人教精通版六年级下册Unit 4 General Revision 1-Task 3-4-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:50929).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 General Revision 1_Task 3-4_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:50929)
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Task 3-4 Free Talk Whats your name ? How old are you ? What class are you in ? Whats your hobby? Where do you live ? Do you remember them? Who was he/she? Where was he/she from? What was his/her job? What do you think of him/her? He was Lincoln. He was from America. He was the president of USA He was brave,intelligent,gentle, hardworking. He was Charlie Chaplin. He was from Britain. He was a great actor. He was clever, smart,creative,humerous.(幽默的) She was Elizabeth Blackwell. She was from Britain. She was the first doctor. She was clever and hard-working. She was Marie Curie. She was from France. She was a famous scientist. She was clever, smart,kind,quiet,beautiful, hardworking. My name is Gao Wei I want to make friends with you ? Can you introduce yourselves? Name Age Class School Hobby Address Phone nameWhats your name? ageHow old are you? schoolWhere do you study? class What class are you in? hobbyWhats your hobby? addressWhere do you live? phoneWhats your phone number? Whats your name? How old are you? Where do you study? What class are you in? Whats your hobby? Where do you live? Whats your phone number? My name is Li Xin. Im eleven. I study in Sunny School. Im in Class Three, Grade Five. My hobby is speaking English. I live at 16 Happy Street. My phone number is 66887799. Name: _ Age:_ School:_ Class:_ Hobby:_ Address: _ Phone: _ Li Xin 11 3 ( Grade 5) speaking English 16 Happy Street 66887799 Sunny School Hello! My name is Miss Qiao. Im forty years old. I m an English teacher. I work in Kunyi Primary School. My hobby is traveling . I live at 98 Zhong Shan Road. My phone number is 13520166320. Name: _ Age:_ School:_ Hobby:_ Address: _ Phone: _ Miss Qiao 40 traveling 98 Zhong Shan Road 13520166320 Kunyi Primary School Hello! My English teachers name is Miss Qiao . Shes forty years old. Shes an English teacher. She works in Kunyi Primary School. Her hobby is traveling. She lives at 98 Zhongshan Road. Her phone number is 13520166320. Im glad to meet you! Can you introduce your friend, your English teacher and your parents to me? Whats his/her name? How old is he/she? Where does he/she study? What class is he/she in? Whats his/her hobby? Where does he/she live? Whats his/her phone number? Read, write and talk HOMEWORK 1. Interview your family member or friends . 2. Try to write the passage to introduce him/her. 一教学目标: 语言知识目标: (1 )能够通过本课学习,复习 personal information 相关的词汇与相关 句型,例如姓名,国籍,职业,工作地点,住址和生活等等。 (2.) 能够在不同的语境中理解和运用重点句型去进行交流。 2. 语言技能目标: 能够综合运用所学知识做力所能及的事情,能够灵活运用所学内容 讨论与个人信息相关的话题,介绍自己与他人,能够在真实的情况 中进行语言操练。 3. 情感态度目标: 充分利用教材和教师的多媒体教学所提供的学习资源,激发学生学习英 语的兴趣,增强学生的参与意识,引导学生积极与他人合作共同完成学 习任务,并在成功中体验英语学习的乐趣通过完成任务,培养学生树 立正确的职业观人生观和锻炼学生搜集信息的能力。 4. 文化意识目标: 了解中西方文化差异,了解世界著名人物信息。 三教学的重难点: (1 )教学重点:复习与 personal information 相关的句子,完成人物描述,练习 听 力对话和填表格的任务。 (2 )教学难点:结合语境进行第三人称信息转述,注意时态的运用和单词的拼写 准确,同时了解世界名人信息,同时了解更多中西差异和异国文化。 四教学过程: Step 1: Free talk 1: Greeting 2: Lets play agame. ( Show some pictures and ask the pupils to say them quickly.) (设计意图:通过一个快速抢答的游戏,将学生的注意力快速吸引到教师和 课堂上来,从而来调动学生学习英语的积极性,同时复习前面 所学内容,为下面复习做铺垫) Step 2: Revision Task1: Lets watch. Different people have different jobs.Where do they work ?Lets watch. 设计 意图:通过听和看的感知,让学生两人一组进行句型练习和问答, 通过连线这个任务难点在于单数第三人称的词汇变化和 用法。 Task 2:Do you remember them? Students ask and answer some questions about people they have learned in our life or in our textbooks . Questions: 1.Who are they? where was he /she like? Where is he /she from? What do you think of him/her? (设计意图:先让学生听,从听到看,充分调动学生的视觉和 听觉感官为学生创设情境,让学生通过活动训练 表达能力,能够完整说出自己的想法,同时把知 识融会贯通 ) Step 3: 通过好朋友高伟交朋友这个话题,展开任务,通过此任务练习听力, 了解高伟及其朋友的相关信息并且做连线练习。 为学生播放一个有趣的小动画短片,让学生带着问题去看,看 看里面都出现了什么人物,在学生说的同时,把他们相关信息 填出来。 (设计意图:卡通的人物,有趣的情节,都大大的吸引了学生的 兴趣,让孩子们带着问题去看,更培养了学生善于观察和善于 思考的好习惯从听进而练习写,让词汇运用的复现率提高。 ) Step 4: 通过上一个环节引发新任务,介绍自己并制作介绍卡,例如: Name : Age: Class: Hobby: Address: Phone: ( 设计意图:通过这些知识点来串联知识,让学习内容体系化。 巩固所学单词,培养学生参与意识和快速反应能力,让每个孩子都能积极 主动的参与到课堂中来。同时学会合作交流共同完成任务, 并且学会分享信息和沟通的能力) Step5: Learn and practise 上面的游戏最后落脚到填写信息卡片: MyMy namename isis LiLi XinXin. . ImIm eleveneleven. . I I studystudy inin SunnySunny SchoolSchool. . ImIm inin ClassClass ThreeThree, , GradeGrade FiveFive. . MyMy hobbyhobby isis speakingspeaking EnglishEnglish. . I I livelive atat 1616 HappyHappy StreetStreet. . MyMy phonephone numbernumber isis 6688779966887799 (设计意图:通过上一个环节来引出写信息环节,让听说读写充分在课 堂中展示,同时可以更加直观的把易错点比如大小写,比 如名字和地名的书写方式展现出来,引起学生注意,把正 确的书写方式加强巩固。 ) Step6. 提升训练 S:Hello! My English teachers name is Miss Qiao . ShesShes fortyforty yearsyears old.old. ShesShes anan EnglishEnglish teacher.teacher. SheShe worksworks inin KunyiKunyi PrimaryPrimary School.HerSchool.Her hobbyhobby isis traveling.traveling. SheShe liveslives atat 9898 ZhongshanZhongshan Road.Road. HerHer phonephone numbernumber isis 13520166320.13520166320. 前面进行了一系列的操练后进行升华训练,把第一人称的直述,变成第前面进行了一系列的操练后进行升华训练,把第一人称的直述,变成第 三人称的转述。三人称的转述。 (设计意图:利用任务教学,第三人称是小学训练中极其重要的一个环 节,也是出错率极高的一个知识点,所以加强训练,并进行 不同形式的训练很重要也很必要,在训练的过程中强调语法 知识,并请其他同学关注转述同学语法是否正确,让知识的 覆盖面能够最大化扩展和应用。 五Homework: 1. Interview your family member or friends . 2. TryTry toto writewrite thethe passagepassage toto introduceintroduce him/her.him/her. (设计意图:此环节让孩子把所学知识运用到实际生活中去,拉近知识与生活 的距离,并在生活中培养学生运用英语交际的能力。 ) 六板书设计 My name is Li Xin. Im eleven. I study in Sunny School. Im in Class Three, Grade Five. My hobby is speaking English. I live at 16 Happy Street. My phone number is 66887799.
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