陕旅版六年级下册英语Unit 2 What Would You Like -Part A-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:10544).zip

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陕西旅游出版社陕西旅游出版社六年级下册六年级下册 Unit 2: What would you like? (period one) What do you like? Food: noodles dumplings rice bunsoupcakebread hamburgerhot dog chickenbeef fish Drinks: water tea coke coffee milk juice Fruits: apple banana grapes orange strawberry pear three hamburgers twelve apples ? noodles a bowla a bowl of noodlesa bowl of rice two bowls of noodles a plate two plates glass glasses bottle bottles cupcups a piece oftwo pieces of a box of milk a glass and a bag of milk 教学小贴士教学小贴士 数量词一般用在对数量词一般用在对不可数不可数物质物质 名词的数量表达上,它们搭配是相名词的数量表达上,它们搭配是相 对固定的,也很常用。对固定的,也很常用。 例:例:a bowl of noodles () a bottle of noodles () Listen and repeat: .mp4 Lets play: “句子接龙句子接龙”(P13) 规则:每组的小组长向组员提问规则:每组的小组长向组员提问:“What would you like?”,小组内每个人分别运用正确的,小组内每个人分别运用正确的 量词词组说出各自想要的物品,而且数量要量词词组说出各自想要的物品,而且数量要 依次递增。如:依次递增。如: S1:Id like a glass of water.S2(叫出下一个学生名字叫出下一个学生名字 ). S2:Id like two cups of tea. S3. S3:Id like three .S4. Homework: This is for you. Please write down them after dinner. (请写下今天的晚餐请写下今天的晚餐) 【陕旅版小学英语六年级下册第二单元教学设计陕旅版小学英语六年级下册第二单元教学设计】 Unit 2 :What Would You Like? (Period One) Unit 2 :What Would You Like? (Period One)教学设计教学设计 【教学目标教学目标】 一、知识目标一、知识目标 1、能听、说、读、写以下词汇:、能听、说、读、写以下词汇: a bowl of noodles,a plate of beef,a glass of juice,a bottle of water,a cup of tea,a piece of bread. 2、能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型:能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型: -What would you like? -Id like 2、能力目标能力目标 1、要求学生掌握如何表达食物、饮品的数量。、要求学生掌握如何表达食物、饮品的数量。 2、能把量词词组灵活运用于功能语言之中。、能把量词词组灵活运用于功能语言之中。 三、情感目标三、情感目标 1、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生乐于参与、勇于、激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生乐于参与、勇于 交际实践。交际实践。 2、培养学生热爱生活、节约粮食的情操。、培养学生热爱生活、节约粮食的情操。 【教学重点教学重点】 掌握量词词组并灵活运用于功能语言中。掌握量词词组并灵活运用于功能语言中。 【教学难点教学难点】 量词词组的搭配以及在日常生活中的准确运用。量词词组的搭配以及在日常生活中的准确运用。 【教学准备教学准备】 1、词汇教学卡片、词汇教学卡片 2、PPT 教学课件教学课件 【教学过程教学过程】 StepI:Warming up (热身热身) 1、sing an English song“Ten Little Apples” 2、Greeting(T-S) T:Good morning,boys and girls. Ss: Good morning,Miss Yin. T:How are you today? Ss:Im fine,thank you.And you? T:Im fine,too.Thanks!I had bread and water this morning.Whats for breakfast?(早餐引人) S1:Milk. S2:A bun. S3:An egg. T:Oh,you had milk,a bun and an egg for breakfast.Then Whats for lunch?Now lets look at our lunch. StepII:Revision (复习复习) 1、出示一幅餐桌 PPT 图画,以 What do you like?进行提问, 采用头脑风暴的方式复习已学过的食物,饮品、水果之类的词 汇。 T:Wow,what a big meal.There is a lot of food,drinks and fruits on the table.What do you like?Look at these things.Please read and translate.They are food.(出示食物类词汇) T:Now Im thirsty.I want some drinks.(出示饮品类词汇) T:Im not full.And I would like some fruits.These are fruits. (出示水果类词汇) 2、出示一桌饭菜,以“午餐”为情境导入。 T:Here is something for lunch.Look!Whats on the table? Step:Presentation(p:Presentation(教授新知识教授新知识) ) 1、导入新课。 T:Look at the table.Oh,hamburgers.How many hamburgers can you see?And how many apples?Em,how many noodles?We cannot say one or two or three noodles.How to express? 2、新课展示 PartA:Lets learn 教授词组 a bowl of noodles 先呈现一个碗的画面时,向学生介绍:This is a bowl.板书 a bowl(以旧引新:showow bowl),然后出示一碗面,This is noodles.The noodles in a bowl,we can say“a bowl of noodles”.板 书“of noodles”并领读此短语,引导学生学习运用:a bowl of rice 并加以拓展。 图示两碗,让学生了解类似词汇的复数表达:two bowls of noodlesrice, 教授词组 a plate of beef 出示画面,首先教授单词 plate,并板书(已学单词 late 引人 plate) ,然后教授词组 a plate of beef,及其复数的表达 twothree plates of beefchickenstrawberries 教授词组 a glass of juice T:look,this is a glass.This is juice.We can say:“a glass of juice” ,板书(grass-glass)并领读。 引导学生学习运用:a glass of watermilk随后拓展学 习其复数表达 twothreeglasses of 教师提醒学生 glass 的复数为 glasses。 教授词组 a bottle of water T:This is a bottle.this is water.This is a bottle of water.板书(little-bottle)并领读,之后出示可乐,拓展 复数表达。This is coke,a bottle of coke.That is another bottle of coke.They are two bottles of coke. 教授词组 a cup of tea T:This is a cup,板书(cut-cup),a cup of tea.出示两 杯咖啡课件,学习其复数表达 two cups of coffee,领读 cup,cups.强调 a cup of 最常用于 tea 和 coffee. 教授词组 a piece of bread T:This is bread,a piece of bread.板书后学习复数 three pieces of bread。 随堂拓展:a boxbagof 先介绍容器或餐具,再构成短语引导学生学习运用,教授 要鼓励学生尽量多地把学过的东西与这些短语联系起来使用。 a、展示一张纸,进行描述。Look at the paper,a piece of paper,three pieces of paper. b、展示牛奶(瓶装、盒装、袋装) ,拓展词组。This is milk,a bottle of milk.Look at the box,a box of milk.That is a bag,a bag of milk. 3、知识小结,板书句型机构。 T:Look at the blackboard-writing.Look at the six words.教师指着板书的六个数量词,然后让学生观察它们都是什 么名词,教师进行总结强调。不可数物质名词表示数量时要使 用合适的数量词。出示 PPT 口诀,讲解并小结重难点,实现情 感目标。 T:Lunch-Time is coming.The food,drinks and fruits are nice and delicious.But you shouldnt waste them. T:Now I would likeWhat would you like?They are period one of Unit 2 板书句型,点明单元主题。 4、教师播放录音,让学生听并跟读 Lets learn 部分的 词汇。 StepStepIVIV:Practice(Practice(练习巩固练习巩固) ) Lets play: “句子接龙”(P13) 规则:每组的小组长向组员提问:“What would you like?” ,小组内每个人分别运用正确的量词词组说出各自 想要的物品,而且数量要依次递增。如: S1:Id like a glass of water.S2(叫出下一个学生名字). S2:Id like two cups of tea. S3. S3:Id like three .S4. StepStepV V:HomeworkHomework(作业)(作业) 出示一幅大餐图片,布置作业。This is for you.Please write down them after dinner.(请写下今天的晚餐)
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