人教精通版六年级下册Unit 2 There is a park near my home.-Lesson 10-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:c080e).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 There is a park near my home._Lesson 10_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_县级优课_(编号:c080e)
    • Unit 2 lesson10素材
      • 1226德育渗透.mp3
      • 20190323_171707赵问医院.mp3
      • 20190323_172131赵问书店.mp3
      • 20190324_112744d付答医院.mp3
      • 20190324_114758付答书店.mp3
      • 20190325_175834Hello赵.mp3
      • 20190325_175918English name赵.mp3
      • 20190329_005508听力.mp3
      • P19(chant).mp4
    • Unit 2 lesson10.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案c080e.doc--点击预览


Heshi Nine-Year Coherent School Fu Dongmei turn right turn left traffic lightsat the cross the street go down the street turn right turn left at the traffic lights go down this street cross the street I say you do Do the I say you do Do the Hello, my English name is Clare. Clare is always clean. Clare is always kind. Clare makes a clever plan. In her clear mind. clkl Where is the hospital? Cross the street,you can see the hospital. Where is the bookshop? Go down this street,and then cross Heping Road ,the bookshop is on the left. the street, turn the hotel is on the . right the traffic lights, Go down at left Go down the street , turn right at the traffic lights,the hotel is on the left. hospital bank bookshop clothes shop supermarket hotel . go down the street turn left/ right cross the road on the left/ right . We live in the same world. We are good friends. We are a big family. Lets help others who are in need. 1. Talk about how to tell someone the way with your partners after class. (You should do.) 2. Draw your own community of your hometown and talk about it with your parents or weichat me (You can choose.选作 ) 人教精通版六年级下册英语人教精通版六年级下册英语 UnitUnit 2 2 ThereThere isis a a parkpark nearnear mymy home.home. LessonLesson 1010 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容分析 本课选自人教精通版六年级下册英语教材的第二单元,本 单元的主要内容是 “问路及应答” 。从全册书来看整个单元的 内容比较独立完整。本课是本单元第四课时,在前三课中,我 们已经学习了 There be.句型和介词短语来表示某个方位有 某个场所,在前几课的基础上,本课主要学习在路程较近情况 下的问路及指路方法,是本单元中难度适中的一课。 二、教学目标 知识与技能目标: 1. 让学生在具体语境中强化需要听、说、认读的短语: cross the street 2. 通过问路、指路的真实语境,学生能够听、说、读、写 以下词汇、短语和句型:street, turn right/left, on the right/left, minute, Where is the bookshop? Go down the street. The bookshop is on the left. 3. 熟练掌握问句 Where is the.?及祈使句式回答 Go down the street.Turn right at the traffic lights.以及情 态动词的运用 You can see the.(介词短语),最后快捷地找 到目的地。 过程与方法: 协作式、启发式等学习方法 情感态度与价值观: 通过本课的学习,培养学生互相帮助及热爱家乡的积极情 感。 三、教学重点 短语:cross the street; go down this street; turn right at the traffic lights; on the left 句型:Where is the bookshop? Go down the street. The bookshop is on the left. 四、教学难点 在真实的语境中运用本课所学目标语言进行问路、指路: Where is the.?Go down the street.Turn right at the traffic lights. You can see the.(介词短语),此处介词 短语是不太好掌握,需要反复练习强化运用。 五、教学方法 合作探究法 情景教学法 六、课前准备 1.PPT 赵丽颖相片 地点图片 短语及句型卡片 2.奖励性小红花 七、课时安排 1 课时 八、教学过程 Step 1:warm up : 1.Greetings: T:How are you? Ss:Im fine,thank you,and you? T:Im fine,too. 2.Lead in: T:Look!This is a friend of mine.Do you want to see her? PPT 出示被遮挡一部分的当红明星赵丽颖的照片,教师问学 生想见见照片中的人吗? Ss:Yes! T:But you must pass my three tests. Task 1:Can you say?教师出示手中的卡片(地点) ,学生 快速说出,教师将卡片粘贴到黑板的相应位置,并以奖励性小红 花的方式进行评价。其中涉及到的地点词汇有:hotel ,bookshop ,clothes shop ,bank,supermarket,school cake shop,hospital and park. Step 2:Presentation : 1.Task 2: Lets learn phrases: T:Good job!You have passed the first test.Now lets pass the second test:Task 2:Lets learn. (1) Present the signs of traffic:turn right/left,turn right at the traffic lights, on the left/right,cross the street, go down the street(板书短 语及图标), and teach them with some actions,and then we read them together. (2) Play a game:I say you do a:do the same 教师说,学生做与教师相同的动作。 b:do the opposite 即做出与所给指令相反的动作。每个 小组各找一名学生到前面,做出与教师所说的相反的动作,游戏 涉及到的短语有 on the left/right ,turn left/right,go down the street. 2.Task 3: Can you find? 教师根据此时的板书绘制出一个 community,并向学生介绍 这是老师自己所在的社区 Fumin Community.同时在两条街道上 分别写上 Fumin Street 和 Heping Road.此时教师边指着黑板 介绍自己的社区。此时通过自己对社区的描述让一名学生到黑 板前将老师所居住的楼房图片贴到黑板相应位置, 贴对的给予 红花奖励。 3. Lets chant : T:Wow,so clever!You are succesful to pass all the tests.Lets meet my good friend.此时教师揭晓课堂设置的 悬念谜底-赵丽颖。 Ss:Shes Zhao Liying! T:Yes, she is Zhao Liying, Please say hello to her,ok? Ss:Hello ,Zhao Liying! Z:Hello,boys and girls.(播放录音) T:Do you know her English name? Lets ask her,ok? Ss:Whats your English name? Z:My English name is Clare.(播放录音) 顺势引出本课 chant,听读两遍, 总结出 cl 的发音。 设计意图:揭晓照片的悬念,进而学习赵丽颖的英文名字 Clare,学生满腔热情,学习关于 cl 的 chant,有节奏地练习 cl 的发音,提高课堂效率。 4. Lets learn sentences : (1)教师创设情境,Clare moved to my community last week,she is a new comer, so she isnt familiar with the community.此时教师 PPT 出示模拟微信 Clare:Hello,Miss Fu, Im at home, my mum is ill, I want to go to the hospital,but where is the hospital? (播放录音) 教师根据 黑板上的社区地图,引导学生说出 Cross the street, you can see the hospital. 此时教师让学生 one by one 拿着手机模仿 发微信语音来操练对话:Where is the hospital? Cross the street, you can see the hospital. (2)PPT 播放 Clare 微信语音 Thank you,I also want to buy some books, where is the bookshop?此时教师让学生根 据黑板社区地图,小组讨论如何到达 bookshop,教师板书句子 Where is the bookshop?找学生回答,教师可以帮助引导学生说 出 Go down the street, cross Heping Road,the bookshop is on the left. 板书 the bookshop is.( on the left 之 前),此时教师 PPT 中播放教师回复 Clare 的录音 Go down the street, cross Heping Road,the bookshop is on the left. 并让学生两人一组一问一答操练对话。 (3)播放 Clare 发过来的微信文字 Hello,everyone.Thanks for your help. I can find the bookshop.I also want to go to the hotel,Where is it? T:Maybe its a little noisy,so we cant hear clearly. Weichat has another funcation, we can also write the words. Now please take out your papers,listen and write how to go to the hotel。给学生发听力卡片,让学生写到卡片 上。写完后找学生说出如何到达 hotel。Go down this street. Turn right at the traffic lights.and then you can see the hotel on the left. Step 3:Practise : 1.Show Time(Group work): T:Make a new community using the cards that your groups have got.Then make a new dialogue.PPT 中给出 相应的提示语。 2.Emotional education :We should help others in need. Step 4:Summary : Today we have learnt some words and sentences about showing the ways.Please remember them well. Step 5: Homework : (1). Read the phrases and sentences with your partners after class.(You should do.) (2). Draw your own community and talk about it with your parents or weichat me (You can do.选作)T:Boys and girls,we come from different cities, and different places have different characterristics,so homework for you:Draw your own community of your hometown and talk about it with your parents or weichat me. 九、板书设计: Lesson 10 Where is the bookshop? Go down the street. The bookshop is on the left on the right cross the street turn right /left at the traffic lights
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