陕旅版三年级下册英语Unit 3 How do you come to school -Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:00e52).zip

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    • How Do You Come to School .ppt--点击预览
    • 导课歌曲Go Goose.mp4
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Unit 3 How Do You Come to School? School is over. I will go home. How do I go home I go home by plane. How do I go home I go home by ship. How do I go home I go home by train. How do I go home I go home by bus. How do I go home I go home by taxi. How do I go home? home school I go home by plane. I go home by ship. I go home by train. I go home by bus. I go home by taxi. shipbus taxi train plane bustrainship Lets talk How do you go to school? I go to school by How do you go home? I go home by I go to Sanya by plane. I go to Jia Yuguan by train. Homework Use the words we learnt this class to make words cards and draw the pictures on them. 1 Unit 3 How Do You Come to School?第一课时教学设计 (陕西旅游出版社) Teaching Aims Aims of the Knowledge: 让学生能听、说、读、写下面词汇:bus, train, ship, taxi, school, home. Aims of the abilities: 1、学生能熟练地使用学习的词汇表达以下句型:How do you go to? 2、激励学生乐于使用英语和大家分享自己的旅游经历。 Aims of the emotion: 鼓励学生乐于去帮助在困境的人。 Teaching Important and difficult points: 熟练地听、说、读、写、用所学的词汇。 Teaching Preparation: PPT, video, a mask of a goose and some pictures. Teaching Processes: I. Lead In 1、Greeting. 2、Lets Sing and Do. Teacher plays the video of the song Students sing after it and play as a goose. 3、Lead In: 2 T: We can see a goose in the video. Today a goose comes to our class. (Teacher puts on the mask of the goose.) T: Hello, boys and girls. My name is Gaga. Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you, too. (Says “hello” for several students) II、Presentation Step1:Students learn the word “school” and the phrase “go to school”. T: I will go to school.(Reads and does action) Students read and try to spell it. Step2:Students learn the word “home” and the phrase “go home”. T: (shows the picture )Oh, school is over. I will go home.(Reads and does action) Students read and try to spell it. Step3:Students learn the word “by” . T:( Shows the picture of many mountains.) My home is very far. How do I go home? I must climb the mountains. Who can help me? (shows the picture of a plane.) The plane is coming. I go home by plane. Students read and try to spell it. Step4:Students learn the word “ship” . T: (Shows the picture of a lake). I have climbed the mountains. Now, How do I go home? Who can help me? (shows the picture of a ship.) The school is over. I will go home. 3 ship is coming. I go home by ship. Students repeat the sentence and try to spell the word. Step5:Students learn the word “train” . T: (Shows the picture of railway). I crossed the lake by ship. But I cant get home. Next, How do I go home? Who can help me? (shows the picture of a train.) The train is coming. I go home by train. Students repeat the sentence and try to spell the word. Step6:Students learn the word “bus” . T: (Shows the picture of a bus station). But I cant get home. Next, How do I go home? Who can help me? (shows the picture of a bus.) The bus is coming. I go home by bus. Students repeat the sentence and try to spell the word. Step7:Students learn the word “taxi” . T: (Shows the picture of a road ). My home is far away for the school. Next, How do I go home? Who can help me? (shows the picture of a taxi.) The taxi is coming. I go home by taxi. Students repeat the sentence and try to spell the word. Step8: Sum up the story. T: (Shows the picture of Gagas home.) This is my home. I get home. Thank you for your helping? From now on, if you meet someone need help, please give him or her a hand. III、Practice 4 1、Read the new words after the video. 2、Lets repeat Teacher plays as Gaga and plays the PPT and students try to answer : How do I go home? Students try to repeat the sentences according to the pictures: I go home by. 3、Look and say Students look at the pictures , then say and spell the words as soon as quickly. 4、Lets talk: How do you go to school? How do you go home? IV、Production: Lets talk about our traveling. T:(Shows a picture of many places of interesting.) There are many beautiful places in our country. (Show a picture of teachers traveling.) I go to Hainan by plane. What about you? Students talk about their traveling and use the sentence: I go toby. V、Homework: Use the words we learnt this class to make words cards and draw the pictures on them. Blackboard Writing 5 I go to school / go home ship train by bus taxi Unit 3 How Do You Come to School?第一课时说课稿 (陕西旅游出版社) 一、说教材一、说教材 How Do You Come to School?一课为陕西旅游出版社英语三 年级下册第三单元内容。本单元重点围绕交通工具使用的英文表达 展开学习活动,话题贴近生活,利于学生去表述和使用英语语言知 识。 结合以上对教材的分析及学生学习的实际,我确立了以下教学 目标: (一)知识与技能 让学生能听、说、读、写下面词汇:bus, train, ship, taxi, school, home。 (二)过程与方法 1、让学生适应英语思维能力,进行跨文化交际。 2、通过读单词体验单词自然拼读法并逐渐掌握其使用规律。 3、学生能熟练地使用学习的词汇表达以下句型:How do you go to?并激励学生乐于使用以上句型和大家分享自己的旅游经历。 (三)情感态度与价值观 1、在学习过程中学会帮助他人; 2、鼓励学生绿色出行,保护环境。 本节课的教学重点为让学生能熟练地听、说、读、写、用所学 的新词汇。教学难点是让学生让学生灵活地使用本节课的词、句。 二、说教法二、说教法 根据本节课的教学内容及教学目标,我主要使用了一下教学方 法:故事教学法,情境教学法,交际教学法,动作教学法,三位一 体教学法,具体体现在以下教学环节: 故事教学法贯穿始终,本节课以 GooseGaga 为主人公,以 Gaga 的回家路为线索,以故事的形式为学生展现了新知识,让学生 在故事中学习新知;情境教学法体现在充分运用多媒体手段,为学 生打造了 Gaga 要回家这一情境,让学生根据情境进行直观学习;交 际教学法体现在最后拓展升华部分与学生通过英语语言交际讨论自 己的旅行经历;三位一体教学法主要体现在单词拼写教学中贯穿自 然拼读法,让学生将字母、音标、音素整体感知,利于单词记忆和 正确发音,为以后的英语语言能力提升奠定基础。 三、说学法三、说学法 在课堂中,我利用多种方法促使学生多听、多读、多说,形成 自主、探究性学习的氛围,让学生在互动交流中建立自信,拓展视 野,享受学习的快乐,得到相关知识,成为学习的主人,培养其对 英语语言知识的综合实践能力。 四、说教学过程四、说教学过程 本节课主要分歌曲导入、新知呈现、巩固练习、讨论拓展四个 环节。 (一)歌曲导入以歌曲Goose Go为切入点,让学生随视频 一起边唱边跳,让课堂气氛活跃起来,引起学生参与课堂活动的兴 趣,同时用歌曲引出本节课故事的主人公 gooseGaga。 (二)新知 呈现部分以故事的形式呈现,老师以角色扮演的形式,带上头饰, 告诉学生 Im Gaga.通过 Gaga 来介绍自己的 school,home;接下来 告诉学生 Gaga 放学了,要回家了,但是家离学校很远,需要大家帮 助,同时先后出示大山、湖泊、铁路、公交牌、公路的图片,以此 为提示,通过问题 How do I go home?来进行学习 I go home by plane/ship/train/bus/taxi,其中在单词学习时充分使用自然拼读法让 学生掌握单词的读法和写法。最后以 Gaga 回到家并感谢同学们的帮 助升华到情感教育我们要乐于去帮助在困境中的人。 (三)巩固 练习部分分为两个部分,第一部分为复习复述,让学生们通过图片 自己来复述 Gaga 的回家路,对新学知识进行了再一次的巩固;第二 部分让学生通过图片快速的说出并拼写单词,对本节课的教学内容 进行了再次扎实的练习。 (四)讨论拓展也分了两部分,第一部分向 学生抛出问题 How do you go to school/go home?让学生讨论并回答 完整的句子。最后老师最以总结:I go to school and go home on foot. Because it can protect our environment.为学生引出词组 on foot 并进行 价值观教育绿色出行,保护环境。第二部分中,想学生展示了 祖国各地美丽的旅游地照片,同时因为学生对老师非常感兴趣,所 以展示了两张老师旅行的照片,老师介绍了自己的旅行经历:I go to Saya by plane. I go to Jia Yuguan bu train.以此来鼓励学生谈谈自己的 旅行经历,增加了英语语言的工具性,也拓展了学生的视野。 同时,在板书设计时结合图片,形成了完整的句子:I go to school/go home by ship/train/bus/taxi.让学生一目了然。 总之,整节课以 Gaga 的回家路为线索,为学生创设了一个完整 的情境,让学生在情境中学习新知,并用所学知识来表达自己的旅 行经历,体现了英语语言学习工具性和人文性两大课程性质。 板书设计:板书设计: I go to school / go home ship train by bus taxi
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