人教精通版六年级下册Unit 3 We are going to travel.-Lesson 18-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:e1026).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 We are going to travel._Lesson 18_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:e1026)
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Hello, everyone! Im Lily. My parents and I have traveled around Beijing. There are so many interesting places. Look! Here are the photos I took in Beijing. Do you know them? the Forbidden City Beihai Park the Temple of Heaven the Summer Palace the Ming Tombs the Great Wall Lilys album I want to see all those famous places! What is our world like? Our world is . There is/are. Hi! Im Lilys American friend-Mickey Mouse! I come from Disneyland. Its the first and the most famous one in the world! Come on! Lets travel around the world by flying carpet(飞毯)! Britain Tower Bridge Big Ben Canada Canadian National Tower Niagara Falls Im standing on one of the tallest towers in the world. Im swimming in one of the biggest falls in the world. CN Tower CN Australia Opera House Sydney Opera House Sydney Do you remember where I am from? Disneyland Magic tasks Put the right stickers into the right places. Try to talk about them in group. Finish your poster visit plane is talking enjoy famous travel America Mickey Mouse and his friends are _ about their holidays. The bear would like to see Big Ben. He is going to London by _. The panda wants to_ herself at Disneyland. She will take a ship to_. The elephant wants to go to Australia. He_ going to see the Sydney Opera House. The rabbit would like to_ Niagara Falls in Canada. They want to _ around the world and see all those _ places! talking planeenjoy America is visit travelfamous Mickey Mouse and Friends Travel Plan Little Tour Guide Hello! Im your guide XX Do you remember the capital city of Britain ? London Homework 1) Try to talk about your “Travel Plan ” with classmates. 2) Try to be a tour guide in the “World Park”. 教教 学学 目目 标标 知识:能够理解、听、说、认读关于城市和景点的专有名词知识:能够理解、听、说、认读关于城市和景点的专有名词 BigBig Ben,Ben, TowerTower Bridge,Bridge, Washington,Washington, D.C.,D.C., Disneyland,Disneyland, CNCN Tower,Tower, NiagaraNiagara Falls,Falls, SydneySydney OperaOpera House.House.及目标语言及目标语言 WouldWould youyou likelike toto gogo to?to? Yes,Yes, ofof course.course.能够知道这些著名景点所在的国家及能够知道这些著名景点所在的国家及 城市,简要了解城市,简要了解 BigBig Ben,Ben, TowerTower BridgeBridge 的历史背景。的历史背景。 能力:能够在真实语境中,综合运用句型能力:能够在真实语境中,综合运用句型 WouldWould youyou likelike toto gogo to?to? Yes,Yes, ofof course.course.询问他人或表达自己的旅行计划,并与同学询问他人或表达自己的旅行计划,并与同学 分享旅行计划和见闻。分享旅行计划和见闻。 情感:情感: 能够在语境中综合体会运用本课所学知识进行旅行、文化相能够在语境中综合体会运用本课所学知识进行旅行、文化相 关话题的日常交流,增长知识,开阔视野。关话题的日常交流,增长知识,开阔视野。 教学教学 重点重点 单词单词 BigBig Ben,Ben, TowerTower Bridge,Bridge, , , Disneyland,Disneyland, CNCN Tower,Tower, NiagaraNiagara Falls,Falls, SydneySydney OperaOpera House.House. 句型句型 WouldWould youyou likelike toto gogo to?to? Yes,Yes, ofof course.course. 教学教学 难点难点 将单词代入句中,并能在真实语境中综合运用句型将单词代入句中,并能在真实语境中综合运用句型 WouldWould youyou likelike toto gogo to?to? Yes,Yes, ofof course.course. 询问他人或表达自己的旅行计划。询问他人或表达自己的旅行计划。 媒体媒体 手段手段 PPTPPT 整合课件整合课件 教材配套电子课本教材配套电子课本 学生用魔法任务包学生用魔法任务包 四个国家的国旗四个国家的国旗 教学过程教学过程 教师活动:教师活动: 1.Warming-up/ Revision (复习导入)(复习导入) 1) Greet 2) Make sure the title T: What are we going to do today? 3) Sing a happy song T: It must be amazing today! Lets travel together by bus. 4)Review L16 T:The bus stops. Who is getting off the bus?” (Show Lilys photos about the interesting places in Beijing) T: Theyre fantastic! T:Would you like to go to_? Who wants to ask me? Yes, of course. I want to see all those famous places! 2.Presentation(新课呈现)(新课呈现) 1)Create the main situation T:Lily has a good friend, he comes here, too. Would you like to know about him? (T show the image of Mickey Mousestanding on a flying carpet) T: Flying carpet! Its so fantastic! Mickey Mouse said if all of you do good jobs, he will award you! 2) New words T: Are you ready? Lets fly to Britain! T:What will we see in Britain? Oh! The fog is so heavy. We can see nothing. (To Mickey Mouse)What? Ahh, Ahh, Ok! Dont worry. Mickey Mouse taught me a magic word, lets try it. Please say with me: T: Can you see Big Ben and Tower Bridge over there? Theyre 学生活动学生活动 S: We are going to travel! Sing “Wheels on the bus” song Free talk (about any place in 2 sentences) S: I like Yes, of course. Would you like to go to_? Welcome Mickey Mouse Yes! S: Fog, fog, go away! 教学意图:教学意图: 明确本课主题 歌曲套入主题,激趣导 入 将课文中”amazing, fantastic”两个较难形容词 渗透在常态交流中 语言拓展 以旧知识代入新课目标 句型 逐步突破新课中句子 用熟悉人物衔接引出神 奇的新角色并创设主情 境与乘飞毯的米老 鼠的一起环游世界 激励性评价 为最后奖励打下伏笔 结合“雾都伦敦”的特 色、人机对话、魔法咒 语等 增加趣味性,吸引学生 有意注意 继续突破新课中词、句 fantastic! Big Ben Tower Bridge T: Would you like to go to Big Ben/ Tower Bridge? (Put the key sentences on the blackboard) T: Look! Heres a gentleman. Its Mickey Mouse! What does he want to tell us? T: Mickey Mouse. Whats our next station? Oh, still a little fog. Can you guess the countrys name? T: Are you right? Please say: T: Yeah! You are amazing! Hello, little bird! What are you saying? (Play the voice of the bird) T: Its full name is Canadian National Tower. Its short name is T: Look at the little fish. What is he saying?(Play the voice of fish) T: Do you want to know the falls name? CN Tower Niagara Falls T: Would you like to go to CN Tower/Niagara Falls? T: Who can make some sentences by using these two places? T: Its time to fly to the next place! Look! Whats in Mickey Mouses hand? T: How cute! Do you know this countrys name? T: Do you know the most famous opera house in Australia? Its in Sydney! Can you guess its name S read after T, talk about the pronunciation, spell and write, pay more attention to the big letters(the name of the place) S: Yes, of course. (One ask another in a big group) Listen to Mickey Mouses introduction S: Canada! S: Fog, fog , go away Listen to the introduction S: CN Tower. S read after T, talk about the pronunciation, spell and write, pay more attention to the big letters S: Yes, of course. S: I want to visit CN Tower. Were going to visit Niagara Falls S: Two kangaroos! :Australia! S: Sydney Opera House! S read after T, talk the 引出核心单词 把握发音规律,有助记 忆 拼读 地点名词的大写提示 师生互动,生生互动 词代入句,综合运用 了解大本钟和伦敦塔桥 的背景知识,拓展视野 变换呈现方式,使学生 持续注意 呈现形象化情景: 小鸟站高塔,小鱼游瀑 布 通过它们的话了解加拿 大国家电视塔和尼亚加 拉大瀑布的背景知识 讲解全名使学生明白缩 写字母的来历 造句练习,知识拓展 再次变换呈现形式 用标志性动物袋鼠”引出” 澳大利亚” 结合地标城市“悉尼”, now? Sydney Opera House T: Listen Where is the music from? (Play the video of Li Yugang) T: Do you know who he is? T: Yes! Li Yugang is a very famous artist . Do you know where he was performing? He was performing in T: As Chinese, were very proud of him. Would you like to go to Sydney Opera House to see more famous artists? T:May be in the future. 3)Go back to the text T: Look! Mickey Mouse will show his magic! He put all these famous places into a big park. T: Look, here is Disneyland. Its Mickeys home. Disneyland T: Who are coming to visit the World Park? (Go back to the dialogue of L17) 3.Practice(拓展练习)(拓展练习) T: Mickey Mouse wants to give you some magic tasks. Would you like to try? pronunciation, spell and write, pay more attention to the big letters S: Li Yugang! S: Sydney Opera House. S: Yes! Of course. S: World Park! S read after T, talk the pronunciation, spell and write, pay more attention to the big letters S: Li Yan, Li Yans Mum and Dad. S watch the CD video and listen to the dialogue, then read after the tape, third give 3 minutes to prepare for reading in characters S: Yes! 让学生猜出“悉尼歌剧 院” 引入“著名艺术家李玉 刚曾在悉尼歌剧院表演” 的背景知识,使原本遥 远、抽象的景点变得亲 切、形象 增加学生的民族自豪感 运用教材配套光盘 观看动态对话视频, 听录音跟读, 小组配音展示朗读 任务分为: 短文填空(Mickey and Friends Travel Plan) T: Please listen to the rules carefully. Here are three kinds of tasks, 3 students are in 1 group, each group may get different task, and you have 3 minutes to finish it, ok? (After finishing the practice) T: All of you did good jobs! Do you remember, Mickey Mouse promised us a big praise! But you need to answer the last question: Whats the capital city of America? T:Congratulations! You can get Mickey Mouses award now! ( Play the video of “Disney Dream Parade”) S: Ok! 35 groups show different tasks S: Washington, D.C. 创编对话(Our Travel Plan) 拓展阅读(Little Tour Guide) 三个不同水平梯度 趣味知识拓展 将“迪士尼梦幻大游行” 片段作为米老鼠的奖励, 增长见闻 使整个情境首尾呼应 板书设计板书设计 Unit 3 Were going to travel. Lesson 17 Would you like to go to Big Ben Tower Bridge CN Tower Niagara Falls Sydney Opera House Disneyland ?Yes, of course. 作业设计作业设计 1) Listen to the tape and read the dialogue of Lesson 17. Try to recite it if you can. 2) Try to talk about your “Travel Plan” with classmates. 3) Try to be a tour guide in the “World Park”.
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