人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 5 I'm cleaning my room.-Lesson 30-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:01798).zip

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人教精通版五年级下册 Unit 5 Im cleaning my room. Lesson 30 Warm-up write an email wash the clothesclean the room make a calltell a story sing a song Lead-in -Whats he doing? -Hes _. -Whats she doing? -Shes _a song. telling a story singing Presentation Just practise Presentation Just talk look at the picturetalk about the picture Presentation Just talk standsit look at the picture talk about the picture standsit Practice -Are you _ this picture? -Yes, I am./No, Im not. looking at -Is he looking at the ? -No, he isnt. Hes looking at the moon sun Presentation Just write look at the picture看图片 talk aboutstandsit cousin 谈论 表(堂)兄弟姐妹 站坐 Are you looking at this picture? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Practice Are you looking at the moon? Is she singing in the classroom? Is he looking at the sun?No, I dont think so. Yes, she is. No, Im not. Practice Lets talk What are they doing there? Shes Hes Theyre Summary 四会词汇:四会词汇:look at the picture 如何询问和回答如何询问和回答“他他/她正在做什么她正在做什么”? talk aboutstand sitcousin -Whats he/she doing? -He/She is v-ing. 精通版小学英语五年级下册精通版小学英语五年级下册 LessonLesson 3030 教学设计教学设计 教学目标:教学目标: 能够听说、认读句型:Is he looking at the moon? No, he isnt. Hes looking at the sun. Are you looking at the picture? Yes, I am. No, I m not. 引导学生从整体上感知、模仿、学习和体验语言,学会如 何购物,在创设的真实情景中进行简单交流。 重点难点:重点难点: 1.能够听、说、认读本课的目标语言。 2.能够在真实情境中灵活运用这些功能语句进行交际。 教具准备:教具准备: 电脑、图片、PPT 课件 教学过程:教学过程: StepStep 1:1: Warm-upWarm-up 1.Greetings. 2.Review the phrases of this unit. StepStep 2:2: PresentationPresentation 1.Show these pictures, learn the phrases. Look at the picture, talk about the picture, stand, sit21 世纪教育网版权所有 2.Listen to the tape, read after it. 3.Practice the sentences. T: Look at the picture. Is he sitting in the sofa?21 教育网 S: Yes, he is. T: And is Li Yans cousin looking at the picture? S: No, she isnt. T: Are you looking at the picture? S: Yes, I am. 4.Write and do the dialogue. 5.Design a short reading passage. Fill in blanks. Look at these_. What are they doing? Oh, Peter is _at the picture. Li Yan and Peter are _the picture. Is the man _in the classroom? No, _. He is _near the lake. Is he sitting in the sofa? Yes, _ 6.Teacher shows the performances of famous persons. Let the students talk them.21m StepStep 3:3: PracticePractice 1.Play a guessing game. 2.Let s chant. StepStep 4:4: LanguageLanguage use.use. Make up a new dialogue. StepStep 5:5: Assessment.Assessment. Do the workbook. StepStep 6:6: Homework:Homework: Lets act. 板书设计板书设计 Lesson 30 Is he looking at the moon? No, he isnt. Hes looking at the sun. Are you looking at the picture? Yes, I am. No, I m not. Lesson30Lesson30 课后反思课后反思 2019 年 5 月 30 日,我展示了一堂小学五年级的英语示 范课 。回顾我上课的过程,收获还是挺多的,有成功之处 可供人借鉴的,也有值得探讨尚需改进的地方。 一、充足的课前准备。一、充足的课前准备。我认真钻研教材,确定了教学 内容及重难点。仔细研读文本,深入了解教材编排的特点、 意图及文本折射出的深层次的内涵,大胆取舍与整合。精 心制作课件,设计教学环节与导学案。 二、充分的个人素质展示。二、充分的个人素质展示。本人上课情绪饱满,充满 激情,常常与学生同欢笑,共忧愁。 本堂课伊始,我给学 生做了字母操、唱了英语歌以引入新课,学生 快乐地学完 唱完轻松的进入了新知识的学习。我还努力运用更多的英 语用语组织教学,给学生创设一个听英语、说英语的环境。 三、多种形式的教学和操练三、多种形式的教学和操练。本课时主要是词汇教学 和句型教学,我根据学生的年龄特点,充分利用多媒体课 件并加上形象化的动作和语言,极大地调动了学生学习的 积极性。我还采用了情境教学法让学生身临其境,调动了 学生的非智力因素,提高学生实际运用语言的能力。 四、成功的激励、奖励机制。四、成功的激励、奖励机制。 充分利用小组合作学习 的优势,及时的为每一个小组加分,为孩子们的每一次努 力鼓劲。 操作简便,效果较好。 五、遗憾的教学过程与教学效果。五、遗憾的教学过程与教学效果。本人设计的游戏活 动偏少,使练习环节显得单一,枯燥。 记得曾经看过一本书叫做苏霍姆林斯基的一百个建 议,其中有一个故事讲到有一位老师上了一节非常精彩 的公开课,不光学生,就连听课老师都听入迷了,听课笔 记都忘了记。课后一位听课老师问他,这么精彩的课,一 定花了不少时间准备吧。这位老师的回答让我既震撼又感 动。他说:对于这节课我准备了一辈子,我的每一节课都 是用一辈子的时间去准备的。我直接花在准备这节课的时 间是十五分钟。是啊,用一辈子的时间去准备一节课,还 有什么课上不好呢。也正因为有了一辈子的积累,所以他 十五分钟就能备出一节精彩的公开课。 因此作为一老师,尤其是一名年轻老师,需要不断的 看书,不断的学习,不断的充实自己,只有这样才能在教 学上得心应手。
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