人教精通版五年级下册英语Fun time 2-Fun time 2 Recycle 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:b2804).zip

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! Fun Time 2 Doctor, doctor, I am ill.Doctor, doctor, I am ill. Whats wrong with you?Whats wrong with you? I have a headache and a fever,too.I have a headache and a fever,too. Oh,dear,oh,dear,you have a bad flu!Oh,dear,oh,dear,you have a bad flu! Who would you tell when you are Who would you tell when you are Who would you tell when you are Who would you tell when you are ill?ill?ill?ill? How can you talk about your How can you talk about your How can you talk about your How can you talk about your illness?illness?illness?illness? What will the doctor do?What will the doctor do?What will the doctor do?What will the doctor do? What should you do after getting What should you do after getting What should you do after getting What should you do after getting ill?ill?ill?ill? Who would come to see you?Who would come to see you?Who would come to see you?Who would come to see you? Show TimeShow Time Gao Wei _Gao Wei _ The girls _The girls _ Li Yan _Li Yan _ Peter _Peter _ The boys _The boys _ is is doing the high doing the high jump.jump.are are playing volleyball.playing volleyball. is is running fast.running fast. is is swimming.swimming. are are playing football.playing football. Look! Whats the boy doing?Look! Whats the boy doing? _ Are they walking? Are they walking? No, they arent. _No, they arent. _ Guess! Whats the boy doing?Guess! Whats the boy doing? _ Look at the girl. Is she reading? Look at the girl. Is she reading? No, she isnt. _No, she isnt. _ Whats the boy doing?Whats the boy doing? _ _ He is walking. They are running. He is reading. She is writing. He is swimming. Free Talk Free Talk What should we do to What should we do to keep healthy?keep healthy? What should we do after What should we do after getting ill?getting ill? HomeworkHomework 1. Make a chart about the sports 1. Make a chart about the sports what you and your parents like. what you and your parents like. 2. Make the book about illness.2. Make the book about illness. Bye Bye 人教新版小学(精通)英语五年级下册 Fun Time 2 Recycle 1 一、一、教学内容教学内容 本单元的教学内容是 Lets act, chant and write。复习关于生病、就医、提出建议等 语言知识,在对话同时强化学生对不同句式转换和主语转换的掌握。同时复习现在进 行时的“特殊疑问句以及答语和一般疑问句以及回答” 。通过编演对话,应用句型等方 式引导学生在生活情景中运用这些功能语句进行交际,并培养学生热爱生活,培养健 康生活习惯的良好品质。 二、学情分析学情分析: 一般分析:本课的教学对象为五年级学生,他们拥有了三年的英语学习经历。能 够根据教师的指令做反应,并根据情景进行角色表演。对英语具有一定的感知能力。 也初步形成了自主学习能力和合作探究的习惯。 具体分析:本单元为复习课,学生已经学习了本学期的课程。单词,短语和句子 已经基本掌握。学生已经能运用句型 Whats wrong with you? Im ill. Im not well. 以及 Whats the boy doing? He/she is .等句型进行交流, 本课将进行更大难度的训练,整合这 三个单元的单词句子,进行对话编演。 三、教学目标三、教学目标: 学科核心素养提出不仅培养学生语言知识和技能,还要着力培养学生的情感态度, 文化意识和学习策略。从这几方面出发,我确立了本课的教学目标: 1.在活动过程中,让学生体验尝试,鼓励学生积极参与并运用所学语言。应用 What s wrong with you? Im ill. Im not well. 以及 Whats the boy doing? He/she is .等句型进行 交流。 2.能够灵活运用生病请假,看病就医,探望病人等日常生活用语以及固定用法。在完 成各项活动的同时,提高在真实情景中进行语言交际的能力。 3.通过本课中情景引入,小组合作完成任务等一系列环节的设计,进一步提高学生学 习英语的热情,树立学习英语的自信心。使学生能够大胆开口,积极主动地参与课堂 活动。并培养学生热爱生活,培养健康生活习惯的良好品质。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点: 1.能够灵活运用生病请假,看病就医,探望病人等日常生活用语以及固定用法。在 完成各项活动的同时,提高在真实情景中进行语言交际的能力。 2.通过本课中情景引入,小组合作完成任务等一系列环节的设计,进一步提高学生 学习英语的热情,树立学习英语的自信心。使学生能够大胆开口,积极主动地参与课 堂活动。 采取措施:本课中我采取复习表演语用这三个环节进行学习,具体为热身复 习(激发兴趣)趣味操练(操练语言)拓展运用(运用语言)这几个步骤进行教 学。引导学生在情景中体会语言的妙趣。利用丰富的课程资源,设计多样化的课堂活 动,有效运用旧知迁移到新知,把握语言学习的渐进性和持续性特点,按照新课标规 定的语言水平及等级要求组织教学和评价活动。通过体验,实践,参与,探究和合作 等方式,逐步掌握语言知识技能,突破重难点。 五、教学准备五、教学准备 多媒体课件,医疗用品,自制粘贴等。 六、设计理念六、设计理念 本节课我采用以下教学模式进行授课,让学生通过体验,实践,参与,探究和合 作等方式,真正实现以学生为主体,面向全体学生的课堂,是孩子们逐步掌握语言知 识技能, 课始情景再设,确定话题,提炼词汇,激活语言 课中基于情景,突破难点,趣味操练,内化语言 课尾情景迁移,任务引领,拓展延伸,语言运用 七、教学过程七、教学过程 Step1. chant 导入,激发兴趣 T:Today,we are going to review the topic “doctor and patient”. First, look at the picture. Tell me:Whats wrong with the boy? Ss: He has a headache. He has a fever. T: Yes! And Who does he go to see? Ss: The doctor. T: You are right. Now lets chant together ok? 播放 chant, 师生一起听并学唱。导入本课第一个主题,复习生病就医时需要用到的 词组和句型。 Step 2 情景再设,输出语言 (1) 复习词组 T: You all did a good job. Now look at the pictures. Tell me whats wrong with him or her? I need two student to do this. One ask and the other answer. Eg: S1: whats wrong with him or her S2: He She is . (2)介绍情景 T: Gool! Now I have some questions. And who can answer me? Who would you tell when you are ill? - parents teacher What will the doctor do? - ask some questions (Whats wrong with you?) How can you talk about your illness? - Im . I have . What should you do after getting ill? - Go to see the doctor. Tell the teacher. Have some medicine. Stay in bed. Who would come to see you? - My good friends. My classmate. (3)引入情景,自编对话 T: Good job! Now I give you some tasks to do. Look at the pics and choose one to make up a dialogue. And act it out. (4)小组表演 设计意图: 通过前两个部分的铺垫,学生已经复习了相关生病就医,生病请假,同学看望等情 景会用到的句型,在充分的复习之后,学生能够调动大脑中的语言,清晰表达自己的 想法。在语言应用的过程中提高了学生的语言交际能力。 Step 3 Lets write. T: Well. Each of us can be ill some day. What can we do to be stronger? S: Do some sports. - live a healthy life. . T: Yes. Exercise is a good way to be stronger. Now look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. What sports are they doing? T: I have one more chart. Please finish it. What are they doing? And tell me is it good to us? We should do more healthy activities to make ourselves better. 设计意图: 通过看图回答问题,复习现在进行的“特殊疑问句及其答语和一般疑问句及其 肯定和否定答语” 。重点动词以各种动词为主。教师有梯度的进行叠加,侧重培养学生的 学习策略。 Step 4 创新情景,语言灵活运用 T: Free Talk Time. The topic is : What should we do to keep healthy? What should we do after getting ill hurt? 设计意图: 创设新的情景,结合两部分的知识一起,让学生在更广阔的情境下运用语言。 调动脑中的知识素材,充分体会语言应用的乐趣。培养文化素养,能够培养安全意识 和民族自豪感。 Step 7 Homework 1. Make a chart about the sports what you and your parents like. 2. Make the book about illness. 设计意图 教师在作业布置中考虑到学生个体差异,根据学生接受能力的不同设计了不同难度 梯度的作业。第二项内容稍微难一些,学生可以根据自己的实际情况尽量的去做,可 以选择性的做,这样就满足了不同层次学生的需求。 八、教学反思八、教学反思 本节课是五年级下册复习课,教师从课前,课中,课尾三部分进行环节设计,尊重 学生的认知规律。通过歌谣,复习所学,创编对话等环节的设计,激励学生感知,学 习,提炼和运用。通过再设情景使学生感知语言,学习语言,通过课文深化来提炼语 言,通过任务完成来运用语言,最终使学生能够在生活情境中运用目标语言进行交际, 从而实现本课的教学目标。
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