人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 6 We are watching the games.-Lesson 35-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:221a7).zip

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1 人教精通版五年级英语下册人教精通版五年级英语下册 Unit5Unit5 WeWe areare watchingwatching thethe games.games. LessonLesson 35-3635-36 教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1.知识目标知识目标:能够正确地听、说、认读短语:do the high jump, do the long jump, run fast; 听、说、读、写词语:high jump, long jump, run; 和句型:Are you watching the high jump? Yes, we are. 2.能力目标能力目标:通过小组活动提高学生的合作意识和运用本课语言 进行交流的能力。 3.情感目标情感目标:通过做运动,来激发学生们要积极锻炼身体,强壮 体格。 二、学情分析学情分析 学生们在五年级已经接触过有关动词短语,具备了一定的语言基 础,对于现在进行时陈述句的表述不成难题。 3重点难点 三、教学重点三、教学重点 1.通过本课学习,能够正确掌握本课四会、三会词汇; 2 2.能够在对话中熟练运用句型:Are you watching the high jump? Yes, we are. 四、教学难点四、教学难点 1. 现在进行时一般疑问句的回答。 2. 能够运用本课目标语言进行日常交流。 五、五、教学过程教学过程 活动 1【导入】Warmingup Greetings. 【设计意图】:师生问候能够很好的拉近师生关系,由老师的自 我介绍 I like doing sports.到对同学的亲切问答,将他们带入 sports 的话题中,并引出本课课题,从而创设了和谐的学习氛围。在 课程伊始,介绍本课的评价方式,让学生有的放矢,带着好奇心,努力 完成任务,获得图片的小奖励。 Show some pictures about Olympic Games. T: Today, we are going to talk about something about sports. Look , there are so many people. What are they doing? Ss: Theyre watching the games. 3 T: Yes, they are watching the Olympic Games. Oh, he is Sun Yang. Whats he doing? Ss: He is swimming. (They are playing tennis playing football playing basketball playing ping-pong playing volleyball playing baseball playing badminton.) 【设计意图】:通过图片的展示,带领学生走进奥林匹克运动的 场景,让学生当观众,运用现在进行时对图片进行描述。让学生在轻 松的课堂气氛中复习现在进行时的陈述句,又能契合本课运动的主题。 活动活动 2 2【讲授讲授】Presentation】Presentation They are watching the games. And what games are they watching? Please guess: Are they ? Oh, they are watching the high jump. Look, he is doing the high jump. T: Are you watching the high jump? Ss: Yes, I am. Yes, we are. 【设计意图】:本环节通过继续前面的复习活动,利用旧知引入 新知,复习完现在进行时的陈述表达后,练习说一般疑问句,即把陈述 句变为一般疑问句,循序渐进,让学生在情境中学会问答,再稍加一句 4 提醒:Are you回答的两种形式,让学生在设置的情境中自然习得语 法点。 T: Whats he doing? Ss: He is doing the high jump. Show other pictures and ask: Is he doing the high jump? Is she doing the high jump? Are they doing the high jump? Are they doing the high jump, too? No, they arent. 【设计意图】:环环相扣,步步推进,带着孩子们在观看比赛的情 境中对话,在调动多种感官参与的同时学习短语,练习一般疑问句与 陈述句的表达。 (3)Is he doing the high jump? No, he isnt. He is doing the long jump. Are they doing the long jump? (4)Are they doing the long jump, too? No, they arent. They are running. And they are running fast. 【设计意图】:让学生多次感受陈述句,及一般疑问句的用法和 回答。让学生通过图片、动态场景参与进来,再运用问答比较 fast、slowly,进而体会 fast 的含义。 (5)Look and guess. 5 T:Look at the man, whats he doing? Can you guess? Is he doing.? 【设计意图】:通过让学生观察被遮起来的图片,利用我们所学 的句型来猜测其内容,既锻炼了孩子们的口语表达运用能力,又培 养了孩子们的观察力与想象力。 (6)Make a match. T: Divide them into two groups: running group and jumping group. Look at pictures, ask and answer question: Are you -ing ? Are they -ing ?Is he -ing ?Is she -ing ? Answer: Yes, No, 【设计意图】:通过小组一分钟的计时竞赛,激发学生们的参与 热情,集中学生们的注意力。游戏始终围绕本课的目标语言:Are they doing the high jump? Yes, they are.这一现在进行时的一 般疑问句及其回答来进行练习,并将上个环节中所学的 do the high jump, do the long jump, run fast 短语进行了巩固。比赛分组进 行, ,提高学生们的合作意识。 活动 3【练习】Practice 评论 6 Show a video about our sports meet. Give them some minutes to make a new dialogue in groups. And then show it. 【设计意图】:通过观看图片、视频,激发学生的兴趣与交流的 欲望,小组分角色自编并表演谈论我们自己的运动会。学生由说短语 到句子,再到自编对话,让学生在表演中体会语言的交际功能,并提高 学生的语言运用能力与合作能力。 活动 4【活动】Develop Moral education infiltrating 【设计意图】:最后让学生们观看几张有关我校阳光大课间的图 片,激发他们的运动热情,鼓励大家 We do sports an hour a day, we can be happy and healthy every day. 活动 5【作业】Homework (1)* Talk about your favourite sport with your friend. * * Write a passage: Our school sports meet. (2)Chant with friends. 【设计意图】:作业是对本课知识的巩固,是学习英语兴趣的延 续,更是为了进一步学习语言做好铺垫。
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