anan(d d) danced at wedding. danced at wedding. page2page2 What happened next?What happened next? Read from page Read from page 3 3 to page to page 5 5 overcoatovercoat jacketjacket vestvest So he made a little So he made a little scarfscarf and sang in chorusand sang in chorus( (合唱团合唱团) ). . So he made a little So he made a little necktienecktie and visited his sister.and visited his sister. bowtiebowtie What happened?What happened? He made a book. 发挥想象,你总是可以无中生有。发挥想象,你总是可以无中生有。 page1page1 page2page2 page3page3 page4page4 page5page5 Read in groupsRead in groups TipsTips 1.Choose1.Choose you like.you like. you like.you like. 3.With emotions3.With emotions He made a button, it was lost.He made a button, it was lost. So he made a book.So he made a book. Which shows you can make somethingWhich shows you can make something from nothing.from nothing. thriftythrifty wisdomwisdom positivepositive What do you think of him?What do you think of him? 节俭节俭充满智慧充满智慧 积极乐观积极乐观 Make a picture bookMake a picture book 1. Complete the cover1. Complete the cover 2. Talk and fill in the 2. Talk and fill in the blanksblanks DIYDIY Complete the coverComplete the cover I had I had It got old and worn.It got old and worn. So I made So I made andand a shirta shirt a baga bag went shoppingwent shopping Talk about your DIYTalk about your DIY DDI IY Y
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