人教精通版六年级下册Unit 6 General Revision 3-Task 1-2-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:16c77).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 General Revision 3_Task 1-2_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:16c77)
    • Unit 6 General Revision 教学反思.doc--点击预览
    • Unit 6 General Revision.pptx--点击预览
    • 教案16c77.doc--点击预览


General revision 6 的教学反思 我在教室给学生们上 General revision 6 的第一课时,本课 是人教版六年级下册第六单元的第一课时,这个单元是综合复习单 元,以一般将来时态为主线,引导学生在任务活动(Tasks)中复习、 巩固几年来所学的语言知识,并在听说读写的综合运用中检验几年 来的学习成果。 本节课的主要内容是一篇关于杨明打算去新加坡的暑假旅游计划, 我以一般将来时态的标志 be going to 来引入课题,先让孩子们看 句末尾的笑脸和哭脸,然后根据笑脸和哭脸来补充句子。如,I _ the Temple of Heaven . I _ the Singapore Zoo. 瞬间,学生的积极性高涨,各个兴致高昂, 孩子们看图补充句子这一环节,教学效果还不错,以后我可以多使 用这种方法或者让孩子们抽笑脸和哭脸的图片,充分调动孩子们的 积极性。 新课程标准中表明:“激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣”是基 础教育阶段英语课程任务的首要要求,这足以见证“兴趣”是英语 学习的关键所在。“学中用,用中学”是我们教师一直提倡的观点, 由于在课堂上我创设了情景,因此学生很感兴趣,参与的积极性很 高,课堂气氛十分活跃,让参与的学生都有了一种成功感和被认可 的感觉。新课标给了作为教师的我们一定的压力,唯有通过不断的 教学反思,教学总结和教学创新,才能使我们的小学英语教学工作 更上一层楼。 的确,生动有趣、真实自然的情景教学,对我们平时 的课堂是多么的重要。老师和学生都能在轻松地学习氛围中达到各 自的目标。这,应该是每节课都力求达到的境界! 学生在不知不觉 中已经逐步掌握所学内容,又倍感兴趣怏然,丝毫不觉得枯燥疲惫。 但引导得太多,没有完全放手让学生去进行合作学习,较少发挥学 生的学习主动性。 这是一节复习课,也是一节综合课程,其目的是通过本课时教 学,学生能熟练掌握一般将来时态的用法,并且能对自己的旅行计 划进行相关描述,写作。 教学前的准备工作是非常重要的。在教学 之前,我首先认真的备课,备教材,分析整个单元的重点难点;备学 生,分析学生应该掌握了哪些地方,哪些地方还掌握得不牢靠;备 整体,这节课应该如何设计才能发挥出其做大的效益;然后进行教 学的设计;再思考在教学过程中应该准备哪些教具,如:单词卡片、 课件以及教师自制词卡等。经过精心的设计,本课做到了设计思路 较清晰,教学各活动循序渐进,从单词的复习到句子的运用,到文 段的写作,大部分学生能在老师的指导下,一步接一步地学习英语 文段的写作。 在本节课的教学中,做到了让学生利用所学的英语知 识,最大限度的发挥写作能力,并能使得读和写有机结合。 但是, 教学总是一门遗憾的艺术,本节课的教学遗憾有如下几方面:对时 间的把握不够合理,所设计的教学活动有点重复,如 Role playing 和 Group work 都是学生运用新学句型进行问答,浪费了时间。总之, 达到了我课前的预设目标,学生的听说能力得到了发展。 本课时还采用了任务型教学,利用学生喜爱的游戏和竞赛活动, 调动学生的表现欲望以及其学习的积极性,在整个教学过程中,体 现出学生主体教学的思想。 关于值得思考和改进的地方: 1.学生 虽能在课堂教师的指导下进行作文基本结构的写作,但缺乏分层教 学,由于学生水平的不统一,教师要对水平较高的同学进行拓展教 学。 2. 由于英语教学的局限性,学生还不能自由发挥英语写作的 能力,但可以通过其他形式,发展学生的创作力,发挥学生的创新 精神,使学生不应该只拘泥于教师课堂的框架中。 3.靠持续不断的 语言知识,而不是“玩”来培养学生持久的兴趣 。小学英语教学是 要重视培养兴趣,但不能单靠唱 ,玩 ,单靠唱歌游戏不能培养学生 持久的兴趣。新鲜劲儿一过,孩子们就会厌倦。所以,唱歌游戏应 该作为三至四年级小学生学习英语语言知识、技能的一些手段,而 不是培养兴趣的手段。我们可以采用多种手段帮助小学生在记忆力 强的时期多记单词,多学习语言规则,并尽可能多创造模仿的机会, 提高学生的语音和语调。在英语学习中,听、说、读、写、译五种 能力是可以互补的。真正做到听说先行,读写跟上。光听说不读写, 很难收到高效。只靠模仿不培养学习能力,也难减轻学习负担。所 以小学生还是应当认真进行语言学习。 the Temple of Heaven t h e G r e a t W a l l t h e C N T o w e r Niagara Falls the Forbidden City the Singapore Zoo the Singapore Flyer Sentosa Lets PK If you win, you can take a trip for free. Round one Look the faces and say. the Great Wall. the Forbidden City. Im going to visit Im not going to visit the Temple of Heaven?Are you going to visit Yes, I am. the CN Tower. Niagara Falls. We are going to visit We are not going to visit the Temple of Heaven?Are you going to visit No, we arent. Disneyland?Are you going to visit You are going to visitthe West Lake. You are not going to visitthe Ming Tombs. Yes,I am. /Yes, we are. Disneyland. Is he/she/it going to visit He/She/It is going to visit the West Lake. He/She/It is not going to visit Sentosa? Yes,he/she/it is. Are they going to visit They are going to visit the Ming Tombs. Sentosa? No,they arent. They are not going to visit Beihai Park. 1.“be going to”be 的具体形式, 根据前面的人称的变化而发生变化 ,总结如下: I am, you are, is she,he, it. 复数 are. 2.“be going to” 的否定形式在be 后面直接加 not. 3. “be going to”句型中陈述句变 为一般疑问句需要把 be 提前,句 号变为问号。 Round two Make dialogues. who where what places when how A: Who is going to travel? B: Im going to travel. A: Where are you going? B: Im going to visit . A: When are you going to visit .? B: . A: How are you going to visit .? B: . A: What places are you going to visit? B: Im going to visit . 1. Who is going to travel? 2. Where are you going? 3. When are you going to visit China? 4. How are you going to visit Sentosa? Im going to travel. Im going to visit China tomorrow. Im going to visit Sentosa by plane. Im going to visit China. Round three Fill in the blanks. 1. I_ a girl, You _ a boy, we_ students. 2. He_ nine, She_nine, They_ both nine. 用 be 的正确形式填空: am are are is is are 1. They are going to watch TV.(改为一般 疑问句,并做否定回答) 2. He is going to play football. ( 改为否定 句) 3. We are going to visit Shanghai by plane. (对划线部分进行提问) Are they going to watch TV? He is not going to play football. How are you going to visit Shanghai? No, they arent. 第四关 耳聪目明 Round Four Learn the text. 1.Who is the boy? 2. Where is he going? 3. How long is he going to stay? 4. What places is he going to visit? Listen and answer. He is Yang Ming. He is going to travel around Singapore. He is going to stay for three days. He is going to visit Sentosa, the Singapore Zoo, the Singapore Flyer and Chinatown. Complete the text. I hear that Sentosa is a beautiful ( )and there are many ( ) there. It is the( )place to visit in Singapore. The Singapore Zoo is in the ( ) People can see animals in ( ) and at( ). People can take the ( )around the zoo and see animals from the train. ( ) is the worlds largest flyer. People can see all of Singpore from inside the flyer. were going to visit Chinatown. We can ( ) there and ( )about the history of Singapore. We will have ( ) in Singapore. island interesting places most famous open air daytime night train Singapore Flyer enjoy the food learn more a lot of fun Congratulations! You are the winners. You can take the trip for free. 5 6 4 1 2 3 7 9 8 三.读四段话,按出现的先后顺序给 下列图片标号。 where? how long? Travel Plan who? when? how? My name is.Im going to visit. My travel plan Hello, Im Zhang Ming. I am going to visit Beijing this summer and Im going to go there by plane. Im going to stay there for three days. In the first two days, Im going to visit the Great Wall, the Summer Palace,and the Forbidden City. For the last day, Im going to visit my friends and have a rest. What about you? Can you tell me your travel plan? My travel plan Hello, Im_. I am going to visit_, and Im going to go there _. Im going to stay there_. In the first two days, I am going to visit_. For the last day, Im going to visit_. What about you? Can you tell me your travel plan? My travel plan Hello, Im_. I am going to visit_, and Im going to go there _. Im going to stay there_. In the first two days, I am going to visit_ .For the last day, Im going to visit_ What about you? Can you tell me your travel plan? Zhang Ming. Beijing this summer by plane for three days the Great Wall, the Summer Palace,and the Forbidden City my friends and have a rest. Behave yourself. We should protect our environment. Homework 1. Finish your travel plan. 2. Summarize the knowledge weve learned today. where? how long? Travel Plan who? when? how? My name is. My trave plan Hello, everyone! My name is Yang Ming. Heres my travel plan for the summer holidays.Im going to travel around Singapore with my parents. Were going to stay in Singapore for three days. In the first two days, were going to vist Sentosa, the Singapore Zoo and the Singapore Flyer. I hear that Sentosa is a beautiful island and there are many interesting places there. It is the most famous place to visit in Singapore. The Singapore Zoo is in the open air. People can see animals in daytime and at night. People can take the train around the zoo and see animals from the train. Singapore Flyer is the worlds largest flyer. People can see all of Singpore from inside the flyer.For the last day, were going to visit Chinatown. We can enjoy the food there and learn more about the history of Singapore. We will have a lot of fun in Singapore. Where are you going for your summer hoidays? Can you tell me your travel plan? Im going to visit the Temple of Heaven Unit 6 General Revision be going to I. Teaching Content 1. Target Language Im going to visit Sentosa. Were going to visit the Singapore Flyer. 2. Target Words visit, Sentosa, the Singapore Flyer, the Singapore Zoo, Chinatown, interesting, island 3. Emotion Aim a. Understand the tourist attractions and activities of Yang Mings travel plan. b. Communicate with others about travel plans in daily life. II. Teaching Key Points 1. Students can use the target language to talk about ones travel plan freely. 2. Students are able to use the simple future tense to describe ones plan accordingly. III. Teaching Difficulties 1. The pronunciation and intonation of the new words. 2. The key sentence patterns. ( be going to ) Im going to visit Sentosa. Were going to visit the Singapore Flyer. IV. Teaching Aids Pictures, cards, stickers, CAI V. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Warm-up 1. Teacher : Today we are going to learn Unit 6 General Revision be going to. Lets review some places of interest. Look at the pictures. Whats this? Students: The Temple of Heaven. Go through the tourist attractions one by one. (the Temple of Heaven, Niagara Falls, the Forbidden City) 2. Teacher leads in the new words Sentosa, the Singapore Flyer, the Singapore Zoo. Teach them by the way. Step 2 Presentation Step 1 Drill T: Lets PK. If you win, you can take a trip for free. Round one: Look at the faces and say. Teacher shows the words, smiling and sad faces on the screen. 1. Lead ss complete the first two sentences. _ the Great Wall. _the Forbidden City. _ the Temple of Heaven? Show the smiling face, ss try to answer: I am going to visit the Great Wall. I am not going to visit the the Forbidden City. Are you going to visit the Temple of Heaven? Yes, I am. 2. Encourage ss to finish the sentences according to the faces one by one. Ask ss to pay attention to the change of subjects. Step 2 Summary of the simple future tense At first, the teacher summarizes the grammar of the simple future tense. Then ss read the grammar points together. Step 3 Pair work 1.Provide ss two minutes to make dialogues with partners according to the model on the screen. While ss are working, move around the classroom, checking progress and offering help if needed. A: Who is going to travel? B: Im going to travel. A: Where are you going? B: Im going to visit . A: When are you going to visit .? B: . A: How are you going to visit .? B: . A: What places are you going to visit? B: Im going to visit . 2. Invite some pairs to make dialogues for the whole class. 3. Practice a. Ss look at the questions and try to answer them one by one. If his/her answer is right, he/she can draw a star on the blackboard. b. Look at the sentences and ask according to the underlined words. Invite several ss to answer. Step 4 Language Use 1. Ask ss to fill in the blanks. Praise them stars on the blackboard. 2. Change sentences as order. Invite some volunteers to answer. Step 5 Learn the text. 1. Ss listen to the text one time and answer the questions. 2. Teacher: Who is the winner? Lets count together. Step 6 Homework 1. Read the text three times. 2. Finish the exercise on the screen. (Complete the text.) 3. Recite the new words and phrases. 4. Preview the next period. The Blackboard Design Unit 6 General Revision be going to Im going to visit Sentosa. Were going to visit the Singapore Flyer. Teaching Feedback
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