人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 3 We should obey the rules.-Lesson 15-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:8052b).zip

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Class Rules 1.You should listen to the teacher carefully. 2.You should ask and answer questions actively. 3.You shouldnt eat in class. 4.You shouldnt make noise. 5.You should hand in your homework on time. 6.You should go to school early. 7.You should help the young children. 8.You shouldnt be late for school. Lesson 15 人教版精通英语五年级下册 traffic lights When you see the red light, you _ stop.should When you see the yellow light, you _ wait.should When you see the green light, you _ go.should should shouldn t 应该不应该 You _. shouldntswim You _ jump. shouldnt You _ smoke. shouldnt You shouldnt _ . park You _ turn left. shouldnt You _ turn right. shouldnt You _ take photos. shouldnt You _ be quiet. should You _ watch your head. should How to be a good student? You _ drink more water.should You _ help the young children.should You _ enjoy the sunshine together. should You _ discuss(讨论)the questions together.should You _ tell the way.should You _ say sorry to the classmate.should You _ be polite to others.should You _ draw on the wall.shouldnt You _ help to do the work.should You _ play on the grass.shouldnt You _ pick the flowers.shouldnt Lets find the good boy and the good girl in our class! We should play a game. make noise in class ask and answer questions actively eat in class be late for school be quiet in the library write your homework carefully stand in line do exercises well come to school early help others You _ ask and answer questions actively.should You _ eat in class.shouldnt You _ make noise in class. shouldnt You _ be late for school.shouldnt You _ be quiet in the library.should You _ eat too much.shouldnt You _ eat in class.shouldnt You _ write your homework carefully. should You _ stand in line.should You _ do exercises well.should You _ come to school early.should You _ help the old man.should Peter is a good student at school . ? Do you know he is a good boy at home ? School is over, lets go to Peter s home and have a look. Peter s home! He makes a mess in his room Oh! What a mess! do housework He doesnt like to do housework. watch TV He watches TV too often. read in bed He reads in bed. go to bed late He goes to bed very late. Sometimes he is not a good boy at home. He doesnt like to do housework. He often makes a mess in his room. He watches TV too often. He reads in bed and he goes to bed very late. 读一读,完成填空 He _in bed. He _ very late . read go to bed reads goes to bed He _too often. watch TV watches TV He often_ in his room . He doesnt like to _ make a mess makes a mess do housework. do housework Can you help me? I want to be a good boy at home, what should I do? what shouldnt I do? 1. You _ get up late. 2. You _ watch TV too often. 3. You _ keep your room clean. 4. You _ go to bed early. shouldnt shouldnt should should Read and fill in the blanks.(读课文,填一填) Home Rules You should help to do housework. You should keep your room clean. You should go to bed early. You shouldnt get up late. You shouldnt watch TV too often. You shouldnt read in bed. I m a good boy now! Thank you! GoodGood mannersmanners makemake ourour lifelife better!better! Homework: 1. Find the pictures of rules in our life. 2.Finish the work on the internet. 请用请用 should 或或 shouldnt 填空。填空。 1.The baby is sleeping. You ( ) sing aloud. 2.Your sister is doing her homework. You ( )watch TV. 3.Mum is cooking. You ( ) help her. 4.The supper is ready. You ( )wash your hands. 5.You ( ) tidy your books. 6.You ( ) jump on the bed. 7.You ( ) do your homework. 8.You ( ) make a mess. 9.You ( )wash hands. 10.You( )be late. 11.You ( )listen in class. 12.You ( )try hard. 13.You ( ) be kind. 14.You ( )be helpful. 人教版小学精通英语五年级下人教版小学精通英语五年级下 Lesson 15 Lesson 15 一一.教学目标教学目标 1. 掌握并运用句型: You should . You shouldnt . 并把这些句型运用到具体的语境中。 2. 通过分组学习方式,培养学生与他人沟通交流、分工合作以及学生 综合语言的运用能力。通过问题情境创设,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 3. 通过教学,体会遵守规则对于日常生活的重要意义,希望同学们都 讲文明,懂礼貌,使世界变得更加美好。 二二.学情分析学情分析 五年级的小学生是形成自信心的关键期。他们在接受别人的评 价中能发现自身的价值,产生兴奋感、自豪感,对自己充满信心,一对 一数字化学习避免了传统教学“一言堂”的弊端,学生们能够通过自主 体验进行学习,用 ipad 作为学习的媒介,使同学们更直接的参与到课 堂教学,尤其是小组合作中去。平台除了能够针对他们的表现“一对 一”的进行专业评价,同学们还可以利用各种学习平台以及多样化的 操练形式进行新知的巩固和操练。 三三.重点难点重点难点 教学重点教学重点: 让学生在真实语境中逐步合理运用句型 You should ,You shouldnt ,是本节课的重点。 教学难点教学难点: 句型“你应该. .,你不应该 ”,是祈使句,由于具体内容 不确定,学生难以把握,所以让学生熟练地掌握这个祈使句则是本节课 的难点。 四四.教学活动教学活动 活动活动1【导入导入】创境激趣,揭示课题。创境激趣,揭示课题。 a.歌曲导入,互动练习。 b.解析歌词,导出交通规则的含义。 活动活动2【讲授讲授】新词呈现,层层操练。新词呈现,层层操练。 a. According to the chant and the video , the students know that When you see the red light, you should stop. When you see the green light, you should go. When you see the yellow light, you should wait. Then, I show the PPT and write the key word “should” on the blackboard with the smile card and the word “shouldnt” with the cry card. b.拼读,小组读,全班齐读,练习重点情态动词的肯定形式和否定 形式。 c.出示关于重点单词 should 的微课,自主用 ipad 学习完毕后,找同 学汇报。 d.分组讨论微课的内容,让同学们充分理解,为接下来的 PK 对战打 好基础。 活动活动3【活动活动】联系实际,情境操练。联系实际,情境操练。 a.出示实际生活中的 logo,让同学们说出标识的含义。 b.学校生活再现,真实情景的展示,更助于同学们理解和感受身边 规则的重要性。 例如: You ( should )wash hands. You( shouldnt) be late. You ( should )listen in class. You (should )try hard. You ( should ) be kind. You ( should )be helpful. 活动活动4【练习练习】重点句型,自主操练。重点句型,自主操练。 a.请完成 ipad 上的关于 should 和 shouldnt 的练习。 b.小组完成后汇报。 活动活动5【测试测试】巩固提升,游戏操练。巩固提升,游戏操练。 a.请拿出事先准备好的代表 should 和 shouldnt 的笑脸和哭脸。 b.根据教师的提示,出示笑脸标识和哭脸标识,在愉快的游戏氛围 中感受规则带给人们的自由。 活动活动6【测试测试】回归课文,学以致用。回归课文,学以致用。 a.初读课文,感知课文。 b.带着问题继续读课文,完成课文填空。 c.小组分角色读,并且汇报。 活动活动7【运用运用】拓展练习,自主提升。拓展练习,自主提升。 让同学们在 ipad 上完成拓展延伸的 Class Rules 的写作练习。 活动活动8【提升提升】升华主题,提升情感。升华主题,提升情感。 播放关于文明礼仪的央视公益视频。 五五.课后延伸课后延伸巩固练习巩固练习 1.完成一起学习平台上的作业。 2.搜集生活中关于规则的标语。
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