人教精通版六年级下册Unit 4 General Revision 1-Task 9-10-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:f003d).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 General Revision 1_Task 9-10_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:f003d)
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Months: 一、 写出下列单词及缩写: 1.一月_( ) 2.二月_( ) 3.三月_( ) 4.四月_( ) 5.五月_( ) 6.六月_( ) 7.七月_( ) 8.八月_( ) 9.九月_( ) 10.十月_( ) 11.十一月_( ) 12. 十二月_( ) 二、写出下列基数词的序数词 1.one- 2.two- 3.three- 4.four- 5.five- 6.nine 7.eight- 8.twelve- 9.twenty- 10.thirty-one- Seasons: 1. There are_ seasons in a year. 2. They are_,_,_ and_. 3. Springtime _ around March, it gets_ and_. 4. In summer,the weather s very_, theres often a lot of _. 5. Autumn is the _season. 6. The weather is cold and it often _ in winter. 班级_ 姓名_ Community: 1. There are some children in the park.(变否定句) _ 2. Are there two birds in the tree?(两种回答) _ _ 3. There_ a flower in the bottle. 4. There_ some books on the shelf. 5. There are five boys in the classroom. _ 6. There are ten apples in the basket. _ Introduction: 1. Jobs: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. Hobby: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3.I am_ years old. I study in _ Primary School. 4.My father is a_. He works in_. 人教精通版小学六年级英语(下册 ) 河东区实验小学 Unit4 Introduction Community TopicsRules Months Seasons 基数词变序数词的口诀 基变序,很容易,多数词尾加th; 1,2,3,特殊记; 8减t,9去e,ve要用f替; 见y把y变ie,结尾再加th; 若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。 Months: 一、写出下列单词及缩写: 1.一月_() 2.二月_() 3.三月_() 4.四月_() 5.五月_()6. 六月_() 7.七月_() 8.八月_() 9.九月_() 10.十月_() 11.十一月_() 12.十二月_() 二、写出下列基数词的序数词 1.one2.two3.three 4.four5.five6.nine 7.eight8.twelve 9.twenty10.thirtyone Months: 一、写出下列单词及缩写: 1.一月January(Jan.) 2.二月February(Feb.) 3.三月March(Mar.)4. 四月April(Apr.) 5.五月May(May)6. 六月June(Jun.) 7.七月July(Jul.) 8.八月August(Aug.) 9.九月September(Sep.)10. 十月October(Oct.) 11.十一月November(Nov.)12.十二月December(Dec.) 二、写出下列基数词的序数词 1.onefirst2.twosecond3.threethird 4.fourfourth5.fivefifth6.nineninth 7.eighteighth8.twelvetwelfth 9.twentytwentieth10.thirtyonethirtyfirst Seasons: 1.Thereare_seasonsinayear. 2.Theyare_,_,_and_. 3.Springtime_aroundMarch,it gets_and_. 4.Insummer,theweatherisvery_, theresoftenalotof_. 5.Autumnisthe_season. 6.Theweatheriscoldanditoften_in winter. Seasons: 1.Therearefourseasonsinayear. 2.Theyarespring,summer,autumnandwinter. 3.SpringtimebeginsaroundMarch,it getswarmerandwarmer. 4.Insummer,theweathersveryhot, theresoftenalotofrain. 5.Autumnisthegoldenseason. 6.Theweatheriscoldanditoftensnowsin winter. Should/Shouldnt: 1.listentotheteachercarefully 2.gotobedearly 3.readinbed 4.keepoffthegrass 5.litter (用来描述某处有某物) 句型:Thereis/are+某人/某物+某处. 1.therebe句型中的be在数上要与主语保持一致,主语是 不可数名词或可数名词单数时,用is;是可数名词复数时, 用are。 2.therebe句型的否定句:通常在be后加not(be常与not合 写),some在therebe的否定句中一般要变成any. 3.therebe句型的一般疑问句:把be提到there前,首字母 大写,句末用问号。肯定答语为“Yes,thereis/are.”否定答语 为“No,thereisnt/arent”. in front of behind between beside across near 看图说介词 Introduce:(介绍) Name(姓名) Age(年龄) School/Job(学校) Class(WorkPlace)(班级/工作地) Hobby(爱好) Address(住址) Phone(电话) Timetable 7:00AMgetup 7:30AMhavebreakfast 8:00AMbeginclass 12:00havelunchatschool 2:00PM haveclasses 4:00PM 4:30PMgethome 7:00PMhavedinner dohomework 9:00PM 10:00PMgotobed (一般现在时态) 1.表达自己日常生活中经常性或习惯性的行为, 句型:I+动词原形+其他。 2.第三人单数做主语时, 句型:He/She/It+动词第三人单数形式+其他。 Community: 1.Therearesomechildreninthepark.(变否定句 ) _ 2.Aretheretwobirdsinthetree?(两种回答) _ 3.There_aflowerinthebottle. 4.There_somebooksontheshelf. 5.Therearefiveboysintheclassroom. _ 6.Therearetenapplesinthebasket. _ Community: 1.Therearesomechildreninthepark.(变否定句 ) arentany. 2.Aretheretwobirdsinthetree?(两种回答) Yes,thereare.No,therearent. 3.Thereisaflowerinthebottle. 4.Therearesomebooksontheshelf. 5.Therearefiveboysintheclassroom. Howmanyboysarethereintheclassroom? 6.Therearetenapplesinthebasket. Whatsinthebasket? Homework: 1.Listen and finish off the exercises. 2.Talk about “My daily life”. 知识知识 与技能与技能 1、能听说读写 12 个月份、季节、方位介词、数字、序数 词、学校规则、家庭规则、社会规则等内容。 2、能熟练运用一般现在时态、There be 句型进行交流。 3、提升学生在真实的情境中综合运用语言的能力。 过程过程 与方法与方法 运用猜谜语、图片问答、小组谈论、填写调查表等方式 学习本课书,提高语言运用能力。 情感、情感、 态度、态度、 价值观价值观 运用有效的学习方法,提高自主学习能力。 教学教学 目标目标 习惯养习惯养 成目标成目标 培养学生养成遵守规则、合理安排时间,积极与人合作的 习惯。 教学教学 重点重点 运用一般现在时态介绍自己的日常生活、掌握 There be 句型特点。 教学教学 难点难点 运用一般现在时态在真实语境中介绍他人的日常生活。 教学教学 模式与模式与 环节环节 1、温故知新,明确任务。 2、导学操练,合作探究 3、变式练习,拓展提高 4、归纳总结,达标测试 教具教具 学具学具 taperecorder, pictures, ppt, video 教学程序教学程序 教学教学 环节环节 师生活动师生活动设计意图设计意图 修改建修改建 议议 一、温故 知新,明 确任务 二、导学 操练,合 作探究 Step1 Warming-up 1.Sing a song 2.Show 12 个“tasks”to the students and give topics. Step 2 Presentation 1. T: How many topics are there in U4? 2. T: What are they? 3. Ss: They are introduction,months,seaosns Rules and community. T: First,lets talk about “months” 4. T: How many months are there in a year.? January, February,March January is the first season Tip 1: 基变序口诀基变序口诀 Arouse the interest for learning English. Arouse the students English interest. 三、变式 练习,拓 展提高 四、归纳 总结,达 标测试 基变序,很容易,多数词尾加th; 1,2,3,特殊记; 8 减 t, 9 去 e, ve 要用 f 替; 见 y 把 y 变 ie,结尾再加th; 若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。 5.Do exercises: Months: 一、写出下列单词及缩写: 1.一月_( ) 2.二月_( ) 3.三月_( ) 4.四月_( ) 5.五月_( ) 6.六月_( ) 7.七月_( ) 8.八月_( ) 9.九月_( ) 10.十月_( )- 11.十一月_( ) 12.十二月_( ) 二、写出下列基数词的序数词 1.one- 2.two- 3.three- 4.four- 5.five- 6.nine- 7.eight- 8.twelve- 9.twenty- 10.thirty-one- T: Lets check it. Three months makes a season. T: How many seasons are there in a year? Ss:They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. T: Whats the weather like in spring? S1: Its warm and theres a little cold.People like to go on outings.( Talk about other seasons) Do exercises: Seasons: 1.There are_ seasons in a year. 2.They are_,_,_and_. 3.Springtime _ around March, it gets_ and_. 4.In summer, the weather is very_, theres often a lot of _. 5.Autumn is the _season. 6.The weather is cold and it often _ in winter. T: What do people usually do in each season? Let act out a dialogue. Ss: Act out the dialogue about seasons. . Cultivate the ability of organizing language Cultivate the ability of organizing language 这个环 节后应 增加让 学生模 仿造句, 以达到 训练学 生综合 语表达 能力。 T: You did a good job. How to obey the rules? Tip 2: Should/ Shouldnt: 1.listen to the teacher carefully 2.go to bed early 3.read in bed 4.keep off the grass 5.litter 1.Imitate the drills. Step 3 Practice T: We should keep our community clean.Look at our community. Listen and fill in the blanks. T:Ask and answer the questions. (用来描述某处有某物用来描述某处有某物) 句型:There is / are + 某人 / 某物 +某处. 1. there be 句型中的 be 在数上要与主语保 持一致,主语是不可数名词或可数名词 单数时,用 is;是可数名词复数时,用 are。 2.there be 句型的一般疑问句:把 be 提到 there 前,首字母大写,句末用问号。肯定答 语为“Yes, there is / are.”否定答语为“No, there isnt / arent ”. T: Review: in, in front of, near,beside, behind, on,next to, on the left T: There is a new neighbour next to our door. How to introduce yourself to a new friend? Tip 3:Discuss in pairs. Introduce: (介绍) Name (姓名) Age (年龄) School/Job(学校) Class(Work Place) (班级/工作地) Hobby (爱好) Address (住址) Phone (电话) Improve the ability of listening. T: Lets read the text on P43. Step 4 Assessment Community: 1.There are some children in the park.(变否定 句) _ 2.Are there two birds in the tree?(两种回答) _ _ 3.There_ a flower in the bottle. 4.There_ some books on the shelf. 5.There are five boys in the classroom. _ 6.There are ten apples in the basket. _ Step5 Homework 反馈形式反馈形式 及效果及效果 采用小组合作、互相问答、小测验等形式,采用小组合作、互相问答、小测验等形式, 效果较好。效果较好。 作业分层作业分层 设计设计 必做 1. Listen and retell the text of Unit4. 选做 2.Introduce your daily life to your parents. 板书板书 设计设计 Unit4 General Revision1 Introduction Seasons Months Rulers Community 课后课后 反思反思 1、分组竞赛的学习方式,激发了学生的学习积极性。 2、教学中应多为学生搭建交流的平台,以此培养学生综 合语言运用能力。
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