人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 4 What's wrong with you -Lesson 24-ppt课件-(含教案)-部级优课-(编号:e0a15).zip

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What do you think of them? I think MickeyMimi is cute naughty clever smart lovely pretty kind nice . Maybe she has a I have a bad stomachache. You dont look well,Mimi. You dont look well,Mimi. I have a bad stomachache. Le(t) me take you to the hospital. You dont look well,Mimi. I have a bad stomachache. Lets talk. 想象你是故事人物,想象你是故事人物, 你们会说些什么,你们会说些什么, 把对话表演出来吧。把对话表演出来吧。 Whats wrong with you? I have a bad stomachache. No.You should take some medicine and have a good rest. Is it serious? Is it serious? I have a bad stomachahe. Learning tips: You can guess the meaning from pictures and context. 遇生词,可根据遇生词,可根据图片图片或或上下文上下文来来猜词义猜词义。 Is it serious? .has a bad. Its serious! No.You should take some medicine and have a good rest. Is it serious? What happened next? Lets watch! What happened next? She ate a lot of ice cream. Mimi,you should. Mimi,you shouldnt. I dont want to take any medicine. Lets enjoy the whole story. ? You dont look well,Mimi. You dont look well,Mimi. I have a bad stomachache. Le(t) me take you to the hospital. You dont look well,Mimi. I have a bad stomachache. Whats wrong with you? Whats wrong with you? I have a bad stomachache. Is it serious? No.You should take some medicine and have a good rest. Is it serious? I dont want to take any medicine. Look! Heres an ice cream shop. I dont want to take any medicine. Your ice cream is bad for me! Why? Your ice cream is bad for me! What did Mimi eat? What did Mimi eat?She ate a lot of ice cream. What did Mimi eat?She ate a lot of ice cream. Oh,thats not good! Lets act! Act fulently.(流畅表演。)(流畅表演。) Act fulently and vividly.(流畅生动(流畅生动 ) Act fulently,vividly and emotionally. (流畅,生动,有感情)(流畅,生动,有感情) We should.when we are ill. We shouldnt .when we are ill. What can we learn from the story? Lets write! Dear a get-well card for you. worryEnglish have a good rest. get well Lets write! What else can we saydo? When our grandma is ill, we can take good care of her. When our brother is ill, we can take help to wash his face. When our mother is ill, we can hold a cup of water for her. When our father is ill, we can do some housework. When our friend is ill, we can help her with her lessons. When the people around us is ill, we can do a lot to show our love. Homework: Read the story by yourself. Tell the story to your parents. Make a new story and act it out with your friends. 1 基于人文性、工具性双重性质理念下的 综合语言运用的故事教学设计 教学 内容 人民教育出版社精通版 五年级下册 课题 Unit 4 Whats wrong with you? Revision Fun story 话题疾病与健康 课型故事教学 教具ppt, 故事表演道具等 教 学 设 计 理 论 基 础 1、教学整体设计基于义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年 版)其中对英语课程学科性质的描述即工具性和人文性的双 重性质。培养学生英语学科核心素养。 2、教学目标定位基于课程标准要求、教材编者意图分 析以及学生学情分析。 3、本课的教学设计整合了对各级各类教学杂志有关故 事教学的学习研究以及九原区教研室赵云霞老师 2015 年故 事教学模式的整合。 听2.能听懂简单的配图小故事。 说5.能在教师的帮助下和图片的提示下描述或讲述简单 的小故事。 课 标 要 求读5.能借助图片读懂简单的故事或小短文,并养成按意 2 群阅读的习惯。 写3.能根据图片、词汇或理解的提示,写出简单的语句。 玩演 视听 1.能在教师的帮助下表演小故事或小短剧。 教 材 分 析 结合编者的意图,在教师教学用书上,编者对五年级下 册趣味故事的教学目标描述为“通过风趣幽默的小故事,复 习和运用本单元所学的词汇和句型(包括会话)。”在小学 教材中,我们可以看到以小故事有的在开头,有的在中间, 有的在结尾。精通版的小故事起到一个复习巩固以及拓展的 作用。 本节课故事课教师教学用书定位:(略说)本课时为复 习课,read and act 是故事,语篇以对话呈现。本课内容 帮助学生综合复习本单元内容,使学生在语境中理解、听说、 读写、运用本单元主要目标语言 whats wrong with you?I have a .理解、听说、认读 Is it serious?学 生能阅读理解、有感情地朗读并表演对话,能根据上下文语 境,猜测 Is it serious?的语义。主要滚动语言:whats wrong with you?I have a bad stomachache. 学 五年级的学生已经学习过两年半的英语,对英语学习已 经有了很浓厚的兴趣,教师要适当设计教学环节让孩子们的 3 情 分 析 兴趣保持下去。孩子们已经在自己教师的引导下形成了良好 的英语听说习惯。我在上课的时候要时刻注意自己的教师用 语的设计,要简洁明了,表达清晰。 五年级的孩子们大部分是对英语学习充满期待,我的这 节故事,主要以复习旧有知识,对于孩子在知识学习方面不 存在难度。在阅读故事时,享受阅读的乐趣,并且将自己已在阅读故事时,享受阅读的乐趣,并且将自己已 有的经验带入学习之中,发展学生的思维能力、培养学生综有的经验带入学习之中,发展学生的思维能力、培养学生综 合语言运用能力为根本。合语言运用能力为根本。 学 习 目 标 1.能够借助课文图片预测故事,准确理解故事大意,能 够正确使用 whats wrong with you?询问他人身体状况以 及给他人生病时候的建议 you should take some medicine.等;借助故事留白建构语言,学生根据以往经 验,正确说出一些建议。 2.通过三人合作表演。理解故事,通过教师的问题串引 导,想想自己的角色定位感情发展,进行综合语言运用。 3.借助图片和学习策略渗透,理解本故事中生词 serious,通过语言引导和图片呈现让孩子们学会关心生病的 朋友家人。 评 价 任 务 1.故事留白,学生自主思考建构语言。(检测目标 1 的 达成) 2.三人合作表演,综合运用所学语言。(检测目标 2 的 达成) 4 3.为 Mimi 写康复卡建议,说说身边家人朋友生病,你 能做些什么。(检测目标 1 和 3 的达成) 重 点 1.在教师和图片的帮助下读懂这个小故事,可以有感情 的朗读并且表演小故事。 2.为故事的主人公 Mimi 书写康复卡。 难 点 1.通过上下文以及图片提示理解 Is it serious?的含 义以及用法。 2.教师指导学生带感情地表演故事。 教学 过 程 教 学 设 计设计意图 经验谈论 激活故事 结合经验 激发兴趣。 1.T:Class begins.Good morning,boys and girls.Im happy to be your English teacher today.Look today we will read a story together. 2.2.DoDo youyou likelike stories?stories? 3.We had already read a lot of stories about Mimi 按到 Micky. 4.So what do you think of them ? 韦恩图出示,让孩子们说一说对故事主 人公的印象。激活思维,激发兴趣。 借班上课, 拉近师生距 离。融洽紧 张气氛。直 奔主题,故 事教学。 激发学生阅 读故事的经 验和体验。 带入学生已 5 I think Mickey is. 教师可以供孩子们表达的词汇 cute funny cool nice pretty lovely naughty kind. 5.I think they are cute.Today we are going to read a story also about Mimi and mickey. 有的对本教 材的故事阅 读的体验和 经验。 观察图片 预测故事 1.But look at Mimi ,can you guess whats wrong with her? Maybe she has a.(激活有关疾病的 词汇。) 2.Now look at Mimi Whats wrong with her? She has a stomachache. 3.If you are Micky what would you say to Mimi? 学生激活已有的知识经验表达自己的想 法。 Lets listen what did Micky say? 放录音。What did you hear? 请同学们重复一遍.Who can try?请个别 同学说一说,给出表情。 通过故事的 第一副情境 图,预测故 事中咪咪的 病情。 激活思维, 让学生学会 读图。 6 同学们试着说一说,演一演。 If you are Micky what will you say? S15:. T:You are all very kind.Lets listen what did Micky say?放录音, lets try together.Let me take you to the hospital. 学生随情入 境,体验语 言。 问题贯穿 图片环游 随情入境 体验故事 融入情感 建构语言 Then they come to the hospital. Can you imagine what happened in the hospital? Please talk with your partner,try to image what will they say? And lets act.请同学们想想场景,表 演出来(看病的情境)。 同桌活动。 Which pair wants to show? A;. B;. T:Wow,how do you think of them?Good ,great or wonderful? You are all wonderful. Lets watch. 让学生在故 事的情节中 自然习得语 言,了解故 事大意。 通过表演进 一步内化语 言。 7 Mimi said“Is it serious?” Can you guess,whats the Chinese meaning? I have some clues for you!When you meet some new words, You can guess the meaning from pictures and context. Can you guess whats the Chinese meaning of serious? I want more students.Look at these two pictures.I have a cold.I have a bad cold.Its serious. Whats the Chinese meaning? S17;严重的 T; You are so clever.Who can say something about these pictures? 请同学们来说一说,每个学生一句。 T;Is it serious?How did the doctor say? S18:No.You should take some medicine and have a good rest. T;And then they come out of the 阅读策略, 根据上下文 猜测词义。 8 hospital but look why they are come to the hospital again?Can you guess?预测故事后续发展。 S18:Maybe. Lets watch!观看后半截 watch and answer.Why they come to the hospital again? Because Mimi ate a lot of ice cream.Its bad for her. Can you say like that.给出表情提示。 I dont want to take any medicine. 不高兴地说。Look,heres an ice cream shop.兴奋的说。 If you are Micky what would you say?You are the best friend.What would you say to Mimi. S20:Oh,Mimi.You shouldnt eat ice cream.I dont eat ice cream,too, T:You dont eat ice cream, either.Good friend. S21:Mimi,you should . T;Good friend. 让孩子们设 身处地地为 咪咪着想, 假如你在他 身边,看到 9 S22;. You are all Mimis good friend. But what did Mimi do?She ate a lot of ice cream.She came back to the hospital again. 冰激凌店, 你应该说些 什么。 动画观看 模仿故事 故事思考 拟定标题 小组合作 表演故事 T;Do you like this story? Ss;Yes,I do. T;Now lets enjoy the whole story. 观看动画。 After enjoying the whole story,would you like to give the story a title? S23. T;You all did a good job.Do you want to act the story? Ss:Yes,we do. T:Before that,lets follow the story.Pay attention to the red party and also the characters face.Try to image you are Micky ,Mimi and the doctor. 在整体理解 了故事的情 节之后,让 孩子们在整 体感受故事。 10 跟读一遍,注意表情和语音语调。 This time,lets show, 请两组同学上台表演。 可以丰富故事语言。 情感教育 升华故事 What can we learn from the story? We should.when we are ill. We shouldnt .when we are ill. T:Mimi was so poor.lets make a get-well card for her. Lets write!请一位同学展示一下她 的 card. When the people around us is ill.we can write a get-well card.What else can we do for them? S25:We can . You are all good .Now lets share some pictures. T:Today you all did a good job.Its time to say goodbye. Homework:Read the story by yourself. Tell the story to your parents. 情感升华, 学会主动关 心身边的人, 并且提出力 所能及的建 议和关爱。 通过小短片 的播放升华 教育情感。 11 Make a new story and act it out with your friends. 板书设计板书设计 教学反思教学反思本节课基于英语学科双重性质的理念进行了教学设 计和教学实施。本节课通过孩子们学习过程中的故事预 测、建构、问题互动、两人对话、等评价任务的完成情 况以及最后的故事表演输出环节情况来看,本节课的教 学目标基本达成。 在教学目标达成的过程中,孩子们的思维比较活跃, 对故事的兴趣浓厚,但是仍存在一个问题问题就是个别孩子 不善于表达自己。有的孩子一节课只是作为倾听者和观 赏者,并没有积极举手参与到故事的预测问题互动问答 环节中。 因此,我反思自己在教学过程中,问题提出的时间 12 间隔较短,给同学们回答与思考问题的时间还是不够, 今后在教学中,在提出问题之后,一定要明确问题提出 是否清晰,如果不清晰,一定要再试着换一种问法,从 孩子们的身姿眼神和体态语中观察孩子们对问题的理解 程度,有一定困难的问题要留给孩子们足够的思考空间 和时间。另外,有些问题开放性比较强,可以让孩子们 利用小组合作的方式进行探讨,之后可以进行小组合作, 然后在全班讲观点进行汇报。
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