陕旅版四年级下册英语Unit 5 Where are you going -Part A-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:004bb).zip

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陕旅版 四年级下册 Unit5Unit5 WhereWhere AreAre YouYou Going?Going? Part A Lets learn Part C Read and complete ReviewReview Play a game Whats missing? do exercise do some washing do his homework see a film fly a kite climb the mountain play football Warm-up Sing a song Lead-inLead-in Free talk What do you often do on the weekend? Presentation bus stop Lets learn Lets go to the bus stop! Presentation park Lets learn We can fly a kite in the park. Presentation cinema Lets learn We are in the cinema. Presentation Lets learn Now we are in the bookstore. bookstore Presentation Lets learn buy a story book In the bookstore, we can buy a story book. Lets buy some water in the shop. Presentation Lets learn shop Presentation Lets learn hospital I have a cold. Lets go to the hospital. Practise buy a story book shop buy stop cinema park hospital bookstore Practice Magic fingers Practise Read and complete They want to see a film. They are going to the _. Kevin wants to buy some books. He is going to the _. The children are going to the _ to fly kites. The students is going to the _ buy a pencil. A. cinema B. park C. shop D. bookstore A 答案答案 D B C Summary 本课所学的重点单词: park cinema shop bookstore Summary 本课所学的重点单词: hospital bus stop buy a story book Homework 1.听课文录音并跟读,按照正确的语音、语调朗读 并表演课文对话。 2.同伴之间互相提问本节课所学的新单词,并默写 一遍。 3.预习 Unit5 A Lets talk。 1 / 5 Unit5 Where Are You Going 第第 1 课时教学设计课时教学设计 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1. 以学习 Lets learn 部分所列举的场所名称为主,要求学生能听、说、读、 写词汇:park, cinema, shop, bookstore, hospital, bus stop, buy a story book,并熟练 运用。 2. 引导学生完成 Part C Read and complete 部分的内容。 二、教学准备二、教学准备 1. 教师准备: (1) Lets learn 部分的图片。 (2) Lets learn 部分的教学音频。 (3) 实物:一本故事书和一张一百元的人民币。 三、教学方法建议三、教学方法建议 课程导入课程导入(Leading In) (1)课前问答 I. 师生问答,复习以前学过的描述日常活动的词汇: T: Hello, everyone! Its nice to see you here. What do you often do on Monday? S1: I often . T: Do you fly a kite on Monday? S1: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. T: Do you read books on Tuesday? S1: Yes, I do./No, I dont. T: Do you see a film on Sunday? S1: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 2. 教师同班内其他学生就上述结果进行问答,复习一般现在时态中主语是 单数第三人称时的句子结构: T: What does S1 do on Monday? Ss: He / She often . T: Does he / she fly a kite on Monday? Ss: Yes, he / she does. / No, he / she doesnt. T: Does he / she read books on Tuesday? 2 / 5 Ss: Yes, he / she does. / No, he / she doesnt T: Does he / she see a film on Sunday? Ss: Yes, he / she does. / No, he / she doesnt (2)新课导入 教师承接上一环节,继续问答,并描述自己的活动,引入新内容: T: What do you often do on the weekend? S2:I often . T: And I often do exercise. Sometimes I do some washing or go to the park. 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation) (1)新课展示 Part A Lets learn 教师预设情境,将本节课要学习的场所图片分别贴在教室四面的墙上,然 后告诉学生今天是周末,自己要带他们出去玩,将本课场所词汇作为主要游玩 地点。在使用引导语时,教师注意尽量采用以前所学句型进行陈述。 1. 教授词汇 bus stop。 T: Well, today is Saturday. Lets go out to play. Ss: Great! T:(教师走到公共汽车站图片的旁边)First! Lets go to the bus stop! 教师板书 bus stop 并领读几遍,其间注意提醒学生 stop 中 st 浊化之后的读 音是sd,教师注意纠正学生的错误读音。 2. 教授单词 park。 教师走到公园图片的附近: T: Look. Its a park. We can fly a kite in the park. 教师板书 park 并领读几遍。 3. 教授单词 cinema。 教师继续在教室里走,并高兴地说: T: Lets go to other places. Oh, look, we can see a film here. Where are we? Ss: Cinema. / 电影院。 T: Yes. We are in the cinema. 教师板书单词 cinema 并领读几遍。 3 / 5 4. 新授词汇 bookstore 和 buy a story book。 T: I like to read books. Do you like to read books, too? Ss: Yes, I / we do. T: (教师走到 bookstore 图片的旁边)Well, lets go to the bookstore then. 教师板书 bookstore 并让学生拼读。告诉学生 bookstore 是由 book (书)和 store (商店)组成的合成词。 学生拼读熟练后,教师出示故事书,并提问: T: Now we are in the bookstore. Do you like this story book? Ss: Yes, I / we do. 教师教授 story book,让学生理解其意思并领读几遍。 T: Lets buy a story book. (边说边拿出钱,让学生理解 buy 的意思为“买”) 教师可多重复几遍该单词,然后板书 buy a story book 并领读该短语。 5. 新授单词 shop 和 hospital。 教师假装很渴,想要喝水: T: Im thirsty. I want to drink some water.(走到 shop 图片的旁边)Look, its a shop. Lets buy some water in the shop. 教师板书 shop 并引领学生拼读 sh-o-p-p。 之后,教师喝水,并做因为水很冰而发抖状;然后假装感冒打喷嚏: T: Oh, I have a cold.(走向 hospital 的图片) Lets go to the hospital. 教师板书 hospital 并让学生拼读,其间注意纠正学生的错误发音,尤其是 sp 浊化之后的发音,应为 hosp-/sb/-ital 而不是 hosp-/sp/-ital。 (2)教师播放录音,让学生听并跟读 Lets learn 部分的词汇。 1. 学生集体听录音跟读词汇,要求指读。 2. 学生分组听录音跟读词汇,要求指读。 3. 个别学生展示,教师进行评价。 4. 教师就学生容易读错的词汇,如 bus stop 及 hospital 等进行针对性的训 练。 操练活动的设计与实施建议(操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities) 4 / 5 (1)我说你指 1. 教师要求学生环顾教室四周,先熟悉每幅图片在教室里的位置。 2. 教师说词汇,学生指向相应的图片;对第一名指对并大声说出该词汇的 学生,教师要予以表扬和奖励。 3. 教师将学生分成四组,每组选出一位学生来代表该组参加比赛,教师快 速说词汇,学生代表指出相应的图片,看看哪组的学生指得又快又准! (2)Simon says 本环节的目的在于让学生熟记词汇的读音,要求学生通过反复读的方式, 在有趣的游戏中不知不觉地识记词汇的发音。如: T: Simon says, “Bookstore.” Ss:(学生跟读)Bookstore. T: Bookstore. Ss:(学生不能跟读,否则即为犯规,教师可以让其他学生假装扔炸弹,惩罚 该学生) 教师也可将 Simon 换成班里其他没有积极参与游戏的学生的名字,这样可 以让没认真听课的孩子将注意力转移到课堂上,有效提高教学效率。 (3)Look and match 教师用大屏幕出示动词短语 see a film, buy a story book, fly a kite, by bus / take a bus, buy a pencil 以及本节课所学的有关场所的单词,让学生将活动与相 应的场所连线,比比看谁的反应最快! 大屏幕内容参考如下: see a film shop buy a story book park fly a kite cinema buy bus / take a bus bus stop buy a pencil bookstore (4)Part C Read and complete 5 / 5 教师在指导学生完成本部分练习的时候,可以提前向学生渗透 be going to 句型的意思为“将要” ,在方便学生完成练习的同时,使他们提前感知 be going to 句型结构,为下节课的内容作铺垫。 参考答案: 1. cinema 2. bookstore 3. park 4. shop。 【板书设计板书设计】
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