人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 4 What's wrong with you -Lesson 19-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:204d2).zip

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新版小学英语(精通)新版小学英语(精通) 五年级下册五年级下册 Lesson 19 Hello,Miss Ma. I dontfeel welltoday. I feel well. I dont feel well. headachehave a have a coldbad I dont feel well today. Im afraid I cantgo to school today. Hello,Miss Ma. I dont feel welltoday. Im afraid I cant go to school today. I should go to a doctor. go to a doctor I should stay at home. I should take good care of myself. take good care of Hello,Miss Ma. I dont feel well today. Im afraid I cant go to school today. I should go to a doctor. Who will take you to the doctor? My mum will take me to the doctor. take me toMy mun will the doctor. Hello,Miss Ma. I dont feel well today. Im afraid I cant go to school today. I should go to a doctor. Who will take you to the doctor? My mum willtake me to the doctor. Dont worry about your lessons. worry about Take good care of yourself. Take good care of yourself. Thank you. Lets listen and answer. Q1 : How to make a telephone call? May I speak to Miss Liu, please? This is Miss Liu speaking. Good morning,Miss Liu. This is Kate. Q2 : Whats wrong with Kate? Im ill today. I have a headache. Do you have a cold? Yes,I have a bad cold. Im afraid I cant go to school today. Q3 : Whats Miss Lius suggestion(建议)? Dont worry about your lessons. You should go to a doctor. Take good care of yourself. take some medicinedrink some Coke drink more water eat some fruit have a good rest watch TV too often May I speak to Miss Liu, please? This is Miss Liu speaking. Good morning,Miss Liu.This is Kate. Im ill today.I have a headache. Oh dear!Do you have a cold? Yes,I have a bad cold.Im afraid I cant go to school today. Dont worry about your lessons.You should go to a doctor. Yes.My mum will take me to the doctor. OK.Take good care of yourself. Thank you. May I speak to Miss Liu,please? This is Miss Liu speaking. Good morning,Miss Liu.This is Kate. Im ill today.I have a headache. Oh dear!Do you have a cold? Yes, I have a bad cold.Im afraid I cant go to school today. Dont worry about your lessons.You should go to a doctor. Yes.My mum will take me to the doctor. OK.Take good care of yourself. Thank you. May I speak to Miss Liu,please? This is Miss Liu speaking. Good morning,Miss Liu.This is Kate.Im ill today. I have a headache. Oh dear!Do you have a cold? Yes,I have a bad cold.Im afraid I cant go to school today. Dont worry about your lessons.You should go to a doctor. Yes.My mum will take me to the doctor. OK.Take good care of yourself. Thank you. May I speak to Miss Liu, please? This is Miss Liu speaking. Good morning, Miss Liu.This is Kate. Im ill today.I have a headache. Oh dear!Do you have a cold? Yes, I have a bad cold. Im afraid I cant go to school today. Dont worry about your lessons. You should go to a doctor. Yes.My mum will take me to the doctor. OK.Take good care of yourself. Thank you. Lets read! Kate doesnt feel well today. She cant go to school. She calls her teacher,Miss liu. May I . ? This is . speaking. Good morning, Miss Liu.This is . . Im. today.I have . . Oh dear!Do you have .? Yes, I have . .Im afraid. today. Dont. .You should . . Yes.My mum . . OK.Take good . Thank you. Act out the dialouge! Kate doesnt feel well today. She cant go to school. She calls her teacher,Miss liu. Lets act! Keep our body healthy! Homework 1.Listen to the tape and read Lesson 19. 2.Make up a new dialouge with your partner. 小学新版英语(精通)五年级下册小学新版英语(精通)五年级下册 Lesson19Lesson19 教学设计教学设计 教材分析教材分析 本节课是小学新版英语(精通)五年级下册 Unit4 的第一课。是一节对话课。 本单元主要学习生病的情景下的语言交际,并运用它能够进行生病相关话题交 流。本课是本单元的第一课,主要学习的是通过打电话的情景,与老师交流生 病的相关信息。 学情分析学情分析 本课书的授课对象为小学五年级的学生,他们对语音、词汇、句型、语法等已 经有了一定的知识基础。也掌握了一些英语学习的方法和技巧。对于本单元生 病话题学生是第一次接触学习,本课又是单元中的第一课,所以,在教学中, 应尽量创设情景,在真实的情境中,让学生去体验、去学习。 教学目标教学目标 1.能够借助图片和所学的单词和句型,在适当的情境中向他人介绍自己的病情、 表达自己的身体状况或感受,在此基础上完成模拟就医的戏剧表演。 2.能够在相关语境中,正确听、说、认读下列表示病情、建议的词汇 have a headache, have a bad cold 等。 3.能够在相关语境中,正确听、说、认读下列表示表述病情、询问、提出建议 和帮助的语句:Kate doesnt feel well today. Im afraid I cant go to school today. Dont worry about your lessons. My mum will take me to the doctor. Take good care of yourself.等;能够在真实的语境中正确听、说、读、写 Im ill today. I have a bad cold. I have a. 等语句。并在恰当场景运用这些介绍病情、提出指令和关 心慰问的语句。 4.能够通过“疾病”话题的学习,养成关心身边的同学、朋友和家人健康状况 的情感,能够主动地表达关切之情,并提供力所能及帮助的意识。 重点难点重点难点 1教学重点: 1.能够在相关语境中,正确听、说、认读下列表示病情、建议的词汇 have a headache, have a bad cold 等。 2.能够在相关语境中,正确听、说、认读下列表示表述病情、询问、提出建议 和帮助的语句:Kate doesnt feel well today. Im afraid I cant go to school today. Dont worry about your lessons. My mum will take me to the doctor. Take good care of yourself.等;能够在真实的语境中正确听、说、读、写 Im ill today. I have a bad cold. I have a. 等语句。 2教学难点: 1.在恰当场景运用这些介绍病情、提出指令和关心慰问的语句。 教学过程教学过程 Step1Warmup 1.Greeting. 2.出示课题、分组、说分组评价规则。 3.Free talk:师生问答:How are you? Im fine.Thank you. How are you? Not very well. . . 【设计意图】Free talk 中,运用已学过的谈论身体状况的句子进行交际,既复 习旧知,又将学生带入本课所学话题氛围中。 Step2Presentation 1. To learn new phrases and sentences. Today your classmate Zhuang Yu-xuan isnt here. Why? She sends some massages to me. Lets see! 课件逐条展示微信对话。 学习:feel well; dont feel well; have a headache; have a bad cold. 学生看图通过理解进行学习、认读短语。 看微视频学习理解:Im afraid I cant go to school today. 继续出示微信对话 看图学习 go to a doctor,而后引申出 stay at home 观看微视频学习短语 take good care of 继续出示微信对话及观看微视频学习句子:My mum will take me to the doctor. 继续出示微信对话及观看微视频学习短语:worry about. 出示完毕微信对话。 【设计意图】在新授的第一大环节中,通过以老师和班内一个学生的真实微信 对话为主线进行对本课重点单词、短语、句子的学习,形式新颖、形象直观, 在这其中,又加入了几段微视频,通过观看视频帮助学生理解重点、突破难点。 2.To learn new dialogue. 三听录音并回答相应的问题,学习对话。 一听对话,回答:How to make a telephone call? 学生以对话形式回答:May I speak to Miss Liu, please? This is Miss Liu speaking. This is Kate. 师生进行对话练习,而后生生进行对话练习。 二听对话,回答:Whats wrong with Kate? 学生以对话形式回答:Im ill today. I have a headache. Do you have a cold? Yes, I have a bad cold. Im afraid I cant go to school today. 师生进行对话练习,而后生生进行对话练习。 三听对话,回答:Whats Miss Lius suggestion? 学生回答:Dont worry about your lessons. You should go to a doctor. Take good care of yourself. 学生再次认读句子。 延伸出当你朋友或家人生病的时候,你还能有什么建议? 看图选出正确的建议。 【设计意图】在新授的第二环节中,利用有层次的三听录音回答问题进行对话 的学习,帮助学生有效的理清对话脉络思路,有助于学生记忆知识,在头脑中 形成有效的图式。 Step 3 Practice: 1.Review the dialogue. 利用遮挡部分对话的方式,从前到后分别以:How to make a telephone call?;Whats wrong with Kate? Whats Miss Lius suggestion?这三个方面进行本课 对话的复习整理,学生进行分角色读。 【设计意图】运用部分遮挡的方式,结合前面三听的三个问题,引领学生队对 本课的对话再进行复习整理,起到巩固强化作用。 2.Lets read. 学生跟教师读课文、学生自读课文。 【设计意图】教师带领学生读课文,学生自己读课文,做好基础学习练习,为 后面的拓展等环节打下良好基础。 3.Act out the dialogue. 【设计意图】小组合作练习,分角色扮演表演对话,学生喜欢的形式,寓教于 乐。 分组分角色表演本课对话。 Step 4 Production: 1.Lets act! 小组合作,在组内自由编排新对话并进行小组展示表演。 【设计意图】在拓展环节中,还是围绕着本课“生病”话题为核心,只提供学 生图片进行思考,引导学生在本课的知识基础上,开阔自己的思路,自由编排 新对话,学生展示的对话中,出现了其他的生病原因、其他更为丰富的建议等 等。 2.德育渗透教育: 在此环节,引导教育学生形成健康生活、健康饮食的理念。 Step 5 Homework: 1.Listen to the tape and read Lesson 19. 2.Make up a new dialogue with your partner. 板书设计:板书设计: 【教学反思】 本节课是五年级下册第四单元的第一课,是一节对话课。在课前,在对教材、 学情综合考量之后,我在教学设计的主线中,运用了与生活实际联系紧密的微 信聊天形式呈现本课对话中的重点、难点短语和句子进行学习。并且在此过程 中,为了突破一些难点短语、句子的理解,我还利用了在课前录制的一些微视 频帮助学生学习理解。在学习整体对话时,我设计了运用三听录音并逐层回答 问题的方式进行,使得学生可以很好的把握本课对话的知识脉络,对学生学习、 理解、掌握、复述对话并在此基础上进行拓展都起到了积极作用。学生在课堂 学习时,兴趣浓厚,积极思考,小组合作有效率,乐于探究,乐于体验。整堂 课英语学习氛围浓厚,学生的学习主动性得到了良好的激发。学生在拓展展示 环节中,积极表演呈现自己编排的对话,也是对本节课课堂教学的反馈。
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