人教精通版六年级下册Unit 2 There is a park near my home.-Lesson 12-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:b0176).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 There is a park near my home._Lesson 12_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_县级优课_(编号:b0176)
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Unit2 Fun story Unit2 Revision Fun story By Miss Chen Play a guessing gameWarm up: in front of between behind across the roadcross the road On the left On the right turn right at the traffic lights turn left at the traffic lights go down go straight go down Watch and answer Tips:仔细观察图片猜测故事大意,再回答哦。 What are they talking about? Presentation: Read and answer 1.Where does the bear want to go? 3.Did the bear find the place in the end(最后)? 2.What does Mickey say? The bear wants to go to the bookshop. He says ,“Turn right here; Go straight, youll see a supermarket;Then turn right again. Go straight, youll see a hotel; Walk behind the hotel and then turn right.” No, he didnt. Lets help the bear Listening 1.Watch and listen carefully. (Tips:注意语音和语调) 2.Listen , repeat and number. (Tips:模仿语音和语调) 1 54 32 3. Role play. (Tips:配音时注意 语音语调及表情和动作) Listening Tips: 3人一小组来分角色朗读,人人参与。 Read and act 1.Read fluently in roles (分角色流利地朗读) 2.Read in roles and read with emotions (分角色有感情的朗读 ) 3.Act the story with emotions and actions. (形象的表演) park Our school Hospital Wuhai Bank Dicos Ao Lin supermarket Jin Bang supermarket Bookshop No.2 School Write down your route Homework Task 1:Can you find another way to the bookshop? Please write it down. Task 2:Draw a simple route: from your home to our school, and write down the route. You can choose one task to finish.(任选一完成) 课标要求课标要求 According to the story can improve the students reading comprehension; Can use the function sentence patterns to communicate in our real life situations. 教学目标教学目标 1.Can read and understand the story. 2.Can use the sentences in our daily life and can write the sentences correctly. 3.Can help others in need. 教学重点教学重点 Can read fluently and understand the story very well. Can ask and tell the way in our daily life. 教学难点教学难点Can understand and know the difference of “go down” and “go straight”. 内容分析内容分析Its a revision lesson. It includes some words and sentences that about asking and telling the way, the scenario building is very closed to our daily life. 学情分析学情分析 In this unit, we have learned some words and sentences about asking and telling the way. The scenario building is very closed to our daily life,the students will be very interested in it. On this basis, to understand is not so difficult. But at the same time, we have to focus on using these knowledge. 学生课前学生课前 需要做的需要做的 准备工作准备工作 Preview: Listen and read story for five times. 教学策教学策 略略 课堂活动,个人探究和小组合作等。 教学方教学方 法法 主要采用任务教学法、学生中心教学法、多媒体教学法、活动 式教学法。 教教 学学 环环 节节 问题情境与问题情境与 教师的活动教师的活动 学生的活动学生的活动时时 间间 分分 配配 设计意图设计意图 落实目标落实目标 热热 身身 4 分分 1.Greeting with the students. T: Good morning, boys and girls. T: How are you today? T: Im fine, too. Thanks. 2.Review some words and phrases: S:Good morning, teacher. S: I m fine. Thank you. And you? PPT shows some pictures and let the students guess the prepositions of locality. 4 分 练习基本的口语交际, 养成打招呼和问候的 好习惯营造英语氛围。 复习旧词,主题句问 句的自然输入。 课课 堂堂 教教 学学 过过 程程 设设 计计 思思 路路 新新 知知 呈呈 现现 16 分分 behind, beside, near, between, in front of, go down, turn rightleft, on the leftright. Solving difficulties: go down ; go straight. T: They have a same meaning, but they are different. 1.Showing our learning aims: 2.Watch and answer T: What are they talking about? 3.Read and answer Where does bear want to go? What does Mickey say? Did the bear find the place in the end? Why? Lets help the bear. go down go straight I can read and understand the story. I can ask and show the way. I can help others. S1: Bear is asking the way. S2: Mickey is telling the way. S:The bear wants to the bookshop. S: He says ,“Turn right here; Go straight, youll see a supermarket;Then turn right again. Go straight, youll see a hotel; Walk behind the hotel and then turn right.” S: No, he didnt. Because Mickey tells him the wrong way. Students point out where is wrong and then correct the way. 1 分 1 分 6 分 8 分 用最简单、最直观的 方法解决本课难点。 出示学习目标,让孩 子有目的、有意识的 学习本课知识。 培养孩子据图猜意和 观察事物的能力。 利落进入本课内容, 培养孩子阅读能力。 让孩子开动脑筋,找 出路线的错误之处, 并指出正确路线,锻 炼孩子语言运用和语 言组织能力。 趣趣 味味 操操 练练 15 分分 总总 结结 作作 业业 板板 书书 设设 计计 4.Listening 1.Read and act 2.Expansion: It is a simple route in our real life. After school Ming Ming wants to go to the park, but he doesnt know the way. Let us help him to find the way to the park. Sum up the knowledge: Homework: You can choose one task to finish. Watch and Listen carefully; Listen and repeat and number; Listen and follow; Listen and role play. 1.Read fluently in roles 2.Read in roles and read with emotions 3.Act the story with emotions and actions. Task 1:Can you find another way to the bookshop? Please write it down. Task 2:Draw a simple route: from your home to our school, and write down the route. 6 分 3 分 6 分 1 分 2 分 以不同形式的听读方 式进行输入,调动孩 子学习的积极性的同 时,巩固和加深对本 文的理解和熟读。 不同层次的读对不同 层次的孩子提出不同 的要求,充分调动所 有孩子的学习积极性。 同时要注重教育孩子 要做乐于助人,助人 为乐的好少年。 设置贴近生活的情境, 让孩子学会在实际生 活中运用学到的知识, 学以致用。 让孩子对照我们课前 的学习目标,总结自 己完成的情况。 作业分层设置,满足 不同层次额孩子需求。 注重孩子的语言组织 和口语表达能力的培 养。
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