陕旅版三年级下册英语Unit 6 Where is my eraser -Unit 6 Where is my eraser (通用)-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:a024a).zip

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陕西旅游出版社三年下册 cat dog bag ball book bike pencil chair desk window door floor classroom It is in the box Look! Its near the box Unit 6 Where is my eraser? 第一课时第一课时 Teaching aims : 1. 学习“四会”单词 chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom 2. 能运用句型:This is .认识这些单词 3. 复习之前学过的:cat, dog, ball , bag, book, pencil, bike 等单词 4. 掌握方位介词的用法:in, on, under, near Teaching key points: 能听懂、会写、会读、会说 chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom Teaching difficulties: 用英语描述物体在哪里 Teaching methods :Look ,read and say. Teaching aids: 图片,实物,PPT Teaching procedures: 一、 引入。Leading in 师:Open your books, turn to page 45, Part A, Look and Say. Can you find the cat/ dog/ ball / bag/book/pencil/bike? 指名回答。 中文回答后老师要求学生用英文回答,生迟疑。师随即引入新课: 今天让我们一起来学习 Unit 6 Where is my eraser?(板书课题)以及如 果用英语回答物体在哪里。 二、 新授 Presentation 1. Learn the new words. 要用英语回答这个问题,我们必须先学习 4 个表示位置关系的介词。 接下来我们看图来认识这 4 个介词: on T:on on 在上面 on on on S:on on 在上面 on on on S2:on on 在上面 S3:. 出示一个实物放在桌子和盒子上。 T:Look and say with me. On the desk.on the box. S:On the desk.on the box. in T:in in in in 在里面,在里面 S:in in in in 在里面,在里面 T:Boys say. Boys:in in in in 在里面,在里面 T:Good!Girls say. Girls:in in in in 在里面,在里面 T:Look and say with me.in the desk.in the box S:in the desk.in the box. Under T:under ,under,under.在下面,在.下面.un/n/ der/d/ S:under,under,under.在下面,在下面.un/n/der/d/ T:Show and say :Where?Where? under the desk.under the box. S:Under the desk. Under the box. near T:ear/i/ /i/ /i/ n-e-a-r S: ear/i/ /i/ /i/ T: n-e-a-r /ni/near,near near 在附近,在附近 S: n-e-a-r /ni/near,near near 在附近,在附近 2. Read and write. Read,spell and write. (两遍单词,一遍词义,拼写一遍后再读一遍 单词) Bomb,bomb read.(师说中文,生说英文。师说英文,生说中文。就 给他或她一个炸弹。) 3. Do and say. T:Do and say with me :on on 在上面(手做动作) 。 in in 在里面。 under under 在下面。 near near 在附近。 T:Do and say in the group follow the teacher.(小组内一个同学说其 他同学做。) Put a pen on the book. in the book. under the book. near the book. 4. 师再指着教室里的实物或者 PPT 上的图片用同样的方法教学生学 习本课的新单词:chair, desk, window, door, floor, classroom 三、 巩固 consolidation 1. T: Now please look at “Look and think” part, and then answer my questions in English T: Where is the cat in picture 1/2/3/4? SS:Its on /in/under/near the box. 2. Invite five students to come to the blackboard to play a game. 师说英文单词,学生 touch the objects For example: Touch the door. (The one who response quickest will be the winner) 四、练习 Practice Activity 1. T:好!接下来,请同学们根据图片提示完成空格。五个同学到 黑板前来写,其他同学写在书上 49 面。 3. Check there answers. 五、小结 Summing up 今天,我们学到了什么?(见板书) 四、 板书 Writing Unit 6 Where is my eraser? Can you find the . on 在上面 Its on the desk. in 在里面 in the desk. under 在下面 under the desk. near 在附近 near the desk. chair 椅子 desk 书桌 window 窗户 door 门 floor 地板 五、 Homework. 1. Copy the words:on,in,under,near, chair, desk, window, door, floor 2. Preview “Lets talk” part.
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