人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 4 What's wrong with you -Lesson 19-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:c0035).zip

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Lets sing .mp4 Unit4 Lesson 19 Whats wrong with you? LOOK AT THIS PICTURE. 1 head 2 ache 3 headache I have a headache. 1 afraid 恐怕 Make a call. A: May I speak to _, please? B: This is _speaking. Take good care of yourself. Dont worry about your lessons. Kate Miss Liu Whats wrong with you, Kate? Im ill todayIm ill today. . Dont worry about your lessons. You should go to a doctor. I have a headache. I have a bad cold. Im afraid I cant go to school. Take good care of yourself. Miss Liu 1 I 2 can 3 play 4 ! Lets act. Whats wrong with you? Im ill today. I have a bad cold. I have a headache. I have. Dont worry about your lessons. You should go to a doctor. Take good care of yourself. GET WELL CARD! 1. Call your classmates after school with the new words, new sentens and record your feedback. 2. Call your family or friends who is ill to express concern. (给生病的家人或朋友打电话表示关心给生病的家人或朋友打电话表示关心.) 英语课堂教学教案英语课堂教学教案 课题 Unit4 Whats wrong with you? Lesson 19 课型 句型课 教学内容 分析 本课是本单元的第一课时,整个单元围绕生病话题展开,紧贴学生的生活 实际。本课内容是 Kate 生病,向老师 Miss Liu 请假,Miss Liu 询问 Kate 的病情,并叮嘱及时看医生,好好养病。通过对话,让学生理解并掌 握目标语言“Im ill today. I have a bad cold/headache.” 让学生 能够综合运用所学内容进行日常交流,同时,让学生在学习过程中体会到 学习英语的乐趣,增强合作意识,提高创新能力。 学情 分析 本课的授课对象是五年级的学生,已经能够了解探望病人的礼仪,并且有 两年的英语学习经历,能够初步掌握身体各个部位的表达方式,这为本单 元表达身体不舒服这一主题做了很好的铺垫。学生们也能轻松地在真实情 境中表达对他人的关爱之情。通过分析教材,我认为对于本科他们已有一 定的知识储备,能够理解感知目标语言 Im ill today. I have a bad cold/headache. 的意思,并且可以运用目标语言 Dont worry about/Take good care of yourself 表达对他人的关心。 教学目标(依据以下几个维度设计:语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、文化意识、情感 态度) 1. 1. 借助图片,板书和 PPT 的展示,学生能够听、说、认读并掌握打电话用语:- May I speak to.? -This is .speaking.能够在情景中,听、说、认读重 点句型:Im ill today. I have a bad cold/headache. 在询问探望他人病 情真实语境下,学生能够正确使用句型:I dont feel well. Im ill today. I have a bad cold/headache 表述病情;正确使用 Dont worry about/You should go to a doctor./Take good care of yourself. 表达对他 人的关心。能够在真实语境与现实生活中运用所学知识,发展综合语言运用能 力。 2. 通过小组合作,学生能够在情景表演中准确运用所学句子:I dont feel well. Im ill today. I have a bad cold/headache. Dont worry about/You should go to a doctor./Take good care of yourself,能够提高 自主学习能力,逐步养成对所学内容主动复习和归纳的习惯。 3. 通过对他人病情的探望,学生能够懂得表达对他人的关爱之情。 教学 重难点 教学重点: 1. 能够听、说、认读并掌握打电话用语:-May I speak to.? -This is .speaking. 2. 能够听、说、认读重点句型:Im ill today. I have a bad cold. I have a headache. 教学难点: 1.能够理解 Im afraid I cant go to school today.并正确在情 境中表达运用. 2.能够理解Dont worry about you lessons. 不要担心你的功课.You should go to a doctor. 你应该去看医生.Take good care of yourself.照顾好自己. 并正确使用在合理情境中,对他人表示关心. 教学方法 及手段 教学方法:情景教学法 交际教学法 教学手段:多媒体课件 图片 教学过程(按 Preparation-Presentation-Practice-Production 流程设计) 教学环节师生活动设计意图时间 Step 1 Preparatio n 1 1WarmWarm upup T: Lets begin our class. 1.Let1.Lets s singsing a a songsong. Head,shouders,knees and toes. T: Good job! Sit down please. Today,we will learn Lesson 19. 2.2. Greeting.Greeting. T: How are you today? S: Im fine, thank you. . T: Are you fine today? S: Yes, Im fine, thank you. . T: Is everyone fine today? Ss: Yes, Im fine. T: OK. Now look at this girl? -Whos she? -She is Gui Xinrui. -Is she fine? -No,she isnt. -Whats wrong with her? 2.2.引新知引新知 1.1. I I havehave a a headache.headache. T: Whats wrong with you, Xinrui? 播放歌曲,活跃课堂 气氛,激发学生兴趣。 简单问候,让学生进入 英语的学习氛围中.并 为后文同学生病做铺 垫. 提前安排的情境,让学 生真实进入本课的主 题中. Step 2 Presentati on G: I have a headache. T: Oh. Have a headache. 老师读,学生跟读. 播放 PPT Head + ache = headache 学生跟读,基本掌握单词短语后,老师与 学生进行互动. T: Whats wrong with you?(师生) S: I have a headache. . Can you ask me? (生师) S: Whats wrong with you? T: I have a headache. . You stand up, please. And you.Can you ask her/him? S: Whats wrong with you? S: I have a headache. . 2.2. I Im m illill today.today. T: Xinrui. You have a headache? Are you ill? G: Yes, Im ill. T: OK. Dear, Take good care of yourself. Sit down, please. And everyone, look at me. I have a headache. Im ill today. 师生,生师,生生练习, 巩固所学目标语言. 继续以同学的情况引 入新知,自然,让学生 体会到新知贴近生活. 运用肢体语言,让学生 多说,加深对知识的巩 固. 学生跟读. 然后老师边做动作边与学 生互动. T: Whats wrong with you? S: I have a headache. Im ill today. . Can you ask me? S: Whats wrong with you? T: I have a headache. Im ill today. . Work in group. Ask and answer, one by one. S1: Whats wrong with you? S2: I have a headache. Im ill today. S2: Whats wrong with you? S3: I have a headache. Im ill today. . 练习结束,学生跟读,老师张贴板书. 3.3. I I havehave a a badbad cold.cold. T: oh, Look at me, please. Whats wrong with me.(老师做头疼状) S: You have a headache. T: Yes, I have a headache. Im afraid I have a cold.(PPT 打出方便学生了解) 学生已经基本了解一 定的病状表达,老师做 肢体表达,学生说,病 情的加重,引出 I have a bad cold. 简单的 Chant 不但让 学生练习新知,更让学 生在学习之余简短的 放松一下. T: Oh, I have a headache. I have a.(老师做发烧,咳嗽状,并在 PPT 上 展示图片) I have a headache, fever, cough. Im afraid I have a bad cold. 学生跟读. Lets chant. Cold, cold. Have a cold. Cold, cold. Have a bad cold. (男生,女生再分开练习巩固) T: Boys and girls. Now, you have a bad cold, can you go to school. Ss: No, I cant. T: So, you should make a call to your teacher, telling her you cant go to school. OK. How to make the call. Lets see together. 老师和一位同学表演生病打电话的情节. (提前安排好) S: May I speak to Miss Liu, please? T: This is Miss Liu speaking. S: Hello, Miss Liu. This is xxx. T: Hello, xxx. Whats wrong with you? S: I have a headache. Im ill 生病,不能去学校,引 出打电话请假情节. 自然合情合理. 老师与同学的真实表 演,引出新知,并给学 生做示范. 打电话练习,为后文打 电话请假做准备. today. Im afraid I cant go to school. T: Oh, dear. You should go to a doctor. And take good care of yourself. Dont worry about your lessons. S: Thank you, Miss Liu. Good bye. T: Good bye. (1 或 2 个示范)PPT 同时示范打电话用 语.学生跟读 老师和学生进行打电话练习. S: May I speak to Miss Liu, please? T: This is Miss Liu speaking. S: Hello, Miss Liu. This is xxx. 学生和学生进行打电话练习 S: May I speak to xxx, please? S: This is xxx speaking. S: Hello, xxx. This is xxx. 电话用语熟悉后,老师让学生给老师打 电话请假 T: Now, you have a bad cold. Make a call to your teacher.(学生举手, 有加分) 4.4. YouYou shouldshould gogo toto a a doctor.doctor. S: May I speak to Miss Liu, please? T: This is Miss Liu speaking. S: Hello, Miss Liu. This is xxx. 学生打电话请假,老师 引出目标语言.合情合 景. 师生 生生对话练习, 巩固新知. T: Hello, xxx. Whats wrong with you? S: I have a headache. Im ill today. Im afraid I cant go to school. T: Oh, dear. You should go to a doctor. T: You should go to a doctor. 学生跟读.练习 老师与学生合作,暗示学生发生什么病 症,然后询问学生怎么了,再给出目标关 心语. T: Whats wrong with you? S: I have a headache. T: Oh, you should go to a doctor. . T: Whats wrong with you? S: I have a bad cold. T: He/She has a bad cold. So we should say. Ss: You should go to a doctor. . T: Whats wrong with you? S: I have a bad cold. T: He/She has a bad cold. So you should say.(老师随意邀请一位同学) 跟读并板书,让学生注 意力一直集中在新知 上. 再一次打电话请假,学 生已经了解基本的电 话内容.老师在此基础 上引出另一句关系目 标语.学生理解比较容 易. Step 3 Practice S: You should go to a doctor. . 练习结束,学生跟读巩固,老师粘贴板书. 5.5. TakeTake goodgood carecare ofof yourself.yourself. 继续给老师打电话请假.引出 Take good care of yourself.练习同 You should go to a doctor. S: May I speak to Miss Liu, please? T: This is Miss Liu speaking. S: Hello, Miss Liu. This is xxx. T: Hello, xxx. Whats wrong with you? S: I have a headache. Im ill today. Im afraid I cant go to school. T: Oh, dear. Take good care of yourself. T: Take good care of yourself. 学生跟读.练习 老师与学生合作,暗示学生发生什么病 症,然后询问学生怎么了,再给出目标关 心语. T: Whats wrong with you? S: I have a headache. T: Oh, take good care of yourself. 最后老师以肢体语言 引导学生说出自己的 生病状况,并表示不能 来上学,老师表示关心, 安慰学生不要担心功 . T: Whats wrong with you? S: I have a bad cold. T: He/She has a bad cold. So we should say. Ss: Take good care of yourself. . T: Whats wrong with you? S: I have a bad cold. T: He/She has a bad cold. So you should say.(老师随意邀请一位同学) S: Take good care of yourself. . 练习结束,学生跟读巩固,老师粘贴板书. 6.6. DonDont t worryworry aboutabout youryour lessons.lessons. 老师用肢体语言提示学生 T: You have a. S: I have a headache. I have a fever. I have a cough. I have a bad cold. T: So you cant go to school. But dont worry about your lessons. 课,老师会帮助你们的. 让学生体会到老师对 学生的关怀. 简单的跟读,放松下学 生的学习氛围. 以 Kate 生病的图片 引出本文的主人公,并 引出本课文章,Kate 生病,给 Miss Liu 打电话请假. 边听边通过带有提示 的答题纸答题,加深学 生对课文内容理解. 问题的设置,点出课文 T: Dont worry about your lessons. 分读,连读学生跟读联系.拿着卡片随机 找学生读.最后再跟读,老师板书. 三三. .引出课本内容引出课本内容 1.1. 老师在老师在 PPTPPT 上展示上展示 KateKate 的图片的图片, ,引引 出主人公出主人公. . -Whos she. -Shes Kate. -Is she fine? -No,she isnt. -Whats wrong with Kate? PPT 打出课本旁白,学生读出. -Kate doesnt feel well today. She cant go to school. She calls her teacher, Miss Liu. 听课文,回答问题. T: Now, listen carefully and answer these question. 1) 找同学读问题 2) 根据答题纸提示,听音频,回答问题 T: Look at your question paper,and listen. 问题: -Whats wrong with Kate? -What does Miss Liu say? -Is Miss Liu nice? -Who will take 带 Kate to the doctor. 重点,并让学生感受老 师对学生的关怀之情. 分角色扮演能够让学 生更好地了解电话内 容.并在真的情境中练 习所学目标语言. 让学生学有所用,在 足够的时间内,小组 合作,创编对话,做 到真正的理解和运用 新知。并培养学生的 创造能力与合作精神。 Step 4 Production ) 学生回答问题,老师检验. T:Yes. Your answer is right. 2.2. 跟读跟读, ,正确发音正确发音. . 3.3. 练习对话练习对话. . T: Now,you two work together to play the call about Kate and Miss Liu. 3min 学生表演 3-4 组,学生评价,选出优秀表 演者进行加分奖励. 3.3.拓展练习拓展练习, ,学生根据要求学生根据要求, ,以及语言以及语言 提供编排新对话提供编排新对话. .每组任选其一进行编每组任选其一进行编 排表演排表演. . 1) Kate is ill. Her classmates make a call to her and express concern. (同学们打电话给 Kate,表示关心) 2) The teacher finds that a student didnt come to the class.She calls the student. (老师发现某位同学没有来上课,打电话 询问情况) 3) Your family is ill. The friends come to the home and express concern. (你的家人生病了,有朋友来看望,询问 祝福 Kate 早日康复, 培养学生关爱他人的 优良品质. 病情,表示关心.) 4)Its a sunny day. Call your friend to play,but the friend is ill. (天气好,打电话约朋友出去,可是朋友 生病.) 语言支持: Whats wrong with you? Im ill today. I have a bad cold. I have a headache. I have. Dont worry about your lessons. You should go to a doctor. Take good care of yourself. 老师与学生共同评出表演优秀前两组. 4.4. 祝福祝福 T: Kate is ill today. We hope she will get well soon. Let;s give her a get-well card and the best wishes. PPT 展示 And all of you should take good care of yourself. Dont ill. Dont have a cold. 作业布置 1. Call your classmates after school with the new words, new sentens and record your feedback. (晚上回家给自己的同学打一通电话,运用所学目标 语言,记录并反馈.) 2. Call your family or friends who is ill to express concern. (给生病的家人或朋友打电话表示关心.) 板书设计 Lesson 19 Im ill today. Dont worry about your lessons. I have a headache. KateKate MissMiss LiuLiu You should go to a doctor. I have a bad cold. Take good care of yourself. 教学反思 本节课是一节会话课,且语篇有些长,单词短语以及句子都比较多,学生 们学习起来是有些困难的,本节课的设计主要根据课本的内容顺序编排, 设置一定的情境去让学生学习目标语句,由简到难让学生学习一些生病 的症状,和相关的一些表示关心他人的用语.本课的不足之处仍有很多, 一些情节的设置需要更加简单,让学生轻松理解.课堂的指令还要更加简 单清楚准确,多以学生为中心去创设课堂.
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