陕旅版四年级下册英语Unit 8 What can you do -Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:313d7).zip

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陕旅版英语四年级下册陕旅版英语四年级下册 unit 8 What Can You Do?unit 8 What Can You Do? (第四课时 Part B Read a story) let s chant What can you do? What can you do? Climb the tree, climb the tree, I can climb the tree. What can he do? What can he do? Cross the river, cross the river, he can cross the river. What can they do? What can they do? Pick bananas, pick bananas, they can pick bananas. 1.Can the monkey cross the river? No, it cant. But it can climb the tree. 2.Can the turtle climb the tree? No, it cant. But it can cross the river. There are many bananas on the trees. How can I get them? I can climb the trees, but I cant cross the river. The bananas are nice. How can have them? I can cross the river. But I cant climb the trees. I can help you cross I can help you cross the river. And you the river. And you can pick some can pick some bananas for us. bananas for us. We We can help each can help each other.other. Thats a good idea! How nice!Yummy! Yummy! 与你的同伴 分角色朗读故事(练习 时间4分钟),然后 上台有感情朗读。 Show TimeShow Time Practice with your partner. 两人一组合作分角色朗读故事, (4分钟练习时间)然后上台 朗读故事。 What can you learn from the story? We should help each other. Chen Sitian can draw pictures. Lv Siyu can write well. They can help each other.help each other. _can teach us make paper hearts and flowers. _ can give us some small flowers _ can provide scissors(剪刀)and glue(胶水) we can help each other.help each other. Boys can move the desks and chairs. Girls can clean the floor. We can help each other. Cooperate with others, you can do better. HomeworkHomework 1. Tell this story to your family. 2. Try to read another story. Unit 8 What Can You Do? (Part B Read a story)教学反思 英语课程标准倡导小学英语教学的目标首先是培养学生的兴趣,在语音、听力、口语等 方面打一个基本的基础,而简单故事的朗读正是课标的综合呈现。陕旅版教材四年级开始 给学生加入简单情境完整的故事,本课是四年级下册最后一个单元的故事,故事一般都在 安排在每个单元的最后。 本课构思: 朗读故事对于学生来说是一个难点,它是对整个单元知识的整合和再提升,因为书中所 选故事都简单易懂,生动有趣,所以学生的兴趣都挺浓的,兴趣是做好的老师,引导好了 学生就会热情投入。本课的故事因为篇幅较长,加之有一部分生词汇,所以较之前的故事, 稍微有些难度。为了降低故事的难度,首先我编了一个 chant, 把故事中用到的三个重点动 词短语 climb the tree, cross the river, pick bananas 放入 chant 中,让学生在轻松有节奏的氛 围中会读这几个动词短语,为后面的讲故事环节服务。接着我用两个文中主人公 monkey 和 turtle 的玩偶的吸引学生的注意力,并提问他们 What can the monkey do? What can the turtle do?学生根据常识回答 The monkey/It can climb the trees. The turtle/It can swim.这个提问 也为故事的朗读进一步扫清障碍。紧接着让学生观察故事中的图片,通过 Whats in the picture?提问,学生用 There is/There are 来描述图片,进一步熟悉故事。勾起学生读故事的 欲望以后,让学生带着问题听故事,由于之前的活动,学生已经熟悉了一部分句子,所以 只有少数句子不能正确流利朗读。学生听完完整的故事后,对故事有一个整体的认知,接 着让学生听,跟读故事,模仿语音语调,只有充分的语言的输入,学生才能进行语言输出, 做到正确、流利、有感情朗读。跟读的过程中对重难点短语 help each other 进行重点朗读, 再次为学生扫除朗读障碍。跟读之后学生整体朗读,男女生整体分角色朗读,让有个别单 词发音困惑的学生可以再听两遍。整体分角色朗读后,给学生 4 分钟时间(根据课堂情况, 实践调整为 5 分钟)让学生们两人一组合作分角色朗读给学生。学生准备好以后,我在白 板上简单设置了一个场景,并且把故事中的两个主人公 monkey 和 turtle 都做成了头饰,让 学生更有画面感,更容易进入故事。故事展示后,利用故事情节和学生生活中的生活场景 进行了情感升华。 本课收获 本节课利用 chant,动物玩偶,图片,动作等辅助来展示这个故事,所以学生能一步一 步逐渐扫清朗读障碍,因此表现得不错,基本上能够全情投入,回答清晰准确,表演环节 大部分学生都能够上台展示,而且有的学生在排练的时候自己创新地加入了动作,比较出 乎我的意料,所以今后的教学中,辅助的教学用具要准备充分,给学生营造轻松愉快的学 习英语的气氛,同时做好充足的语言环境创设,让学生更有体验式学习的感觉。 本课不足的地方及改进措施: 1. 个别部分组织语言稍有些复杂,不利于学生理解,以后在备课时再多练习,多与同 头课老师磨课,尽量用学生能够理解的语言,简单而有效地引导学生。 2. 学生的展示环节不应该叫第一举手的韩同学,他本身的语言能力强,第一个上台直 接脱稿表演,给后面的学生造成很大的压力,吓得一部分想展示的学生都不敢上台了,让 学生们误以为不能带书朗读,后来我反复强调可以带书,学生才犹豫上台展示。下次展示 时,不能急于让能力太强的学生第一个展示,可以先让比较强,但其他学生尚可通过努力 超越的学生上台展示。 3. 情感升华部分仍需改进,从故事情感升华后转入学生身边的例子,让学生明白合作 的重要性,因为考虑到学生的词汇有限,所以基本上属于我在说,学生在听,不知道怎样 引导学生通过英语说一个“我和谁”相互帮助的例子。此外,在呈现学生合作图片时,我 没有强调,因为合作,让结果更好,有点遗憾。 课题:Unit 8 What Can You Do? (Part B Read a story) 【Teaching Aims】 1. Students can understand the story and read the story fluently. 2.Through this story, students can know the meaning of helping others and the importance of cooperation. 【The Key Points】 1. Students can understand the story and read the story fluently. 2.Through this story, students can know the meaning of helping other and the importance of cooperation. 【The Difficult Points】 1. Students can understand the story and read the story fluently. 2.Through this story, students can know the meaning of helping others and realize the importance of cooperation. 【Analysis of this part】 This part is the conclusion of this unit. Through the story, students can practice the main structures and know the meaning of helping others. 【Analysis of students】 Students from Grade Four can use simple structures to express their abilities, but they cant express them well because of the limited words. The story is a good way to add their words, but it is a little difficult for the students from Grade Four, they have less than two years English learning experience. But they have great interests to the story. In this class, I use toys and pictures to make the story easy to read. 【Teaching Procedure】 Step I: Leading in 1. Greeting 2. Warming up. Lets chant together. T: First time, listen to me. What can you do? What can you do? Climb the tree, climb the tree, I can climb the tree. What can he do? What can he do? Cross the river, cross the river, he can cross the river. What can they do? What can they do? Pick bananas, pick bananas, they can pick bananas. T: Now lets chant together. (Students chant) Step II Presentation 1. T: Today, I bring you two animals. Whats this? Ss:Its a monkey. T: What can the monkey do? Ss:It can climb the tree. T: Whats this? Ss: It is a turtle. T: What can the turtle do? Ss: It can swim. T: They are the two roles of the story. (引出课题:unit 8Unit 8 What Can You Do? (Part B Read a story) Now, lets look at the pictures. Whats in the pictures? S1: There is a monkey. S2: There are some banana trees. T: Whats on the tree? S3: There are some bananas on the tree. S4: There is a river and a turtle. T: Now, listen to the story, and answer the following questions. Are there many bananas on the tree? Ss: Yes, there are. T: It is a interesting story. Do you want to read it? Ss:Yes. 2. Listen to the story and answer the two questions. Can the monkey cross the river? Can the turtle climb the tree? Students answer the questions. 3. T: Do you want to read the story? Ss: Yes. T: Now lets listen to the story and follow it. (逐句播放,让学生跟读,跟读两遍。 ) 第三幅图读完后顺势板书:help each other,因为 each other 学生之前接触的少,所 以课堂上适当讲解。 T: Ok, lets read together. (遇到学生不好读的句子再领他们读。 ) T: Girls,you are the monkey, and boys, you are the turtle. Lets have a try. (点评) StepIII Practice Activities. Ask students to read the story with their partners in 4minnutes and read the story at the stage. Step IV Extending 1. Ask some questions about the story and let them know the importance of helping each other. 2. Talk about what can you learn from the story. 3. Show the pictures when they help each other and tell them the importance of helping others and cooperating with others. Step V Homework 1. Tell the story to your parents. 2. Read another story.
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