人教精通版六年级下册Unit 3 We are going to travel.-Lesson 15-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:e06e1).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 We are going to travel._Lesson 15_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)__(编号:e06e1)
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库尔勒市第库尔勒市第七七小学小学 曹芳曹芳 Follow me to travel in Beijing .跟着我去北京旅行吧 LilyLily andand herher familyfamily areare goinggoing to to visitvisit Beijing,Beijing, too.too. NowNow letslets watchwatch thethe video.video. 丽丽莉莉和和她她的的家家人人 也要来北京参也要来北京参观,观, 现现在我们一在我们一起来起来 看视频看视频。 LilyLily andand herher parentsparents areare in in BeijingBeijing Hotel.Hotel. 丽莉和她的父母住在北京宾馆。丽莉和她的父母住在北京宾馆。 TheyThey areare goinggoing to to staystay in in BeijingBeijing forfor threethree days.days. 他们打算在北京停留三天。他们打算在北京停留三天。 TheThe tourtour guideguide is is tellingtelling themthem wherewhere theythey areare goinggoing to to visit.visit. 导游正在告诉他们去哪里参观。导游正在告诉他们去哪里参观。 be (is/am/are) going to do表示打算做表示打算做 Where are we going today? We are going to visit the Great Wall this morning and then the Ming Tombs in the afternoon. Is the Great Wall far from here? Not too far. Its in the north of Beijing. The Ming Tombs are also in the north of Beijing. When are we going to the Summer Palace? Tomorrow morning. Then we are going to visit the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven. Thats great! We can learn a lot of about the history of China. the Great Wall 长城 The Ming Tombs 明十三陵明十三陵 the Summer Palace 颐和园颐和园 the Forbidden City 紫禁城紫禁城 The Temple of Heaven 天坛天坛 GuessingGuessing Game.Game.(猜一猜)(猜一猜) WhatsWhats missing?missing? (哪个词没出现呢?)(哪个词没出现呢?) the Great Wall 长城 the Summer Palace 颐和园颐和园 The Ming Tombs 明十三陵明十三陵 The Temple of Heaven 天坛天坛 The Great WallThe SummerPalaceThe Ming Tombs the Temple of Heaven The Forbidden City Now lets listen and repeat . (听音跟读听音跟读) According the dialogue to fill in the blanks:(根据对话内容填写表格。)(根据对话内容填写表格。) Travel plan in Beijing for Lilys family.(丽莉一家的北京之旅计划。)(丽莉一家的北京之旅计划。) This morning This afternoon Tomorrow morning Then Time (时间时间When) Tourist Attraction (景点(景点where) The Great Wall The Ming Tombs The Summer Palace The Forbidden City The Temple of Heaven Location(方位方位 ) In the north of Beijing Purpose(目的)(目的) In the north of Beijing In the west of Beijing In the center of Beijing In the south of Beijing Learn a lot about the history of China 魔法时刻魔法时刻 仔细看哦!仔细看哦! Magic time! Watch carefully! He is We are They are You are She is Lily is Whos Where Shanghai bank China The Great Wall Saturday Sunday Monday Tomorrow morning Next week Tuesday Wednesday When Thursday Friday How by plane by train by ship by bus on foot Lets interview and show. (做采访后说一说)(做采访后说一说) You and your classmates are going to visit some interesting places in Beijing(or in Korla ) this weekend. (你和你的同学们这个周末打算去北京或是库尔勒等(你和你的同学们这个周末打算去北京或是库尔勒等 一些有趣的地方一些有趣的地方) Ask and answer like this:(这样和你的伙伴对:(这样和你的伙伴对 话吧!)话吧!) A.Where are you going this weekend? B.Im going to(the library) A.When are you going to the library ? B.Im going to the library(tomorrow morning) A. Whos going to the library ? B.(Lily)is going to the library . A.Hows she going to the library? B.Shes going to by bus. (.) The world is so beautiful. We should be educated and polite tourists. 世界很美世界很美,我们要做有修养有礼貌的旅行我们要做有修养有礼貌的旅行 者哟!者哟! Lets watch the cartoon. Homework: 1.Work in groups to make a trip plan.(小组合作制定一份(小组合作制定一份旅行旅行计划计划 ) 2.Retell your plan to your friends.( 把你的计划告诉你的朋友们。)把你的计划告诉你的朋友们。) Thanks a lot. See you! 人教版六年级下册精通英语人教版六年级下册精通英语 Unit 3 We are going to travel. Lesson 15 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 学习掌握 be going to 打算、将要做某事的结构,理解此结构 的使用语境后能用它来表达自己计划、打算做某事的状态。 2. 学习本节课的重点词汇:the Great Wall ,the Summer Palace, the Ming Tombs, the Temple of Heaven, the Forbidden City. 能 看图识地,准确说出其英文表达。 3. 在学习了 be going to 打算、将要做某事的结构后能使用不同 的人称、地点、时间、交通方式所涉及的词汇丰富学生们的 口语表达。 4. 在充分进行口语表达后能写出自己的想法,进行有效输出来 和更多的朋友交流交际。 课时:课时:一节课 知识与技能知识与技能:1.学习本课的新词:the Great Wall ,the Summer Palace, the Ming Tombs, the Temple of Heaven, the Forbidden City. 2.句型:be going to打算、将要做某事的结构 3.用具体的人称、地点、时间、交通方式来准确回答以下问题: Whos going to,Where be going to ,When be going to,How be going to 过程与方法过程与方法:情境法 做调查 小组合作 游戏法 情感态度与价值观情感态度与价值观:热爱祖国大好河山,做文明旅游者。 教学用具教学用具:多媒体 单词、句型卡片 表格 重点重点:认读单词图片做到图文匹配认知;熟读单词,读音准确; 能熟练应用本课句型表达自己和他人打算计划做某事的安排。 难点难点:准确丰富和使用以下句型:Whos going to,Where be going to ,When be going to,How be going to精准口语表达 和写下自己的想法和他人的安排。 教学步骤教学步骤: Step1:Greetings a. Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. b. Teacher: Nice to meet you ! c. Teacher : Hows weather today? Step2: Warm up a. Teacher: Spring is coming. Its good time for traveling. Please follow me to travel in Beijing. b. Play the video to enjoy the famous places and scenery in Beijing. Step3: Presentation a. Teacher: Beijing is so nice, Lily and her family are going to travel in Beijing, too. Lets watch the video about the dialogue of the text. Show whole dialogue to introduce new words and then to learn them. b. Learning five new words in the dialogue. the Great Wall ,the Summer Palace, the Ming Tombs, the Temple of Heaven, the Forbidden City.使用 PPT 和超链接学习新单词,教授 单词过程根据学生的具体反应情况和接受能力做灵活的变动进 行教学。具体方法有全班起立读,男生们读,女生们读,大组 起立读,行、列分别读,四人齐读,然后到两人读,最后能个 人展示读音,大小声读,边读边拍单词卡片,与老师击掌读, 整个过程注意纠正发音,使得孩子们能精准每个单词的发音。 最后做一个单词学习反馈:What is missing?哪个单词卡片藏起 来了? c. Playing the video about the dialogue to listen and repeat after the video. d. According the dialogue to fill in the blanks. Find the information about the travel plan of Lilys family. e. Checking their answers. f. Playing the little show to teach students how to make more different sentences to express themselves. At the same time showing the sentence: Im going to the Great Wall on Sunday by plane. g. Making more different sentences with the sentence structure: be going toFor example: Whos going to the Great Wall on Sunday by plane? Where is she going ? When is she going to the Great Wall ? How is she going to the Great Wall on Sunday ? h. Making sure that most of students can use the sentence structure to make another more sentences. For example: Im going to the Great Wall on Sunday by plane. Im/Shes/Hes/We are/You are/They are/Lilys going to the Great Wall on Sunday by plane. i. More sentences: Lilys going to China/ Beijing /the Great Wall /the Summer Palace/the schoolon Sunday by plane. j. And more sentence like this: Im going to the Great Wall on Sunday/on Monday/tomorrow/next week by plane. Im going to the Great Wall on Sunday by plane/by bus/by boat/by ship/on foot. k. Working in groups to do an interview with their classmates. The questions are: 1.Where are you going this weekend? 2. When are you going to the Great Wall? 3. How are you going to the Great Wall on Sunday ? 4. Who is going to the school this weekend? l. Then choosing some groups to show their interview. Step4: Emotion educated :To be the educated and polite tourist. Watching a small cartoon to understand it. Step5: Homework 1. Work in pairs to make a travel plan. 2. Retell your travel plan to your friends. Blackboard design: Unit 3 Lesson 15 Im going to the Great Wall 竞赛台 on Sunday by plane. Who WhenHow Where 好汉坡
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