人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 5 I'm cleaning my room.-Lesson 25-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:c2e15).zip

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人教精通版五年级下人教精通版五年级下 Unit5 Lesson 25 Review some verbs or verb phrases Brainstorm Listen and answer the questions. 1.Who is Lily calling to? 2.What is her father doing? 3.What is her mother doing? 4.What is Lily doing? 4.Lily is cleaning her room. 1.Her grandpa. 2.He is writing an email. 3.She is washing the clothes. 现在进行时句式现在进行时句式 我用用am I+am+v-ing 你用你用are You+are+v-ing Is连着他,她,它连着他,她,它 He/She/It+is+v-ing 单数单数+is+v-ing 复数复数+are+v-ing 表示正在进行的动作表示正在进行的动作 call-calling clean-cleaning write-writing make-making put -putting shop-shopping 正常直接加正常直接加ing,以,以e结尾去结尾去e加加ing, 一元一辅结尾,双写词尾辅音字母再加一元一辅结尾,双写词尾辅音字母再加ing wash- speak- come- take- sit- swim- Fill in the blanks. Lily _ _ her grandpa. _ you _ here with your parents? Dad _ _ an email. Mum _ _ the clothes. I _ _ the room. Lets chant. What are you doing? Im singing. What are you doing? Im dancing. What is he doing? Hes swimming. What is he doing? Hes running. What is she doing? Shes drawing. What is she doing? Shes writing. Lets chant. What are you doing? Im singing. What are you doing? Im dancing. What is he doing? Hes swimming. What is he doing? Hes running. What is she doing? Shes drawing. What is she doing? Shes writing. Make a new dialogue. Writing Please write a short passage about what your family are doing now. 参考词汇:参考词汇: do housework, watch TV, cook dinner, read newspaper, water flowers, wash clothes, do homework Writing Please write a short passage about what your family are doing now. 参考词汇:参考词汇: do housework, watch TV, cook dinner, read newspaper, water flowers, wash clothes, do homework Homework 1. Finish doing the activity book. 2. Make a new dialogue. 人教精通版小学英语五年级下册教学设计 Unit 4 Im cleaning my room. Lesson 25 教学目标:教学目标: (一)知识与能力目标 1. 学生能够正确理解及综合运用现在进行时 . 2. 初步感知、理解和运用现在进行时的基本句子结构 3. 能够在真实语境中,用现在进行时进行操练。 4.过程与方法 学生通过说唱歌曲歌谣、看图问答,试听跟读,模仿跟读,自创对话等活动, 来实现教学目标,最后达到综合运用语言的目的。 (二)情感与价值目标 通过本课的设计使学生在丰富的活动中体验学习的快乐、感受成功的喜悦,最 终能够用 Im+v-ing 的句型进行语言交际,理解爸爸妈妈每天工作的辛苦,做 力所能及的事情。 教学重点:教学重点: 感知、理解和初步运用 Im+v-ing 的句型进行语言交际 教学难点:教学难点: 能够学会基本的自主学习方法,运用正确的语言询问及回答。 教学方式:教学方式: 情境体验,小组合作。 学情分析:学情分析:小学英语五年级下学期学生依旧活泼,好玩,好动,爱表演,但课 文偏长,而且很难,所以要应用大量的游戏,歌曲,韵律诗,竞赛等活动,旨 在将学生的身心发展和语言发展结合起来,让他们在有趣的听做表演中体验和 输入语言,在有节奏的韵律说唱中模仿和练习语言,在轻松愉快的活动中学习 和运用语言。 教学过程:教学过程: 一、一、Warm-up 1. Greeting as usual. 2.Brainstorm Review some verbs and verb phrases. The teacher show some pictures, and the students say them in English 设计意图:用清楚可爱的图片来激发孩子们 的兴趣,复习旧知,同时也对本节课的学习活动埋下了很好的伏笔。 二、二、Presentation : 1.电话铃响起,用我与女儿的一段对话引出句子 What are you doing ? 设计意图:孩子们听见电话响,会很好奇,知道我会想说什么,会 对句子有更深的了解 2.T:I have a good friend .Her name is Lily. Guess. What is she doing?出现电 话声音,引导学生们说出短语 make a call.用彩色粉笔在黑板上写出 make-making. 初步感知现在进行时的动词形式。 3.听视频录音回答问题 Who is Lily calling to? What is her father doing? What is her mother doing? What is Lily doing? 可引出动词 write / wash / clean 变成现在进行时的形式,并进一步 的学习 4.用大屏幕讲解现在进行时的句子结构,含义,及动词变化形式 5.Listen again. Read it together. Then read in pairs. 6.Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue. 三、Practice 1. Show some photos of our classmates. Whos turn, please stand up and say it loudly, tell us what you are doing. 2.Play a game. There is a box here. choose one piece of paper, do the action, others guess, what is he/she doing? 3.Lets chant together. Clap your hands and do the actions. 4.There are six pictures on the screen. Choose one or two you like to make a new dialogue. You can call your friend or your classmate. 四,product Write a short passage .Talk about what your family are doing now 五情感教育 出示几张幻灯片,希望孩子们为父母做一些力所能及的事情 六Homework. Finish your activity book. Make a new dialogue.
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