人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 4 What's wrong with you -Lesson 19-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:901b5).zip

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WhatsWhats wrongwrong withwith you?you? LessonLesson 1919 WhatsWhats wrongwrong withwith you?you? LessonLesson 1919 May I speak to .? Hello! This is .speaking. Unit 4 Whats wrong with you? Lesson 19 How are you today? Not well. Whats wrong with you? I have a headache. Unitnit y you u? 头部 头痛 have a headache.I have a cold. 感冒 have a bad cold. 重感冒 Do you have a cold? Yes, I have a bad cold. You should go to a doctor. Practice She has a _. He has a _. Theyre_. headache cold ill Dont worry about your lessons. 担忧,担心担忧,担心 Im afraid I cant go to school today. 害怕,恐怕 Kate doesnt feel well today. 感觉 1 .Find out some difficult words, phrases or sentences to ask other groups. When his answer is right, I will give him a sticker, otherwise give you a sticker. 2 .I have six questions. Every group can choose two questions to discuss and then answer them. Presentation Just talk 2. Whats wrong with Kate? She is ill. 5. Can she go to school today? No, she cant. 6. Will she go to a doctor? Yes, she will. 1.How does kate feel? 3.How does Miss Liu feel? 4.What kind of teacher is Miss Liu? She doesnt feel well. Sad. Good teacher. Presentation Kate: May I speak to Miss Liu,please? Miss Liu:This is Miss Liu speaking. Kate:Goodmorning,Miss Liu.This is Kate. Im ill today.I have a headache. Miss Liu:Oh dear!Do you have a cold? Kate doesnt feel well today.She cant go to school.She calls her teacher,Miss Liu. Unitnit 4 WhatWhats s wrwron ng withwith y you u? Kate:yes,I have a bad cold.Im afraid I cant go to school today. Miss Liu:Dont worry about your lessons.You should go to a doctor. Kate:yes.My mum will take me to the doctor. Miss Liu:OK.take good care of yourself. Kate:Thank you. 一、教材分析:精通英语中所显现的内容集中.本册教材更是结 合了儿童好动、好玩、好表演等心理特点,将学生的语言发展和身 心发展结合起来,让他们在有趣的听做表演中体验语言。本课是第 三单元的第一课,对本单元的学习具有重要的作用,主要是利用打 电话的形式向老师请假及老师的关切用语,其语言功能为了使学生 理解、感知目标语言,并学会综合运用所学内容进行日常交流。 二、学情分析:本课教学面向的是五年级的学生,五年级的学生, 具有一定的英语基础知识和简单英语交流的能力,但学生的年龄偏 小,活泼好动,注意力集中时间短,基于以上原因,我在教学活动 中运用了情境教学法等教学方法,通过学生的听说读演、配音、操 练层层递进等活动方式,激发学生学习的兴趣,让全体学生参与到 课堂中来。 三、教学目标: 1 知识与既能:能够在对话中了解并理解单词 ill, have a headache, have a cold, afraid, worry ,bad, dear 的意思及 发音,简单的了解句型 Im ill today. Im afraid I cant go to school today. Dont worry about your lessons.并在 日常生活中灵活运用 2 过程与方法:能简单地用电话用语向老师请假;能就请求别人做 事情话题和他人进行简单地交流。 3 情感态度与价值观:能进一步增强学生的学科兴趣;能积极地参 与教学活动,主动合作,并能在情境中大胆开口,认真模仿;培养 学生有事要向老师请假的好习惯。 四、教学用具:实物、图片、多媒体教学设备 五、教学重点:单词及对话 六、教学难点:句型的灵活运用 七、教学过程: Step one: Warm up 1 (Ling)Make a call and sing a song T:.Hello.This is teacher speaking. May I speak to my students.group 1? S:Hello,teacher.This is group 1 speaking. T:Lets go to school together,ok?Wait for you at school. S:Hello ,my students.Everybody is here,so lets sing a happy song,ok? S:Today I feel happy.What about you?How do you feel?Whats meaning “feel”?Think over,after a minute ,tell me. (设计 意图:通过铃声响起,教师拿起电话,轻松、自然地引出句型,通 过每个小组的反复练习,让学生理解句型并熟练操练句型,开堂的 俏皮,使学生一下子进入到课堂中,让学生初步感知本课主题) Step two:Presentation 1 show the pictures. T:Hello,*!How are you today? S:Not well. T:Whats wrong with you? S:I have a headache. Teach :headache Practice “Whats wrong with you ?I have a headache.” Teach:Take good care of yourself. Act three sentences.( 设计意图:以聊天、表演的方式引出新知, 加以图片的讲解,学生很快理解单词,教师层层递进,练习句型, 反复的操练,不仅加深了学生的记忆力,更能让学生灵活地运用句 型。) 2T: “Whats wrong with you ?I have a headache.” T:Do you have a cold?Yes, I have a bad cold. Show the pictures,teach the words and phrases. Teach:You should go to a doctor. Act three sentences. Make a dialogue with six stentences. ( 设计意图:教师不仅讲 解并操练了新句型,而且将刚刚学过的句型融入其中,变成一个简 短的小对话,这种句子层层递进的操练,不仅增强了学生的记忆力, 而且培养了学生创新表演对话的能力,真正将学到的知识运用到生 活中去的能力。) 3 Look at the pictures. Fill in the blank.Teach the word:ill Im ill. A:Hello,This is * speaking.May I speak to *. B:Hello,This is * speaking. A:Lets go to school together,ok? B:Sorry,Im afraid I cant go to school today. A:Whats wrong with you ? B:Im ill. A:Dont worry about your lessons. Teach: Im afraid I cant go to school today. Dont worry about your lessons. Practice the dialogue. ( 设计意图:让学生从直观形象上理解单 词的意思,学生的记忆力和理解力会更加深刻,教师创造了了一种 真实的情境,将电话用语再一次进行感知,理解并巩固) 4 Show the picture. SheKate.Kate doesnt feel well. Whats meaning of”feel” What are they talking about?Please read in your groups. Two task:1 underline the difficult words. 2 I have six questions.Every group can choose one question,discuss and answer,ok? ( 设计意图:课前 的“feel”问题在此进行讲解,学生在证明自己的猜测 的同时也加深了对单词的记忆力,培养了学生大胆猜测 和想象的能力,小组学习,增强了学生自学和独自解决 问题的能力。) 5 Read in pairs and act dialogue. ( 设计意图:在理解的基础 上,继续加强学生的口语表达能力,培养了学生表演对话、综合运 用语言的能力。) Step three: Sum up 1 How many stickers do you have,group 1? 2Music:My students, when you are ill,please call your class teacher first,because your class teacher is so worried about yourself. All the teachers in the world like their students.So,Lets learn how to love our teacher from now on. ( 设计意图:结束语复习了本节课的重点内容,教师的倡议, 培养了学生有事请假、爱老师的传统美德。) Unit 4 Whats wrong with you? Lesson 19 营口市益民小学营口市益民小学 郑环郑环
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